THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban

The situation of Cubans under the oppression of the Castro dictatorship does nothing but get worse day by day. The complicity of the world’s governments, whatever their political orientations may be, is unexplainable and unjustifable. In Cuba, Human Rights do NOT exist, liberty and justice do not exist. The oldest dynastic dictatorship in the world … Continue reading “THs – “Twisted Humans” – The Creation of a Dictatorship to Humilate Their People / Angel Santiesteban”

“I do not believe the version of the government nor of its spokesmen.” Ofelia Acevedo Maura speaks of the death of her husband, Oswaldo Payá

Ofelia Acevedo Maura speaks about the death of her husband Oswaldo Payá. Transcript/summary from I have nothing in writing, only brief information given verbally by an official from Criminal Affairs. Briefly, he told me that the car went out of control because of excessive speed and had hit a tree, and this caused the … Continue reading ““I do not believe the version of the government nor of its spokesmen.” Ofelia Acevedo Maura speaks of the death of her husband, Oswaldo Payá”

Cuba: More than 50 Opponents Arrested on Human Rights Day / Iván García

More than 50 dissidents and activists were arrested on December 10 in Cuba by the combined forces of the National Police and State Security for attempting to mark the International Day of Human Rights, according to the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation led by Elizardo Sánchez Santacruz. The Universal Declaration of Human … Continue reading “Cuba: More than 50 Opponents Arrested on Human Rights Day / Iván García”