Advice To The Independent Press To Protect Itself From Cuban Security

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 23 August 2018 — How to evaluate the risks? What to do in the face of physical aggression? How to better protect information? These are some of the questions answered by the Holistic Security Manual for Cuban Journalists, recently published by the Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR). With a simple language, the document is an essential … Continue reading “Advice To The Independent Press To Protect Itself From Cuban Security”

Paya Denouces the ‘Theater’ of Constitutional Reform on Sixth Anniversary of Her Father’s Death

EFE via 14ymedio, Miami, 23 July 2018 — Cuban Dissident Rosa María Payá stressed to EFE that the legacy of her father, Oswaldo Payá, is still alive six years since his death and the constitutional reform under way in Cuba is, in her opinion, both “theater” and a “trap.” “My father’s words are especially relevant today, … Continue reading “Paya Denouces the ‘Theater’ of Constitutional Reform on Sixth Anniversary of Her Father’s Death”

Pro Press Freedom Association Denounces Arrests, Confiscations and Threats Against Journalists

14ymedio, Havana, 16 July 2018 — Arrests, confiscations and threats are some of the attacks against journalists reported by the Pro Press Freedom Association (APLP) in its most recent report, covering the month of June and made public this Monday. The text details a dozen attacks but warns that “the possibility of the existence of others is … Continue reading “Pro Press Freedom Association Denounces Arrests, Confiscations and Threats Against Journalists”

"The Night Will Not Be Eternal" by Oswaldo Paya is Published

EFE, via 14ymedio, Miami, 3 July 2018 — With the title “The Night Will Not Be Eternal,” an unpublished book by the late Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya, with proposals for Cubans to emerge from their situation, will go on sale on Amazon this July 5 before its presentation in Miami. Rosa Maria Paya, daughter of … Continue reading “"The Night Will Not Be Eternal" by Oswaldo Paya is Published”

Independent Journalist Osmel Ramirez Arrested in Holguin

14ymedio, Havana, 20 June 2018 — Reporter Osmel Ramírez Álvarez, a resident of Mayarí, Holguín, was arrested Tuesday at his home by police and State Security forces, his wife Idalia Torres reported to 14ymedio. “The officers came at two o’clock in the afternoon. It was raining hard and thundering, when my husband opened the door it was the … Continue reading “Independent Journalist Osmel Ramirez Arrested in Holguin”

Pro Free Press Association Condemns Arrest of Two Independent Journalists in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 21 May 2018 — The Pro Free Press Association (APLP) condemned, on Sunday, the arrest of two independent journalists when they tried to cover the crash of the Boeing 737 leased by the Cuban airline Cubana de Aviacion, which killed 110 people. Augusto César San Martín and Rudy Cabrera, reporters for the digital site … Continue reading “Pro Free Press Association Condemns Arrest of Two Independent Journalists in Cuba”

Cuban Government Tells UN Those Fighting For Regime Change Are Not Defending Defend Human Rights

EFE, via 14ymedio, 16 May 2018 — Cuba declared on Wednesday at the United Nations Human Rights Council that those who act internally in favor of regime change cannot be considered as defenders of human rights, since in reality they are “agents of a foreign power.” The Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, … Continue reading “Cuban Government Tells UN Those Fighting For Regime Change Are Not Defending Defend Human Rights”

Press Association Expresses Concern Over Restrictions on the Press in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua

EFE, via 14ymedio, Miami, 2 May 2018 — The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is commemorating World Press Freedom Day on Wednesday in a forum in Miami, and with a message of concern over the growing restrictions on journalists’ work and the persistence of “authoritarianism” in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. IAPA’s president, the Peruvian Gustavo … Continue reading “Press Association Expresses Concern Over Restrictions on the Press in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua”

Venezuelan and Cuban Officialdom Join Forces to Hijack Civil Society Meeting in Lima

14ymedio (with information from agencies), Lima/Miami, 13 April 2018 — As they had warned days ago that they would, representatives of the Cuban government tried yesterday to prevent a meeting between representatives of other governments of the Americas and members of civil society from many nations. The meeting, held in the framework of the activities of … Continue reading “Venezuelan and Cuban Officialdom Join Forces to Hijack Civil Society Meeting in Lima”

Cuban Government Says Rosa Maria Paya is in Lima Due to "Secret Machinations"

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 11 April 2018 — Rosa María Payá is one of the few Cuban activists who have managed to reach the Summit of the Americas being held in Lima this week. While the majority of the opponents who reside on the island have been stopped by the police from leaving their homes, or picked … Continue reading “Cuban Government Says Rosa Maria Paya is in Lima Due to "Secret Machinations"”

Paya Award Winners: Former Presidents in Support of Democracy

EFE, via 14ymedio, Miami, 1 March 2018 — The Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA), a forum in defense of democracy made up of former presidents and heads of state created in 2015 by two Venezuelans, won the Oswaldo Payá Freedom and Life Prize this Friday. The second annual award of this prize, instituted by the … Continue reading “Paya Award Winners: Former Presidents in Support of Democracy”

Cuban Faces 2017: Sol García Basulto, Journalist

14ymedio, Havana, 28 December 2017 — The reporter and designer of the independent magazine La Hora de Cuba has experienced a series of intense months throughout 2017. Last March, Sol García Basulto (b. 1988, Camagüey) was charged with the alleged crime of “usurpation of legal capacity” for exercising independent journalism, for which she faced a penalty of … Continue reading “Cuban Faces 2017: Sol García Basulto, Journalist”

Police Impose “House Arrest” On Journalist Sol García Basulto

14ymedio, Havana, 24 June 2017 — Independent journalist Sol García Basulto is under new restrictions of movement after police imposed a “precautionary measure of house arrest” during an interrogation held Monday in the city of Camagüey. The 14ymedio correspondent responded to a police summons at ten o’clock in the morning. First lieutenant Yusniel Pérez Torres, from the criminal … Continue reading “Police Impose “House Arrest” On Journalist Sol García Basulto”

Persecution Grows Against Independent Journalism In Cuba

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 26 June 2017 — Independent communicators in Cuba are victims of an escalating repression, according to a complaint filed Monday by the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH), based in Madrid. The alarm sounded by the organization coincides with an increase in complaints from journalists on the island as a result of … Continue reading “Persecution Grows Against Independent Journalism In Cuba”

Cubadecide Activists Arrested A Few Hours Before Rosa Maria Paya Arrives On The Island

14ymedio, Havana, 8 May 2017 — Activist Rosa Maria Payá denounced Monday the arrest of three coordinators of the CubaDecide initiative in Matanzas. The opponents were arrested early in the morning as they headed to Jose Marti International Airport in Havana to welcome Payá, who is promoting the campaign for a plebiscite on the island. The … Continue reading “Cubadecide Activists Arrested A Few Hours Before Rosa Maria Paya Arrives On The Island”