Lies Are the Foundation of Castro Totalitarianism

The José Martí monument in the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery. The first big lie was to link Jose Martí with the insurrectional process and the subsequent dictatorship that was imposed. (Cubadebate)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, January 7, 2024 — The totalitarian Castro regime was constituted and established based on a network of lies and myths that have been reconstructed for generations, always maintaining a false epic and honor that do not correspond to the historical truth, creating a narrative of heroic victimization that confused and made it possible to manipulate large sectors of the population for decades.

The first big lie was to link Jose Martí with the insurrectional process and the subsequent dictatorship that was imposed. Martí was a passionately free man, and freedom was the foundation of his luminous thought.

It is completely false to see the heroism of the brothers Fidel and Raúl Castro in the attack on the Moncada barracks. The missing dictator-in-chief never entered the military bastion, and his heir attacked the Palace of Justice. Both were later arrested without presenting resistance, although they were armed.

It is completely false to see the heroism of the brothers Fidel and Raúl Castro in the attack on the Moncada barracks. The missing dictator-in-chief never entered the military bastion, and his heir attacked the Palace of Justice

It is illusory to describe the arrival of the Granma yacht on the Cuban coast as a “landing”. In reality, it was a shipwreck, another great mistake of Fidel Castro, which showed, like the failed attack on the Moncada barracks, the strategic incapacity of someone who resorted to extreme violence with the sole purpose of projecting himself as a national figure.

The terrible preparation of the two operations testifies, without a doubt, that Fidel only sought popularity by killing those who disagreed with him. He tried, by their deaths, to procure followers.

The dictatorship has tried to match the heroic feat of the Mambisa invasion led by General Máximo Gómez and Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo with the incursion commanded by the serial killers Ernesto Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos, two absolutely different events in purposes and results.

The modest guerrilla activities commanded by the sadly famous brothers in the mountains of the province of Oriente have been magnified.

There is no doubt that in the eastern mountains they fought against the Army of the Republic, but not to the extent that official propaganda has disseminated, with the sole objective of giving undeserved laurels to the evil brothers and their unconditional supporters: Guevara, Cienfuegos and the unscrupulous hitman Ramiro Valdés.

Another farce is the vaunted attack on the armored train, a term that intimidates but that in reality was not as protected as the propaganda says. In addition, the personnel it was transporting were not combat personnel but engineers and other soldiers who had the mission of repairing the tracks, without ignoring that the train, according to numerous complaints, was economically negotiated with the military chief in charge of it.

The control of information, in addition to the moral shooting of organizations and people, prevented the population from accessing investigations that allowed them to balance the knowledge of the past.

The control of information, in addition to the moral shooting of organizations and people, prevented the population from accessing investigations that would allow it to balance the knowledge of the past

A notable example is that the Castro dictatorship has always promoted the July 26 Movement as if it had been the only organization that dignifiedly fought the military regime of Fulgencio Batista, when in reality there were several that fought against the general, such as the Segundo Frente Nacional del Escambray, the Organización Auténtica and the Directorio Revolucionario, among others.

Another great lie on which totalitarianism was based was that 20,000 people lost their lives during the insurrectionary process. This false information came from Bohemia magazine – at the time under the direction of its founder, Miguel Ángel Quevedo – and from one of the greatest pimps disguised as a journalist – totalitarianism has had many – Enrique de la Osa.

The true figure was made public by Colonel and historian Ramon Barquín, head of the Conspiracy of the Cigars, a military faction that opposed General Batista in 1956, who was imprisoned for attempting a military coup against the regime of March 10.

According to Colonel Barquín, author of several books on the history of Cuba, including The Day Fidel Castro Seized Cuba, the death toll of both forces amounts to 2,495, a remarkable number of lives lost, but very far from the official figure of the regime.

In these 65 years the lies have been many, the destruction of Cuba, almost absolute.

Translated by Regina Anavy


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