Cuba: Spies to Order

The former US diplomat Manuel Rocha. (@AnthonyDaquin/Twitter)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 10 December 2023 — Castro’s totalitarianism never rests, it does not take vacations or holidays. It avidly feeds on its hatred of freedom, on its desire to eliminate the United States, which is why its intelligence service will always be ready to destroy that nation, while the repressive forces inside the Island do not give up their efforts to crush the opponents. In short, the perfect terrorist state.

Hence I was not surprised by the discovery of a new Castro mole in the spheres of American power. Unfortunately we must be prepared for subjects who, due to moral disability, economic reasons or any other cerebral deficiency, serve regimes contrary to human dignity.

The case of Ambassador Víctor Manuel Rocha demonstrates once again how efficient the Castro intelligence trappers are and how confident the officials of this country are who favor closer relations with the Cuban regime, the best ally that Russia, China and Iran have in the hemisphere.

There is no doubt that Castroism publicly seduced a significant number of people on the continent, some admitted their enchantment, others, apparently, maintained it in pectore, such as the accused spy Rocha and the unforgettable Mrs. Ana Belén Montes, an analyst with the US Defense Intelligence Agency, who confessed to having spied for Cuba for 16 years, resulting in her being sentenced to long years in prison. On the Island she would have been shot.

Unfortunately we must be prepared for subjects who, due to moral disability, economic reasons or any other cerebral deficiency, serve regimes contrary to human dignity

Those who favor closer relations with Castroism, Americans and Cubans, in the best of cases have a terrible memory, are very ignorant or there is something more rotten in their brains.

The Castros know this society from the inside. Even before coming to power, supporters of Fidel Castro in the July 26 Movement formed cells in the most important cities in the United States to support the insurgents, exert influence on the media and on the ruling class, particularly in universities and intellectual sectors, the objectives they prioritized and managed to continue to develop fully and efficiently.

These parties insist on ignoring that the alleged assassin of John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, led a Fair Play for Cuba Committee; that a senior Immigration official, Mariano Faget, transmitted information to the Government of Havana; that dozens of Castro agents were expelled from the United Nations for espionage; and that the Wasp Network caused the death of four young people when their planes were shot down by a Castro Mig.

Other cases that once attracted attention have apparently been forgotten. José Rafael Fernández Brenes infiltrated the US station TV Martí and his information helped the Cuban Government to interfere with the station’s signal, and the academics Carlos Álvarez, doctor in Psychology, and his wife, the psychotherapist Elsa Prieto, were convicted of spying for the Cuban regime.

According to the indictment, Álvarez had spied since 1977 and his wife since 1982. Also forgotten is the married couple Walter and Gwendolyn Myers, who spied for 30 years in support of the Cuban regime. Myers, who worked for three decades in the State Department, acknowledged, together with his wife, responsibility for spying for Cuba.

Those who favor closer relations with Castroism, Americans and Cubans, at best, have a terrible memory, they are very ignorant or there is something more rotten in their brains

Cuban spies have a lot of blood on their hands. Manuel Hevia Cosculluela published the book Passport 11333 in Cuba, where he confessed to having infiltrated the CIA and having worked alongside Dan Mitrione in Uruguay, a US agent murdered by the Tupamaros, trained by Castroism.

It is unknown how much ambassador Víctor Manuel Rocha will have benefited the Island’s totalitarianism, however, if he is found guilty he should be punished with the greatest severity for spying in favor of a criminal dictatorship and against a country that gave him the opportunity to serve as ambassador.

It is assumed that the accused is not the last as he was not the first, if we accept the statement of Lieutenant Colonel Chris Simmons, working in counterintelligence in the United States Army, who once told The Miami Herald that, between 9 and 18 months after the dismantling of the Wasp Network, the number of Cuban intelligence agents and officers in Florida had returned to the levels prior to the capture of that infamous espionage network.

The danger exists and will exist as long as Castro’s totalitarianism rules in Cuba.


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