The Church That Is Oblivious to Reality / Angel Santiesteban

Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Photo courtesy Radio Onu Ángel Santiesteban-Prats, 23 May 2015 — The beatification of Father Arnulfo Romero is the mirror where, for El Salvador, Latin America, and the world, the pastors of God should look and reflect, in order to attend the spiritual and material needs of their flock, which simply means remaining alongside … Continue reading “The Church That Is Oblivious to Reality / Angel Santiesteban”

Welcome Hollande, Goodbye Hollande / Yoani Sanchez

Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 12 May 2015 — The official reception at the airport, the photo shaking hands with the host, the wreath laid at the statue of José Martí and the expected lecture at the University of Havana. How many foreign politicians have followed this script in recent months? So many that we have lost count. A … Continue reading “Welcome Hollande, Goodbye Hollande / Yoani Sanchez”

Should foreign leaders meet with civil society when they visit Cuba? / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 11 May 2015 — The arrival in Cuba of French President Francois Hollande has fueled the controversy about whether the presidents and other foreign leaders visiting the island should meet with representatives of civil society. The debate has intensified since it was announced that the agenda of the French President, Francois Hollande, on Cuban … Continue reading “Should foreign leaders meet with civil society when they visit Cuba? / 14ymedio”

The Ladies in White Should Change Their Political Profile / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, 11 March 2015 — During the hot summer of 2013 I remember Blanca Reyes, wife of the poet and journalist Raul Rivero, writing letters to the pope in the Vatican, to the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina and to Nelson Mandela in South Africa, reminding them that Fidel Castro had … Continue reading “The Ladies in White Should Change Their Political Profile / Ivan Garcia”

“No matter where I live, I will keep working for the freedom of Cuba” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 18 March 2015 — Twelve years after the Black Spring, 14ymedio chats with some of the former political prisoners currently living on the Island. Two questions have been posed to those activists condemned in March 2003: one about their decision to stay in Cuba, and the other about how they see … Continue reading ““No matter where I live, I will keep working for the freedom of Cuba” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Do Cuba and the United States Need to Rebuild Trust? / Ivan Garcia

Ivan Garcia, 20 February 2015 — Fifty Cuban and foreign journalists attended the press conference that a delegation of congressional Democrats headed by Nancy Pelosi held on the afternoon of Thursday, February 19 outside the residence of Lynn Roche, the U.S. Interest Section’s public affairs officer. Nancy Pelosi, born in Maryland in 1940, traveled to Havana … Continue reading “Do Cuba and the United States Need to Rebuild Trust? / Ivan Garcia”

Nancy Pelosi excited by the work of her delegation to Cuba / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 19 February 2015 — On Thursday afternoon, the Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi led a press conference in which she provided a summary of her visit to Cuba, in addition to answering questions from foreign journalists and independent press. The meeting was held on the outside of the residence of Lynn Roche, Head … Continue reading “Nancy Pelosi excited by the work of her delegation to Cuba / 14ymedio, Luz Escobar”

US Congressional delegation concludes visit to Cuba / 14ymedio

14ymedio, 19 January 2015– Monday afternoon several United States members of Congress visiting Cuba held a press conference at the Saratoga Hotel. The meeting with foreign correspondents and independent media addressed the talks between the two governments and served as a culmination of the congressional delegation’s visit to the island. Senator Patrick Leahy, in his remarks, emphasized … Continue reading “US Congressional delegation concludes visit to Cuba / 14ymedio”

“We want to contribute to personal and community reflection of pastoral agents” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 4 August 2014 – To mark the publication of a letter sent by five young Cubans to Pope Francisco, 14ymedio interviewed Erick Álvarez Gil, coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) in Havana. At just 28, this young man joined the organization in 2009, and holds a degree in Electronics and … Continue reading ““We want to contribute to personal and community reflection of pastoral agents” / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Humberto Real Suarez: 16 Years Old, Condemned to Death / Lilianne Ruiz

Havana, Cuba, October 2013, – Humberto Real Suarez is another of the men who disembarked on the night of 15 October 1994 on the coasts of Caibarien, along with Armado Sosa Fortuny. Today he is serving a sentence of 30 years imprisonment in “Kilo 8” maximum security prison in Camagüey. The group of seven men, … Continue reading “Humberto Real Suarez: 16 Years Old, Condemned to Death / Lilianne Ruiz”

An Interview with Berta Soler, Leader of the Ladies in White / Ivan Garcia

(Exclusive, Iván García in Havana) If you want confirmation that socialism does not work, do yourself a favor and visit Alamar. This community, twenty minutes east of Havana, is an example of real urban chaos. A place without rhyme or reason, ugly, poorly constructed buildings rise four, five, even eighteen stories high along poorly paved, winding roads. … Continue reading “An Interview with Berta Soler, Leader of the Ladies in White / Ivan Garcia”

Life or Death of a Political Prisoner: Instructions in a Sealed Envelope / Lilianne Ruiz

HAVANA, Cuba, July 2013, In Combinado del Este Prison, in the presence of a lieutenant from the Ministry of the Interior, a common prisoner threatened political prisoner Ernesto Borges with death. This past June, the common prisoner, who was appointed by the prison authorities as “Head of the Council of Prisoners” despite being a … Continue reading “Life or Death of a Political Prisoner: Instructions in a Sealed Envelope / Lilianne Ruiz”

An American Pope

It is unprecedented. For the first time in Catholicism’s more than two thousand year history, we have a pope from the Americas. The news did not go unnoticed in Havana, although the faithful did not gather euphorically at the doors to the cathedral, located in the  historic heart of the city. Ricardo, a 43-year-old attorney … Continue reading “An American Pope”

Paya’s Funerals / Mario Barroso #Cuba

I always had the dream of getting to know that worker whose speech on receiving the Sakharov prize I heard live from Hapsburg, vibrant with excitement thanks to the magic of radio. I never thought of a future post-Castro Cuba with Payá physically absent. Much less did I imagine it on that Sunday morning of … Continue reading “Paya’s Funerals / Mario Barroso #Cuba”

The Inheritance of Rosa Maria Paya / Mario Lleonart

My first direct contact with the Payá family was very unfortunately this. I was totally dissatisfied when during the confused seconds before the coffin I offered brief and protocol words of sympathy they received as from one more stranger among the immense line offering tribute from so many hearts. Because of that I did waste … Continue reading “The Inheritance of Rosa Maria Paya / Mario Lleonart”