The International meeting held in Havana, Society and its Challenges of Corruption, caught my attention. In a society overwhelmed by disaster like ours, the Cuban delegation would have to expose a scenario of the failure of all the social theories upheld my Marxist ideology, that, setting aside Marti, could not be further from Marti-inspired ethics. The “moral literacy” has come to be — of late — like treatment with painkillers when there is a lack of third generation antibiotics.
The government is alarmed at the phenomenon: The Comptroller is created: we are told about those ousted sotto voce. Each time, a brief note in the inside pages of the newspaper Granma announces the process (behind closed doors) and the sanctions.
In no part of our legislative body and administrative rules do there appear to be authorized charges to deliver gifts, to limit the value of such gifts, the quantity, nothing. Our officials have resources according to their will, while the higher the office, the greater the resources. By this means we can reach the famous “Comandante‘s Reserve,” an inexhaustible source in the literal sense, because delivery of the consumable was carried out automatically (gifted), it was put back in the inventory.
Throughout this half century, we all know someone who has benefited by that power of the leaders, either with a car, a house for living or for vacation purposes, trips, and so, down the pyramid of power. Intermediate officials only had to imitate, each according to his possibilities. They are co-responsible for the present corruption, but no theory will come to differentiate between bureaucracy and power as these antagonists behave.
With regards to this expert meeting I repeat: The wolf can not be sent to look after the sheep.
November 10 2011