A Member of the Clandestinos Group Receives Conditional Release After More Than Four Years in Prison

“My time in prison was very hard and unpleasant, among other things due to lack of medication,” explains Jorge Ernesto Pérez García 14ymedio, 21 March 2024, Havana — This Friday, the Provincial Court of Havana granted conditional freedom to Jorge Ernesto Pérez García, a member of the Clandestinos group, arrested in January 2020 and sentenced to … Continue reading “A Member of the Clandestinos Group Receives Conditional Release After More Than Four Years in Prison”

Cuban Court Sentences Three Members of Clandestinos From 1 to 15 Years in Prison

14ymedio, Havana, 26 January 2021 — The Provincial People’s Court of Havana announced on Tuesday the sentence of the three accused of belonging to the Clandestinos group after the trial that took place on December 21. The defendants received sentences of between one and 15 years in prison. Pánter Rodríguez Baró (43 years old), Yoel Prieto … Continue reading “Cuban Court Sentences Three Members of Clandestinos From 1 to 15 Years in Prison”

Clandestinos: a Scandalous Silence

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 1 September 2020 — Popular voices state that sometimes forgetting is healthier than remembering. This maxim could well be applied to the case of a supposed anti-Castro organization that upset the social networks in the first days of January of this year with its coming out appearance using a controversial method … Continue reading “Clandestinos: a Scandalous Silence”

With Testimonies from Detainees, Cuban TV Accuses Miami’s "Mafia" of Financing Clandestinos

14ymedio, Havana, 22 January 2020 — As it usually happens in these cases, Cuba’s State television monopoly presented a report on Tuesday that provides supposed evidence of the participation of “the anti-Cuban mafia based in Florida” in the desecration of José Martí’s busts by a group called Clandestinos. The report, more than 11 minutes long, presents … Continue reading “With Testimonies from Detainees, Cuban TV Accuses Miami’s "Mafia" of Financing Clandestinos”

The Exile Community Makes Fun of the "Revelations" on Cuban Television About The Clandestinos

14ymedio, Havana, January 23, 2020 — After being pointed out by the Cuban State’s television monopoly as the main person responsible for the activities of the Clandestinos, Ana Olema Hernández responded this Wednesday on the program El Espejo of AmericaTeve. “The system has no credibility. It’s a total defamation,” said the activist. Hernández, who lives … Continue reading “The Exile Community Makes Fun of the "Revelations" on Cuban Television About The Clandestinos”

Clandestinos: Outcome and Teachings of a Hoax / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, West Palm Beach, 23 January 2020 – the hare has finally jumped. The recently starred report on Cuban television news about the capture and information of the alleged members of the spooky group “Clandestinos”, tends to seal the fate of what, so far, has the appearance of a warped creation developed in … Continue reading “Clandestinos: Outcome and Teachings of a Hoax / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya”

The Controversy Over The Identity Of The Clandestinos Is Growing

14ymedio, Luz Escobar/Mario J. Pentón, Havana/Miami, January 9, 2020 — Doubt, controversy and passion surround the Clandestinos, an anonymous group that through social networks says they have dumped pork blood on several busts of José Martí in Havana. The Government says it detained two of the members on Wednesday but the organization says it doesn’t … Continue reading “The Controversy Over The Identity Of The Clandestinos Is Growing”

Clandestinos, Legitimate Protest or Provocation by State Security?

14ymedio, Havana, 20 January 2020 —  On January 1, coinciding with the most emblematic date of the Cuban Revolution, which celebrated its 61st anniversary that day, a group called Clandestinos emerged on social networks to take credit for a protest campaign that consists of pouring a red liquid on the busts of José Martí. “It is not an outrage to … Continue reading “Clandestinos, Legitimate Protest or Provocation by State Security?”

Clandestinos: Heroes or Collateral Damage? / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, Havana resident currently visiting the US, 15 January 2020 — A new year has just begun and “its Cuban peculiarity” is already being revealed to us in all its glory — that wicked vice of losing ourselves in sterile digressions around minutiae that characterizes us so much — elevating to the category … Continue reading “Clandestinos: Heroes or Collateral Damage? / Cubanet, Miriam Celaya”

In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge

The atmosphere of desperation and paralysis of life generated by blackouts has been the subject of multiple complaints 14ymedio/YucaByte, Havana, 19 June 2024 — Blackouts set the pace of life in Cuba, heating up tempers and triggering protests of a different caliber in a summer that is just beginning. With an increasingly unstable country on … Continue reading “In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge”

Cuban Prosecutor Asks for 6 to 12 Years for Men who Covered Busts of Jose Marti in Blood

14ymedio, Havana, 15 October 2020 — The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Cuba requested sentences of between 6 and 12 years in prison for three opponents who were allegedly members of Clandestinos, a group that earlier this year covered busts of José Martí with pig blood and called to “overthrow the dictatorship,”  reported Diario de Cuba. … Continue reading “Cuban Prosecutor Asks for 6 to 12 Years for Men who Covered Busts of Jose Marti in Blood”

“When You are Censored, All Doors Close and the Locksmith Keeps All the Keys”

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 8 September 2020 — Omar Mena is an artist without fear when it comes to expressing himself. The author of more than 11 albums since he began his career in rap more than a decade ago, he is known in his genre as El Analista [The Analyst].  Mena has always been … Continue reading ““When You are Censored, All Doors Close and the Locksmith Keeps All the Keys””

A Sunday Without Water in Havana

14ymedio, Havana, 10 February 2020 — The strong smell and taste of oil of the water in the middle of last week in several Havana neighborhoods was not due to people’s imagination, nor was it a sabotage of “The Clandestinos,” as was rumored. The cause was a rupture of a pipeline that carries fuel to the … Continue reading “A Sunday Without Water in Havana”

When Myths Are Not Applauded / Miriam Celaya

Cubanet, Miriam Celaya, West Pam Beach, 29 January 2020 – This is a textbook case: to question a myth is to unleash hysteria. And as it usually happens, the loudest blabbermouths tear off their hair and their clothes against those who dare refuse to follow the little troupe on duty. And in the cast of … Continue reading “When Myths Are Not Applauded / Miriam Celaya”

Havana Turns 500 With its Infrastructure and Services Anchored in Time

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana, October 15, 2018 — Havana is many cities in one. Tourists see it as a theme park of the past, with old cars and “beautiful” ruins; those who were born here more than five decades ago recall its endless nights and lament its deterioration; while young people consider it like a … Continue reading “Havana Turns 500 With its Infrastructure and Services Anchored in Time”