The Young Woman Who Broadcast the Nuevitas Protests Is Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

Fray Pascual Claro Valladares attempts suicide in prison upon learning of his sentence, 10 years in prison for sedition Between 4 and 15 years in prison for 13 peaceful protesters in the city of Camagüey 14ymedio, Madrid, April 28, 2024 — The judgments of the Provincial Court of Camagüey handed down against the demonstrators of … Continue reading “The Young Woman Who Broadcast the Nuevitas Protests Is Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison”

Justice 11J Denounces That 17 Cubans Are Still Imprisoned for the Protests in Nuevitas a Year Ago

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 7 September 2023 — At least 17 people who participated in the protests in the town of Nuevitas, Camagüey, in August 2022 remain in prison waiting to be tried, the NGO Justicia 11J said on Thursday. After protesting the blackouts and shortages, the prisoners have been accused of “public disorder, attacks, damage, contempt, … Continue reading “Justice 11J Denounces That 17 Cubans Are Still Imprisoned for the Protests in Nuevitas a Year Ago”

One of Those Arrested for the Protests in Nuevitas, Cuba is Accused of Sabotage

14ymedio, Havana, 13 September 2022 — With an anonymous phone call, and the possession of pellets and a slingshot as evidence, Jimmy Johnson Agosto, who was arrested last week in Nuevitas, Camagüey for participating in last month’s protests, is accused of sabotage, a crime which is considered aggravated for being against national security. The 26-year-old’s … Continue reading “One of Those Arrested for the Protests in Nuevitas, Cuba is Accused of Sabotage”

Cuba: They’ve Militarized Nuevitas and Cut Off Internet Access to Prevent New Protests

14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2022 — Nuevitas, Camagüey spent the day on Saturday under a heavy police operation, with restricted access to the internet and the streets patrolled by police and the military. Protests against the long power outages occurred on two consecutive days last week in that city. Justicia 11J reported the “violent” arrest … Continue reading “Cuba: They’ve Militarized Nuevitas and Cut Off Internet Access to Prevent New Protests”

After the Protests in Baracoa Cuba’s Electric Union Claims to Have a Strategy Against the ‘Annoying Blackouts’

14ymedio, Havana, May 18 , 2024 — The general director of Cuba’s Electric Union, Alfredo López, told the official State newspaper Granma this Friday afternoon that he had a plan to “attenuate the annoying blackouts.” The strategy, which includes a partial increase in generation capacity and reconnecting several thermoelectric units, aims to have an anesthetic … Continue reading “After the Protests in Baracoa Cuba’s Electric Union Claims to Have a Strategy Against the ‘Annoying Blackouts’”

Protests in Cienfuegos on a Day of More Blackouts in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 29 May 2024 — Blackouts in Cuba reached a new record on Tuesday when the power deficit exceeded 1,400 megawatts (MW) during peak demand hours. The desperation due to the lack of electricity at night caused dozens of residents of Ciudad Nuclear, in Cienfuegos, to take to the streets to protest. Videos posted … Continue reading “Protests in Cienfuegos on a Day of More Blackouts in Cuba”

The US Criticizes the ‘Outrageous’ Sentences Imposed on the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba

Undersecretary Brian A. Nichols pointed out that the incident is evidence of the “continued repression of the Cuban Government.” 14ymedio, Havana, 30 April 2024 — The Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, Brian A. Nichols, described this Monday as “outrageous” the sentences imposed by the Cuban courts on those who … Continue reading “The US Criticizes the ‘Outrageous’ Sentences Imposed on the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba”

European Union Is ‘Concerned’ About the Disproportionate Sentences of the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba

A spokesperson for EU “High Representative” Josep Borrell insists that “within the framework of its policy of constructive but critical dialogue, the EU continues to urge the authorities to ensure respect for human rights” EFE/14ymedio, Brussels, 3 May 2024 — The European Union (EU) expressed its concern this Thursday about the “harsh and disproportionate” sentences … Continue reading “European Union Is ‘Concerned’ About the Disproportionate Sentences of the Nuevitas Protesters in Cuba”

Of Those Arrested for the 11 July 2021 Protests, 676 Cubans Remain Detained

14ymedio, Havana, Juan Izquierdo, March 13, 2024 — With two recent heart attacks on his medical record and a sentence of 15 years in prison, political prisoner Wilfredo Castillo received a license last week to leave the Agüica prison, in Matanzas, for a year. Haggard and thin, his most recent photograph – in a hospital … Continue reading “Of Those Arrested for the 11 July 2021 Protests, 676 Cubans Remain Detained”

The Cuban Prosecutor’s Office Asks for 15 Years in Prison for the Young Woman Who Broadcast the Nuevitas Protest

14ymedio, Madrid, 25 September 2023 — The Prosecutor’s Office has asked for up to 15 years in prison for two citizens who took to the streets in Nuevitas, Camagüey in August of last year, in protest against the prolonged blackouts. They are José Armando Torrente Muñoz and Mayelín Rodríguez Prado, the 21-year-old young woman who … Continue reading “The Cuban Prosecutor’s Office Asks for 15 Years in Prison for the Young Woman Who Broadcast the Nuevitas Protest”

The Cuban Regime Continues with Arrests in Nuevitas

14ymedio, Havana, 8 September 2022 — Despite the apparent calm in Nuevitas, Camagüey, where three weeks ago the largest demonstrations took place on the island since July 11, 2021, the Cuban regime continues with arrests. The organization Justice 11J reported on Wednesday the arbitrary arrest of five people in recent days. The legal platform pointed … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Continues with Arrests in Nuevitas”

August Sees the Highest Number of Protests in Cuba since 11 July 2021

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 September 2022 — There were a total of 361 demonstrations in the country, according to the latest report by the Cuban Conflict Observatory (OCC), which was released on Thursday. This is the second highest number of protests recorded by the US-based organization, which began tracking them in September 2020. The main reason … Continue reading “August Sees the Highest Number of Protests in Cuba since 11 July 2021”

Silivio Rodriguez Criticizes the Cuban Government for Blocking the People’s Protests Over the Blackouts

14ymedio, Havana, 29 August 2022 — The troubadour Silvio Rodríguez has once again used his blog to complain to the Executive of Miguel Díaz-Canel about its attitude towards the protests, particularly the most recent ones, against the lack of light and constant blackouts. “I think that our government makes a serious mistake when it prevents the … Continue reading “Silivio Rodriguez Criticizes the Cuban Government for Blocking the People’s Protests Over the Blackouts”

Two Officials from Nuevitas Added to the List of Cuban Repressors

14ymedio, Havana, 23 August 2022 — On Monday, the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FDHC), added to their data base of repressors the two officials who attacked protestors in Nuevitas, Camagüey, during the most recent protests. One of them is Roberto Conde Silvierio, First Secretary of the Communist Party in that city, accused of ordering … Continue reading “Two Officials from Nuevitas Added to the List of Cuban Repressors”

In Nuevitas, Cuba, ‘The Little Roosters Dress in All Black and Walk the Streets to Instill Fear’

14ymedio, Havana, 25 August 2022 — Dozens of neighbors went out to the street on Wednesday night to the Humberto Álvarez people’s council in Matanzas. “There were a lot of people and the police could not do anything,” stated a resident of the settlement near the old Dos Rosas sugar mill, between Santa Marta and … Continue reading “In Nuevitas, Cuba, ‘The Little Roosters Dress in All Black and Walk the Streets to Instill Fear’”