Russia Will Invest 11 Million Dollars in the State-Owned BioCubaFarma To Develop Medicines

Cuba’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodríguez will visit Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow next week, the Kremlin spokesperson announced on Friday EFE (via 14ymedio), Moscow, 7 June 2024 — The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) will invest, in an initial phase, $11.3 million for the Cuban state-owned company BioCubaFarma to develop medicines against geriatric and … Continue reading “Russia Will Invest 11 Million Dollars in the State-Owned BioCubaFarma To Develop Medicines”

Díaz Canel’s Ten Lies

14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 21 May 2024 — Some Cubans have dubbed Ignacio Ramonet the “French Randy Alonso,” a reference to the host of the Cuban TV interview show “Roundtable” and his sagging face. The truth is that Ramonet was born in Spain, raised in Morocco and educated in France, where he has lived … Continue reading “Díaz Canel’s Ten Lies”

With the Cancellation of Flights to Cuba, Argentina’s Favors to Havana Will End

14ymedio, Madrid, 25 January 2024 — A little over a year and a half after Aerolíneas Argentinas re-established its flights to Cuba, the company has announced that it is canceling them again. This Thursday, according to local media information with inside company sources, the route is not profitable, so starting next March 8 they will … Continue reading “With the Cancellation of Flights to Cuba, Argentina’s Favors to Havana Will End”

Russia and Latin American Countries Advocate Unity in the Face of the ‘Western Policy of Sanctions’

EFE (via 14ymedio), Moscow, 2 October 2023 — Russian and Latin American parliamentarians condemned, on Monday, the unilateral sanctions imposed by the West against 30 countries within the framework of the First Russia-Latin America international parliamentary conference. “We categorically oppose sanctions, any unilateral restriction of an illegitimate nature that violates international law and the rules … Continue reading “Russia and Latin American Countries Advocate Unity in the Face of the ‘Western Policy of Sanctions’”

Venezuela in the Orbit of China

14ymedio, Juan Pablo Cardenal, 15 September 2023 — Nicolás Maduro’s fifth official visit to China concludes. A trip of almost a week that has taken the Venezuelan president through several cities of the Asian country and whose finishing touch was the meeting with his counterpart Xi Jinping, who gave him an audience in the Great … Continue reading “Venezuela in the Orbit of China”

Cuba’s Representative to the UN Praises China’s Occupation of Tibet

14ymedio, Havana, 2 September 2023 — Cuba’s support will be fundamental to the imminent inspection that the United Nations will carry out in China, which is accused of violating human rights and indoctrinating children in Tibet, under Chinese occupation since 1951. To tip the balance in its favor, Beijing invited a group of ambassadors from … Continue reading “Cuba’s Representative to the UN Praises China’s Occupation of Tibet”

Diaz-Canel Ends His African Tour in Namibia With a Lot of Pomp and Few Agreements

14ymedio, 27 August 2023 — On the last stop of his tour of Africa, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived this Saturday in Namibia, where he participated in the festive events of Heroes’ Day in commemoration of Namibia’s war of independence. The pomp of the reception contrasted with the lack of information about any agreements signed … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Ends His African Tour in Namibia With a Lot of Pomp and Few Agreements”

Keys to Cuban President Diaz-Canel’s Speech at the BRICS Summit

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 25 August 2023 — There was expectation about Díaz-Canel’s speech before the G77 and the BRICS gathered in Pretoria during the XV Summit of these countries. A missed opportunity to correct mistakes and and set things straight. Unfortunately, this is not present in the Cuban regime and, therefore, this speech … Continue reading “Keys to Cuban President Diaz-Canel’s Speech at the BRICS Summit”

The Expansion of the BRICS: The Dawn of a New World Order?

EFE (via 14ymedio), Johannesburg, 26 August 2023 — BRICS, the group of emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), enjoyed the spotlight this week when announcing in Johannesburg the accession to the bloc of six countries, including Argentina, and left an unknown in the air: will that expansion mark the beginning of a … Continue reading “The Expansion of the BRICS: The Dawn of a New World Order?”

The BRICS Admit Six New Countries but Reject 34, Including Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 24 August 2023 — The BRICS economic group admitted six new countries as members during its XV summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The bloc, composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will be joined in January 2024 by Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran. The … Continue reading “The BRICS Admit Six New Countries but Reject 34, Including Cuba”

Cuban President Diaz-Canel Praises ‘Friend Putin’ on Russian Television and Asks the World To ‘Move Away From the Dollar’

14ymedio, Havana, 30 May 2023 — In front of the Russian television cameras, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel once again declared his unconditional friendship with Vladimir Putin. In a long interview, he defended the Social Communication Law recently approved by Parliament and called on the peoples of the world to “move away from the dollar.” In … Continue reading “Cuban President Diaz-Canel Praises ‘Friend Putin’ on Russian Television and Asks the World To ‘Move Away From the Dollar’”