TO THE FOURTH PENAL CRIMINAL COURT OF THE POPULAR PROVINCIAL TRIBUNE OF HAVANA THE JUDGE STATES: That in accordance with article 278 of the LPP and deeming complete the proceedings of the EFP 3-826/11 of the Department of Penal Proceedings of the Municipality of Old Havana, following the crime of PRODUCTION, SALE, DEMAND, TRAFFIC, DISTRIBUTION … Continue reading “PROVISIONAL CONCLUSIONS IN THE TRIAL OF HECTOR RISCART / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo #Cuba”

Spring for Cuba / Lilianne Ruíz

The situation in which we live incites violence in many ways, and we must not allow ourselves to provoke it. Not only because they have the weapons and the power to annihilate any popular uprising, but also because we do not have to be like them, the men and women who have managed to free … Continue reading “Spring for Cuba / Lilianne Ruíz”

Pablo (not so) Loved in Miami / Ernesto Morales Licea

On August 27th, Pablo Milanes will sing in Miami. According to the billboard ads, it will be a historic concert. Of course it will: for his followers as well as for the Vigilia Mambisa. Some will lose their voices for singing along to his songs; others, outside American Airlines Arena, will lose theirs screaming out … Continue reading “Pablo (not so) Loved in Miami / Ernesto Morales Licea”

Catastrophe / Claudia Cadelo

We were waiting for a ride on 23rd when Ernesto Morales’ cell phone rang. It was Yoani Sánchez, worried about him because he could have taken AeroCaribbean Flight No. 883. We were stunned for a few seconds and then Ernesto told me: “I was going to travel on that plane.” I felt helpless to express … Continue reading “Catastrophe / Claudia Cadelo”

Censorship: Are You There? (1) / Carlos Espinosa / Polemica, The 2007 Intellectual Debate

During the time in which I lived in Madrid, a friend of mine from the Island came to visit. Unable to resist his curiosity, he immediately began to pry into my bookshelves (a habit I have to confess, I do not like). When he came across a shelf lined with cassettes, he smirked and in … Continue reading “Censorship: Are You There? (1) / Carlos Espinosa / Polemica, The 2007 Intellectual Debate”

Ballplayers Longing For Six Figure Salaries

They can’t sleep easy at night.  The millionaire salaries that they pay the ballplayers in the Big Leagues of the United States give the Cuban players a migraine.  It’s no small wonder. Every time a newspaper from the other side of the pond falls in their hands, or they watch it through Florida TV Channels, they see the … Continue reading “Ballplayers Longing For Six Figure Salaries”