Cuban President Diaz-Canel Describes as ‘Lumpen, Lazy and Corrupt’ Those Who ’Do Not Work and Do Not Contribute’ in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 28 October 2022 — The Cuban authorities have deployed 40 measures “aimed at further confrontation with crime, corruption, illegality and social indiscipline,” Prime Minister Manuel Marrero announced this Wednesday in the Council of Ministers. The plan is centered on three areas. First, the control systems for new “economic actors,” predictably the private companies. … Continue reading “Cuban President Diaz-Canel Describes as ‘Lumpen, Lazy and Corrupt’ Those Who ’Do Not Work and Do Not Contribute’ in Cuba”

Six Havana Produce Vendors Fined for Selling Tomatoes for 300 Pesos a Pound

14ymedio, Havana, 27 October 2022 — Produce market vendors in the Havana suburb of Playa received fines of up to 8,000 pesos and had their merchandise confiscated last weekend by the Municipal Inspection Directorate (DIM) for selling fruits and vegetables at inflated prices. A local newspaper reported that the DIM imposed penalties on six individuals. The … Continue reading “Six Havana Produce Vendors Fined for Selling Tomatoes for 300 Pesos a Pound”

Cuba’s Economy: Less Control, More Freedom

14ymedio, Elias Amor Bravo, Economist, October 22, 2022 — There is not a single country in the world whose leaders spend as much time, or consume as much energy, revising and perfecting systems for monitoring and controlling the economy as Cuba. If one were to add up all the hours dedicated to this task, they … Continue reading “Cuba’s Economy: Less Control, More Freedom”

Cuba Needs 1.4 Million Travelers to Meet its Tourism Goal in 2022

14ymedio, Madrid, 20 October 2022 — Three months after the end of the year, the goal of 2.5 million tourists that Cuba expected is confirmed as impossible. In the first nine months of 2022, 1,074,814 international travelers arrived on the Island, so in October, November and December, there must be 1.4 million more to reach … Continue reading “Cuba Needs 1.4 Million Travelers to Meet its Tourism Goal in 2022”

Cuba Will Seek to Attract More International Visitors Through Ecotourism

EFE/14ymedio, Havana, 21 September 2022 — This Tuesday, in Havana, the Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero inaugurated the XIII International Nature Tourism Event, which will aim to diversify offers for tourists on the Island. The event, suspended for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be attended by personalities from 19 countries, as well … Continue reading “Cuba Will Seek to Attract More International Visitors Through Ecotourism”

Food Imports for Cubans, Creole Cuisine for Tourists

14ymedio, Madrid, 13 September 2022 — On Monday, Cuban prime minister Manuel Marrero opened the XII Varadero International Gourmet Festival, whose goal is to encourage foreign investment in the food service sector. “Our Creole cuisine is one of our great strengths, a true gastronomy, which we have learned to fuse with our cocktail traditions. These … Continue reading “Food Imports for Cubans, Creole Cuisine for Tourists”

The Avoidance of Responsibility for the Fires in Matanzas, Cuba

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 9 August 2022 — The communist state press collects statements by Díaz-Canel in which, in relation to the Matanzas fires, it bets on a new line of communication, according to which “we have confidence that we are going to recover.” And that’s what Cuba needs most right now: trust. At … Continue reading “The Avoidance of Responsibility for the Fires in Matanzas, Cuba”

A Failure in the Lightning Rod System, the Official Version of the Matanzas Fire

14ymedio, Havana, 7 August 2022 — “A failure in the lightning rod system, which couldn’t withstand the power of the electric shock,” is the official version that the Cuban Government has given so far on the cause of the gigantic fire that began at the Matanzas Supertanker Base on August 5. The official version that … Continue reading “A Failure in the Lightning Rod System, the Official Version of the Matanzas Fire”

Entertaining People with Popular Control: The Castro Regime Has No Remedy

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 2 August 2022 — With all that is going wrong in Cuba, the state press doesn’t miss an opportunity to transmit a false sense of normality that, far from being confirmed, leads to thinking just the opposite. Constantly in the Castro regime, there is talk of “people’s power” everywhere, without … Continue reading “Entertaining People with Popular Control: The Castro Regime Has No Remedy”

Cuba and Mexico Seal Business Forum With the Signing of 12 Agreements

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 16 July 2022 — Cuba and Mexico closed a bilateral business forum this Friday in Havana with the signing of 12 agreements, after the business rounds held in the last two days in Havana with the main objective of expanding Mexico’s investments on the island. The more than 80 Mexican and … Continue reading “Cuba and Mexico Seal Business Forum With the Signing of 12 Agreements”

The Consequences for the Cuban Economy of the Death of Lopez-Calleja

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 2 July 2022 — The bankruptcy of the Cuban economy and the administration of the enormous wealth of the Castro family are two factors in a first assessment of what Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Calleja’s death means from the economic perspective, and his legacy can be evaluated in terms of these … Continue reading “The Consequences for the Cuban Economy of the Death of Lopez-Calleja”

Belts and Big Shirts to Cover the Cuban Leaders’ Obesity

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 25 June 2022 — Last Thursday, at a fat contest in celebration of Father’s Day in Nicaragua, a man with a circumference of 57 inches around his belly was the winner. The peculiar award has caught the attention of Cubans, who in recent years have seen their relatives lose weight due … Continue reading “Belts and Big Shirts to Cover the Cuban Leaders’ Obesity”

Cuban Government’s Triumphant Data on Tourism Covers Up a Dire Reality

14ymedio, Havana, 20 June 2022 — As of the month of May, the Cuban government has obtained just over 261 million dollars from tourism, of the 1,159 million that it aspires to collect in this sector throughout the year, according to the triumphant estimate of disastrous data that it offered last Friday. At the beginning … Continue reading “Cuban Government’s Triumphant Data on Tourism Covers Up a Dire Reality”

In Havana, It is Not Two Men Who Are Judged, But a Symbol

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, 31 May 2022 — The last Monday of May dawned cloudy and humid in Havana. However, it was not the possibility of a shower or the difficulties of getting around in a city paralyzed by the fuel crisis that were the main features of the day. In the Court of Marianao, a … Continue reading “In Havana, It is Not Two Men Who Are Judged, But a Symbol”

The Cuban State Only Completed 42 Percent of the Homes Planned for 2021

EFE/14ymedio, Havana, 20 March 2022 — The Cuban Ministry of Construction (Micons) only completed 42% of the houses it planned to build in 2021 and 41% of the planned repairs. According to the ministry’s annual report, presented this Saturday by official media, last year 18,645 homes were completed from the state plans, of the nearly … Continue reading “The Cuban State Only Completed 42 Percent of the Homes Planned for 2021”