Cuban Authorities Blame Las Tunas Ranchers for Illegal Slaughter

The data threatens to exceed 5,305 in 2022 in the territory, since in just four months 36.8% of that figure was reached 14ymedio, Havana, May 29, 2024 — Las Tunas reported, in the first four months of the year alone, 1,954 cases of theft and slaughter of large livestock, which authorities blame for the calamitous … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Blame Las Tunas Ranchers for Illegal Slaughter”

The Government Unearths a Case of Illegal Slaughter of Livestock To Warn Farmers

 The three involved in the robbery, which occurred in 2022, were sentenced to six and nine years in prison 14ymedio, Havana, April 25, 2024 — The official press unearthed, this Wednesday, the case of theft of two horses and two oxen in Ciego de Ávila in 2022, perpetrated by three farmers living in Sancti Spíritus. … Continue reading “The Government Unearths a Case of Illegal Slaughter of Livestock To Warn Farmers”

Beginning February 15 the Sale and Slaughter of Livestock in Cuba Will Be Banned

14ymedio, Madrid, 26 January 2024 — The Ministry of Agriculture has ordered the cessation of purchase and sale of livestock from February 15, with exceptions to slaughters authorized for emergency health reasons or for sale to the State. The objective is to begin, on March 1, a special control to quantify the existing livestock in … Continue reading “Beginning February 15 the Sale and Slaughter of Livestock in Cuba Will Be Banned”

Cuba: Theft and Slaughter of Cattle Grows More Than 70 Percent in One Year in Las Tunas

14ymedio, Havana, 15 January 2023 — The theft and slaughter of cattle in the province of Las Tunas reached historical figures at the end of 2022, with an increase of 71% in cases compared to 2021. These facts, added to the loss of productivity due to lack of water and food for the animals, affected … Continue reading “Cuba: Theft and Slaughter of Cattle Grows More Than 70 Percent in One Year in Las Tunas”

The First Secretary of the Party in Villa Clara Imparts ‘Edifying Lessons’ to the Farmers

The leader did not say where they could get the components of his detailed list, but he did recommend that his local subordinates “demand compliance” 14ymedio, Havana, 30 August 2024 — Escorted by a press team that could not be more loyal to him, the first secretary of the Communist Party of Villa Clara embarked … Continue reading “The First Secretary of the Party in Villa Clara Imparts ‘Edifying Lessons’ to the Farmers”

The Cuban Regime Brags About its ‘Exemplary’ Trials in Santiago de Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2024 — No official media published details about the four trials that were held this week in the municipal court of Songo-La Maya against two people accused of theft, slaughter and trafficking of livestock, and two others for attacking law enforcement officers. The important thing – and the Communist Party newspaper … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Brags About its ‘Exemplary’ Trials in Santiago de Cuba”

Thieves and Bureaucrats Make Life Impossible for Cuban Ranchers

Faced with permanent harassment on his farm in Cárdenas, Ernesto is almost thinking of selling his animals and abandoning the country 14ymedio, Julio César Contreras, Matanzas, 5 June 2024 — Ernesto has had Spanish nationality since 2008 and in recent years he has traveled to Spain a few times, but he always returns. In Cuba, specifically in … Continue reading “Thieves and Bureaucrats Make Life Impossible for Cuban Ranchers”

Suspension of Rationed Sale of Milk to Chronically Ill People in Sancti Spiritus

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 26 December 2023 — “It failed and failed until it stopped arriving,” this is how Nuria de las Mercedes describes the situation that the chronically ill patients of Sancti Spíritus have experienced with the supply of milk for medical diets. This December, for the second time in the year, consumers … Continue reading “Suspension of Rationed Sale of Milk to Chronically Ill People in Sancti Spiritus”

San Pepper’s Burger, the Holguin Business Raising the Ire of Cuban Officials

14ymedio, Natalia Lopez Moya / Manuel Garcia, Havana / Holguín, 12 October 2023 — For decades, chewing gum, corn chips and hamburgers were very much frowned upon by the Cuban government as symbols of American culture. Enjoying these products in public could lead to anything from a reprimand to more severe penalties. Though attitudes have … Continue reading “San Pepper’s Burger, the Holguin Business Raising the Ire of Cuban Officials”

Because the Cuban State Doesn’t Pay Them, Cart Drivers Stop Picking up the Garbage

14ymedio, Havana, 3 March 2023 — Every morning, a fleet of 101 carretoneros [cart drivers] tries to empty the rubbish dumps and sweep up the debris of Las Tunas. This small city in eastern Cuba, with fewer than 170,000 inhabitants, produces 1,172,447 cubic feet of garbage a month. The Communal Services regrets not having more … Continue reading “Because the Cuban State Doesn’t Pay Them, Cart Drivers Stop Picking up the Garbage”

Four Armed Cattle Thieves Arrested in Artemisa, Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 28 January 2023 — The Artemisa Police arrested four people on Friday involved in a case of theft and slaughter of cows at the El Chorro farm, located between the municipalities of San Cristóbal and Candelaria. At the time of the arrest, made at 4:00 am, the agents seized a firearm, ammunition for a second … Continue reading “Four Armed Cattle Thieves Arrested in Artemisa, Cuba”

Cuba’s Villa Clara Ranchers Organize Guards to Stop Cattle Theft

14ymedio, Havana, 17 January 2023 — Not even the threat of going to prison for up to 10 years for the illegal slaughter of cattle stopped this crime in Villa Clara, which closed 2022 with unprecedented figures of 12,237 head of cattle stolen or slaughtered. These events grew 200% compared to the previous year and are … Continue reading “Cuba’s Villa Clara Ranchers Organize Guards to Stop Cattle Theft”

The Proposed Law on Livestock is Typical for a Meat-Producing Country, Not for Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 12 December 2022 — Without knowing exactly why, satisfaction reigned in the parliamentary agro-food commission for the announced Law on the Promotion and Development of Livestock, which in recent days has been the focus of several reports in the local press. The preliminary draft, without any real innovations, can influence the pressing problem of … Continue reading “The Proposed Law on Livestock is Typical for a Meat-Producing Country, Not for Cuba”

Cuba’s State Companies of Villa Clara Have Many Idle Lands and Don’t Declare Them

14ymedio, Havana , 15 February 2022 — At this point in history, the authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture seem to discover that the large amount of idle land has something to do with the insufficiency of food production in Cuba. And yet, the delivery of these lands continues to be very slow and does … Continue reading “Cuba’s State Companies of Villa Clara Have Many Idle Lands and Don’t Declare Them”

Paraguayan Meat is For Sale in Cuban Stores in Dollars

14ymedio, Havana, 27 August 2020 — “We do not cut or filet, you take everything or nothing,” says an employee of the meat products stall in the hard currency store on Boyeros Street, in Havana. Despite the high price, the loin, sirloin and neck are very successful in freely convertible currency establishments, where customers buy pieces of … Continue reading “Paraguayan Meat is For Sale in Cuban Stores in Dollars”