More than 5,000 Detained in Cuba, Including 120 Activists and Journalists

14ymedio, Havana, 12 July 2021 — The wave of arrests in Cuba for the protests that began this Sunday continues to come to light. Several complaints from civil society collected by 14ymedio and others, which are trickling in from social networks and instant messaging applications, confirm that there are more than 5,000 people imprisoned or being … Continue reading “More than 5,000 Detained in Cuba, Including 120 Activists and Journalists”

Otero Alcantara: ‘The Torture I Suffered Was Psychological’

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 1 June 2021 – Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara does not plan to pause or take a rest in his art or his activism. A few hours after leaving Calixto García Hospital, where he has been for almost a month without hardly any outside communication, he told 14ymedio that he is now ready to demand … Continue reading “Otero Alcantara: ‘The Torture I Suffered Was Psychological’”

Manifesto Supports the Artists of ‘Patria y Vida’ Repressed by the Cuban Government

14ymedio, Madrid, 27 May 2021 — On Thursday, Cuban Prisoners Defenders (CPD) launched a manifesto in support of the artists participating in the song Patria y Vida (Homeland and Life) who have been besieged by the Cuban government in recent weeks, and called for an end to the repression. In the text, they refer mainly to the artist Luis Manuel … Continue reading “Manifesto Supports the Artists of ‘Patria y Vida’ Repressed by the Cuban Government”

Letter to Fernando Rojas, Cuba’s Vice-Minister of Culture

14ymedio, Ines Casal, Havana, December 7, 2020 — Fernando: If you find it disrespectful for me to address a letter to you in this way, I ask your pardon. And I assure you, I do it this way because I have no other way to communicate with you. Who knows if you won’t read this … Continue reading “Letter to Fernando Rojas, Cuba’s Vice-Minister of Culture”

A Young Man Protests Repression and Receives Popular Support on a Havana Boulevard

14ymedio, Havana, December 4, 2020 — A young man who was peacefully protesting on San Rafael Street in central Havana on Friday afternoon garnered solidarity from numerous passers-by on the popular pedestrian thoroughfare. When the police arrested the protester, there were shouts of “leave him alone” and “thugs.” He was carrying a handmade cardboard sign … Continue reading “A Young Man Protests Repression and Receives Popular Support on a Havana Boulevard”

More Than Half of Cuban Households Live Below the Poverty Line, Human Rights Group Reports

Europa Press (via 14ymedio), Madrid | October 22, 2019 — More than half of households in Cuba live below the poverty line, according to a report by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) that shows the incapacity of a wide majority of households to live in a dignified manner and with access to basic … Continue reading “More Than Half of Cuban Households Live Below the Poverty Line, Human Rights Group Reports”

Cancer from High Levels of Metals in Reservoirs? (II) / Cubanet, Ernesto Perez Chang, Ernesto Perez Chang, Havana, 28 July 2015 – Between the years 2004 and 2007, 65 children from the Los Sitios neighborhood in Central Havana, 7 to 10 years of age, underwent testing in order to determine their degree of lead poisoning. The research, conducted by a team of researchers from the Cuban National Institute … Continue reading “Cancer from High Levels of Metals in Reservoirs? (II) / Cubanet, Ernesto Perez Chang”

Artemisa Province / Miguel Iturria Savón

If the political administrative division of 1977 increased the number of Cuban provinces from 6 to 14, the bureaucratic reshuffling of 2011 raised it to 15, because it reduced the size of the capital, cutting the urban environment in two, and distributing the 19 municipalities of Havana between the new Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces. As … Continue reading “Artemisa Province / Miguel Iturria Savón”