14ymedio, Havana, 29 March 2020 — These are difficult times for everyone and journalism is also being badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In Cuba, the independent media suffer the limitations on movement imposed on their reporters, the collapse of the networks and the intensification of censorship.
Our collaborators cannot come to our Havana Newsroom to deliver their work and, in many cases, they can’t go to a Wi-Fi zone to send updated content. They have to resort to mobile communications, which are very expensive on the Island.
For this reason, our communications expenses have increased at the same time that advertising revenues and readers’ contributions to our membership program are decreasing due to the uncertainty that is spreading throughout the world.
In these circumstances, continuing to prepare updated reporting on the Cuban reality, and providing you with quality and truthful information, becomes increasingly costly, as well as difficult. Hence, we are making a special call asking you to support us in these “times of coronavirus.”
You can contribute any amount you decide, through our PayPal account. Below is the “Donate” button that you can use or, if you prefer, access the link. Thank you very much in advance!

(Note, the ‘comma’ in the payment screen is a decimal point. Your choices are $10, $20, $50, or any amount you choose.)