The Cuban Opposition Platform D Frente Reforms Its Organizational Chart and Announces Its First Convention

D Frente [D Front] brings together various actors who oppose the Díaz Canel Government / EFE
14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, May 20, 2024 — One of the main opposition platforms in Cuba, D Frente [D Front], announced this Monday a reform of its organizational chart and the date of its first convention to “continue advancing” in “democratic change,” “the establishment of the rule of law” and “citizen sovereignty” on the Island.

The organization reported in a statement the creation of eight work teams where there will be well-known Cuban opponents and experts, who reside inside and outside the country, among whom are: Manuel Cuesta Morúa, Eugenia Gutiérrez, Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Mauricio de Miranda, Marthadela Tamayo, Elena Larrinaga, Elsa Litsy Reyes and Julio Antonio Fernández Estrada, among others.

The objective of this change, the statement adds, is to “empower and strengthen the institutions” as a means to facilitate the achievement of the political objectives of the opposition to the Cuban regime.

The opposition platform reported that it plans to organize “in the near future” its first convention, in both in-person and virtual formats, to which they will invite the media, institutions and the general public.

D Frente emerged in 2022 to bring together different groups and individuals from the opposition political spectrum and with the common objective of refounding Cuba on the bases of liberal democracy. It is currently made up of 14 organizations and 120 individuals.


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