For Ordinary Cubans, Democracy Isn’t a Priority / Iván García

Iván García, 19 April 2017 — When evening falls, Yainier and a group of friends who live in El Canal, a neighborhood in the Cerro municipality, 20 minutes by car from the center of Havana, grab a table by the door of an old bodega, and between swigs of rum and Reggaeton, they play dominoes well … Continue reading “For Ordinary Cubans, Democracy Isn’t a Priority / Iván García”

Cuban Opponents Who Bet On The Ballot Box

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 3 April 2017 – In any part of the world, the first option a politician has to participate in power is usually through elections, but in Cuba this path seems the most Utopian. However, on the eve of the start of the electoral process that will culminate with the formation of … Continue reading “Cuban Opponents Who Bet On The Ballot Box”

A Year After Obama’s Visit, Cubans Feel Disillusioned With His Legacy / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, 19 March 2017 – It rained when the presidential plane touched down on the tarmac at Havana’s Airport. On 20 March 2016, Barack Obama began a historic visit to the island that awakened hopes and sparked questions. One year after that visit, Cubans are taking stock of what happened and, in particular, … Continue reading “A Year After Obama’s Visit, Cubans Feel Disillusioned With His Legacy / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar”

Cuban Police Prevent Joanna Columbié From Boarding A Plane To Mexico / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 6 March 2017 – Cuban police prevented activist Joanna Columbié from boarding a plane this Monday heading to Mexico. The car in which she was raveling was intercepted on the way to the airport and a State Security official warned her that she would not be allowed to travel abroad, according to what … Continue reading “Cuban Police Prevent Joanna Columbié From Boarding A Plane To Mexico / 14ymedio”

Official Fervor Towards Fidel Castro Contrasts With the Indifference of Young People / EFE-14ymedio, Lorena Canto

EFE (via 14ymedio), Lorena Canto, Havana, 5 March 2017 — A hundred days after his death and although Cuba has limited by law the use of his name and image, the figure of Fidel Castro is more present than ever on the island, where the fervor towards the former president is beginning to take on messianic proportions … Continue reading “Official Fervor Towards Fidel Castro Contrasts With the Indifference of Young People / EFE-14ymedio, Lorena Canto”

The Countdown Begins For Raul Castro’s Departure From Power / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 24 February 2017 — On February 24 of next year Raul Castro must leave the presidency of Cuba if he is to fulfill the promise he has made several times. His announced departure from power is looked on with suspicion by some and seen as an inescapable fact by others, but hardly anyone argues that … Continue reading “The Countdown Begins For Raul Castro’s Departure From Power / 14ymedio”

Who Does Jose Marti Belong To? / Somos+

Somos+, 28 January 2017 — Very early today, January 28th [José Martí’s birthday], State Security agents were at Eliecer Avila’s house to warn him about the impossibility of his “doing anything” today. Later they returned and still have a guard posted out front. We know of several colleagues who are in the same situation or, … Continue reading “Who Does Jose Marti Belong To? / Somos+”

Jose Marti’s Birthday Is Marked By House Arrests / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 28 January 2017 – On the 164th anniversary of the birth of José Martí, the day was marked by house arrests of several activists and the arrest of the regime opponent Manuel Cuesta Morúa. The most intense operation has been against those involved in a global action to demand the release of political prisoners and … Continue reading “Jose Marti’s Birthday Is Marked By House Arrests / 14ymedio”

Looking at Society Through the ‘Cuban Lens’ / 14ymedio, Pedro Acosta

14ymedio, Pedro Acosta, Havana, 12 November 2016 — Iliana Hernandez and Yusmila Reyna circulated among sculptures and art installations at the Cuban Art Factory this week. The two women recorded some scenes for the program Lente Cubano (Cuban Lens), a program that approaches the reality of the island through culture, complaints, and the stories of success or … Continue reading “Looking at Society Through the ‘Cuban Lens’ / 14ymedio, Pedro Acosta”

Cuba Forbids Opposition Observers from Traveling to Columbia Because President Raul Castro “Is Visiting There” / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 28 September 2016 – The reason put forth by the Cuban authorities to block travel to Colombia by opposition members called to be observers in the plebiscite on the that country’s agreement with the FARC, is “national security,” because “the president is already there on a visit.” This is what a security agent, … Continue reading “Cuba Forbids Opposition Observers from Traveling to Columbia Because President Raul Castro “Is Visiting There” / 14ymedio”

UNPACU Reaches 5th Anniversary Amid Achievements And Criticisms / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Luz Escobar/Mario Penton, Havana/Miami, 24 August 2016 – Five years can be a long time in Cuba, when we’re talking about an opposition organization. In the complex kaleidoscope of dissident groups and parties that make up civil society on the island, many are active for only a few months or languish amid repression and … Continue reading “UNPACU Reaches 5th Anniversary Amid Achievements And Criticisms / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Mario Penton”

Guillermo Fariñas’ Organization Withdraws from MUAD / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 1 July 2016 — In the same week, the Democratic Action Roundtable (MUAD) has lost two of its most representative organizations. On Tuesday, the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) withdrew from the organization of opponents, and Thursday the United Anti-totalitarian Front (FANTU), led by Guillermo Fariñas, made public its departure. In a note circulated … Continue reading “Guillermo Fariñas’ Organization Withdraws from MUAD / 14ymedio”

Patriotic Union of Cuba Withdraws From MUAD / 14ymedio, Havana

14ymedio, Havana, 29 June 2016 — The Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) announced Tuesday its intention to withdraw from the Democratic Action Roundtable (MUAD), a political association involving at least 42 groups and social projects. A statement signed by UNPACU’s board of coordinators also explains that the organization will not continue to be involved in the … Continue reading “Patriotic Union of Cuba Withdraws From MUAD / 14ymedio, Havana”

Fidel Castro Brings a Transitional Communist Party Congress to a Close / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 21 April 2016 — He is no longer the beefy guy in the olive green uniform with a Russian pistol in his holster who would give improvised, hours-long speeches in a public square or television studio until he became hoarse. It was a stale, slouching version of Fidel Castro — his hair combed back like … Continue reading “Fidel Castro Brings a Transitional Communist Party Congress to a Close / Iván García”

Police Prevent Attorney Wilfredo Vallin From Leaving Home / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Havana, 8 April 2016 – On Friday, State Security prevented attorney Wilfredo Vallin from leaving home to participate in a discussion on the Electoral Law. The meeting, to be held at the home of Eliecer Avila, leader of the independent movement Somos+ (We Are More), was hindered by the police who only allowed two of … Continue reading “Police Prevent Attorney Wilfredo Vallin From Leaving Home / 14ymedio”