Of all the independent journalists and bloggers, perhaps there are no more than 150 across the entire island. Yet many of us should polish our style. Sometimes we think well, but rhyme poorly. On occasion, the words drown us. And the majority lack resources to engage in active journalism or maintain a blog on the web.
The political prisoner and unofficial communicator, Pablo Pacheco, free in Spain since July 13, thanks to the dialogue between President Raúl Castro, Cardinal Jaime Ortega, and the Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos, would update his blog from a prison 400 kilometers from Havana, recording his posts via telephone. Pacheco never even had a computer. Now he has one, in Málaga, where he lives with his wife and son.
With the difficulties which Pacheco wrote, many continue to write within Cuba. On the reverse side of pages with official letterheads, recycling sheets that have some blank space. Typewriters are still essential for residents outside of the capital. In the agencies of Eastern Cuba, they peck away at typewriters made in East Germany.
Cuban independent journalism is worthy of commendation. The lapses in information content and journalistic skill that we might have as free correspondents, are the very same as for the majority of official reporters.
With the difference being that official journalism is more boring than independent journalism. Working for a State medium tends to burden creativity; and one is closer to being a tamer than a journalist. Certain sensitive subjects are “guided” via phone by a government censor from his office.
Cuban independent journalism was born in the mid 90s. With women and men dedicated to changing the established rules of the game, such as Indamiro Restano, Raúl Rivero, Rafael Solano, Rolando Cartaya, Ana Luisa López Baeza, Tania Quintero, Iria González Rodiles, Reinaldo Escobar and Jorge Olivera, among others who broke with the official media. In spite of the risk of going to prison, they thought it was worth it to describe the reality of their country.
They could have been cynics and opportunists, like certain colleagues in the governmental press. Some had official recognition. But they didn’t want to have a car granted them by the State, nor travel to the events and social forums of the worked-up global Left.
Had they continued being followers of the regime, today they would be rubbing elbows with Fidel Castro and have to tolerate, while standing firm, the lecturing on about the unstoppable atomic war that according to Castro is upon us.
They freed themselves from having to listen in silence and chose to be free men and women. They paid for that choice with jail time, arbitrary detentions, public acts of repudiation, and exile.
The new bunch of independent journalists, save for some exceptions, has no professional training. Nor do they bring with them that fear in their bodies suffered by those who work in the State media. Some of them are brilliant, like Luis Cino, Víctor E. Sánchez, Evelyn Ramos, Luis Felipe Rojas and Laritza Diversent.
Since 2007, there’s been an explosion of bloggers. Many have an intellectual education. It’s no longer just Yoani Sánchez. Youth like Claudia Cadelo and Orlando Luis Pardo have very widely read blogs.
Some possess academic resumes that extend over 50 years, like Miriam Celaya and Dimas Castellanos who, in my opinion, have the best political analysis blogs written on the island.
Under all kinds of difficulties, free journalists as well as alternative bloggers, have struck an important goal. They opened a breach in the iron wall of monopolized news that the Party and Cuban government once held.
Now their opinions and analyses count when it comes to the study of the Cuba issue. Small things sometimes bring with them winds of hurricane force. If you doubt it, ask one of the Castro brothers. They’ve waged plenty of war over it.
Iván García
Translated by: Yoyi el Monaguillo
August 22, 2010