14ymedio, Madrid, January 8, 2024 — The Military Objectors of Conscience (MOC), founded in 2021 by former Cuban officers in exile, says that the Communist Party does not actually govern in Cuba, but rather a “new oligarchic class” – formed by the Castro Espín and Gaesa family, through the control of national wealth – that only defends their own interests and against whom “rebellion is a current constitutional right.”
In a statement released this Sunday, the group affirms that the Cuban people are suffering “the totalitarian dictatorship of a mafia, a parasitic and irresponsible oligarchy that only defends their own interests.” The MOC believes that the military surrounding the Castro clan controls 70% of the country’s wealth and 95% of the financial transactions, abandoning the population and its basic needs, such as food, health, housing, education and security.
This network, they say, believes that Raúl Castro will die this year and is preparing to liquidate any “potential leader” who stands in the way of their maintaining control of the country
This network, they say, believes that Raúl Castro will die this year and is preparing to liquidate any “potential leader” who stands in the way of their maintaining control of the country. “In 2024 there is the possibility of a new dawn for our homeland or an even darker stage than what we have now,” highlights the statement, which warns that neither the repression after the anti-government protests of 11 July 2021, known as ’11J’, nor the stimulation of emigration will be able to contain a new social explosion.
“The army must protect the population with their weapons, not shoot at it,” the soldiers urge their former comrades, and they point out that Military Counterintelligence will attempt to organize a purge “to take out of the middle those who, due to their historical trajectory, prestige, level of information and/or command of troops, can interfere with their purposes.”
The MOC addresses the active Cuban military and appeals to them not to obey their superiors if they follow orders from that “oligarchic caste” and not from the citizenry.
“There is no ’order and command’ owed to those superiors in rank who call for attacking the people. Helping to get this group of thieves out of power is a merit, not a betrayal,” they insist.
The text appeals to the Constitution of 2019, which in Article 4 calls on citizens to use all means “including armed struggle, when no other recourse is possible, against anyone who tries to overthrow the established political, social and economic order,” and it asks the population to speak out against the institutions.
The group affirms that it is not asking for a “military coup, but for actions within the Law.”
We do not want violence or call for it, but the way in which the change occurs will depend on the oppressors, not the oppressed. They can choose the Czechoslovakia and Poland way or that of Romania
“We do not want violence or call for it, but the way in which the change occurs will depend on the oppressors, not the oppressed. They can choose the Czechoslovakia and Poland way or that of Romania,” the statement adds. In the case of Romania, the dictator Nicolás Ceaucescu and his wife were shot on Christmas Day after a citizen rebellion in 1989.
“It is legitimate for the Cuban military and the citizenry to constitute a National Salvation Committee and invoke Article 4 of the virtually defunct Communist Constitution of 2019 to overthrow the current mafia regime and put an end to the long night of totalitarianism in Cuba,” the text continues.
According to the MOC, when the current regime is removed, a commission will prepare free elections and draft a new constitution that must be validated in a referendum by the Cuban people. The political prisoners will be released, and full freedom and economic initiatives will be promoted for all Cubans without exclusions.” Food recovery, health, protection of the vulnerable and other urgent tasks will depend on them.
“Liberation from the totalitarian regime will allow the country to develop with the most modern technologies and thus finally incorporate Cuban society into the new era of information of the 21st century,” concludes the text, ending with the phrase “Homeland and Life.”
Translated by Regina Anavy
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