Counter-Insurgency Tactics Are Applied in Santiago De Cuba To Investigate Farmers

The Police and State Security detected 1,644 undeclared calves and 4,463 “disappeared” animals 14ymedio, Havana, 10 August 2024 — The official press spared no detail this Saturday to describe, with the tone of a detective novel and warnings from the Ministry of the Interior, the situation of theft and slaughter of livestock in Santiago de … Continue reading “Counter-Insurgency Tactics Are Applied in Santiago De Cuba To Investigate Farmers”

Inspectors Resuscitate 3,200 Cows in Cuba’s Matanzas Province

The Cuban government continues its campaign to control livestock throughout the country 14ymedio, Havana, July 5, 2024 — After beginning the livestock control exercise last March, the Matanzas authorities have reached a conclusion: the drop in the number of animals and the quantities of milk only occurred in state records. With 50% of the farmers … Continue reading “Inspectors Resuscitate 3,200 Cows in Cuba’s Matanzas Province”

Cuba Is No Longer Safe, Senior Government Officials Admit

They accuse “enemy platforms of sowing hatred” on social networks 14ymedio, Madrid, 28 June 2024 — State TV’s Round Table program convened a group of Cuba’s senior officials on Thursday to talk about violence and insecurity, two of the concerns that have emerged most strongly among citizens in recent years. The cast of guests included … Continue reading “Cuba Is No Longer Safe, Senior Government Officials Admit”

In Cuba, the Dead Are Owners of Livestock To Avoid State Controls

In Pinar del Río, inspectors detect 1,900 “illegalities” in livestock and 6,800 in land tenure 14ymedio, Havana, 26 June 2024 — Within the “exercise of control” over agricultural and livestock production carried out by the Cuban Government since March, the results for Pinar del Río, whose turn it has been these days, follow the trend … Continue reading “In Cuba, the Dead Are Owners of Livestock To Avoid State Controls”

Twenty Six Percent of the Farmers of Las Tunas Refuse To Sell Their Products to the Cuban State

Local leaders have proposed a “broad plan of visits” to persuade the farmers 14ymedio, Havana, 12 June 2024 — The authorities of Las Tunas have proposed to carry out a “wide plan of visits” to the farmers who refuse to deliver their agricultural products to the State. The contracts in the province, which should have … Continue reading “Twenty Six Percent of the Farmers of Las Tunas Refuse To Sell Their Products to the Cuban State”

A Flood of Livestock ‘Incidents’ Alarms Artemisa’s Inspectors

14ymedio, Havana, 29 March 2024 — “Animals without a brand or ear tag, with an unreported change of category, off the farm without authorization and without documents” have been just some of the 9,300 violations found by the Cuban authorities during the investigation carried out this month on the lands and livestock in Artemisa province. … Continue reading “A Flood of Livestock ‘Incidents’ Alarms Artemisa’s Inspectors”

The Decline of Lawton, the Cuban Capital’s Industrial and Prosperous Neighborhood

14ymedio, Nelson García, Havana, 16 September 2023 — Ruins attest to Lawton’s former splendor: abandoned factories, buildings reduced to rubble and the famous “Scandinavian castles”, on the verge of collapsing. For the neighbors, the deterioration of the neighborhood, located in the municipality of Diez de Octubre, until becoming one of the most dangerous places in Havana, … Continue reading “The Decline of Lawton, the Cuban Capital’s Industrial and Prosperous Neighborhood”

Cuba: More Than 13,000 Cows Have Died in Villa Clara in 2023, a Third of Them Due to Malnutrition

14ymedio, Havana, 9 August 2023 — New data show the magnitude of the crisis due to the lack of food in Cuba: about 13,690 head of cattle have died in Villa Clara so far this year. Nineteen percent of the animals died from malnutrition and another 15% from digestive disorders, according to the official press … Continue reading “Cuba: More Than 13,000 Cows Have Died in Villa Clara in 2023, a Third of Them Due to Malnutrition”

Thieves Decimate the Ration Stores in Sancti Spiritus with the Complicity of Cuban Officials

14ymedio, Havana, August 1, 2023 — Some ten bodegas (ration stores) in the province of Sancti Spíritus have suffered violent robberies, while in another five – in addition to a food processing center – cases of corruption have been detected so far this year. The stolen products affected the delivery of the “basic basket” to … Continue reading “Thieves Decimate the Ration Stores in Sancti Spiritus with the Complicity of Cuban Officials”

A Self-Employed Worker Denounces the Government’s Preferential Treatment of ‘MSMEs’ in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 19 May 2023 — Family man and owner of a cafeteria in Camajuaní (Villa Clara), Alexis González exploded this Tuesday in a direct Facebook broadcast that reached thousands of people. Faced with the shortage, bureaucratic obstacles and harassment by inspectors, he asked the authorities for an answer: “Someone explain to me how long … Continue reading “A Self-Employed Worker Denounces the Government’s Preferential Treatment of ‘MSMEs’ in Cuba”

The Renegades of Castroism

14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 25 February 2023 — Political rivalry and enmity should not lead to the victimization of the adversary, as happen with the Castro regime and its peers such as Marxism and Nazi fascism, all inspired by ideas that conceive government management as divine acts that cannot be questioned. Supporters of these regimes act … Continue reading “The Renegades of Castroism”

Cuba’s Province With the Most Livestock Yields No More than Eight Liters of Milk per Producer

14ymedio, Havana, 22 September 2021 — The official press celebrates that the Evelio Rodríguez Curbelo cooperative, from the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, reached an annual production of one million liters of cow’s milk. “It reached this goal for the tenth year in a row,” an article reported this Wednesday. The feat is a mirage. In … Continue reading “Cuba’s Province With the Most Livestock Yields No More than Eight Liters of Milk per Producer”

Investing in Cuba

14ymedio, Manuel Hernandez, Havana, 9 January 2021 — Havana-born Manuel Hernandez is the first prize winner of the Cuban Entrepreneur Competition, organized by the Cuban Observatory of Conflicts and Apretaste! The contest asked applicants to give advice to a fictional Cuban-Canadian, Pepe Perez, on investing in the island. “With the money I’ve saved, I want to … Continue reading “Investing in Cuba”

The Cuban Regime Survives by Fear / Iván García

Iván García, 21 March 2017 — In the slum of Lawton, south of Havana, the need for housing has converted an old collective residence with narrow passageways into a bunkhouse. With dividers made from cardboard or bricks recovered from demolished buildings, “apartments” have appeared where a dozen families reside, living on the razor’s edge. Among … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Survives by Fear / Iván García”

An Enslaved People / 14ymedio, Pedro Armando Junco

14ymedio, Pedro Armando Junco, Camagüey, 24 August 2016 – The level of enslavement of a people is determined by the sum of freedoms that are restricted. Slavery and freedom are two ends of a scale that, as one side slants downward from the weight of the load on its side, its counterpart rises. I explained this … Continue reading “An Enslaved People / 14ymedio, Pedro Armando Junco”