His nine-hour conversation with the intellectuals and his decision to present a book in that meeting, in which one of the themes was the environment and its preservation, paradoxically has had dire consequences for the planet. And it because Fidel Castro cannot escape the fatality of being and having the mentality of a man from the last century. With the idea of achieving a wider scope for his crusade (Our Duty is to Fight),he had to publish it in record time, and the book has been presented in over a dozen countries, which suggests a significant number of copies, and even an English translation.
The question is inevitable, although interesting topics were discussed at that meeting: what makes our country publish with such a wide distribution this book about the evils of the world when the immediate evils advise economic sobriety, where with the simple procedure of a web page the objective of the book could be met quickly, efficiently and interactively, and would reach many more people in the world with its contents.
But it is a mentality — like Fidel’s — accustomed to having no obstacle to his wishes , environmentalist in his statements, but ignoring the words of the President of the Cuban Book Institute: We have no right to bequeath to our children a treeless landscapes announcing the slow suffocation of the planet, and the suggestion of the then Minister of Culture,he does not stop reflect on how many trees must die to collect their words.
Editorial brevity is not one of his characteristics, as evidenced by his other books: All The Time of the Cedars, The Strategic Victory and Counteroffensive Strategy. Ah, and with press runs offive zeros.
March 26 2012