12 Important Events for Cuba and Cubans in 2012 / Ivette Leyva Martinez

By Ivette Leyva Martínez CaféFuerte.com offers for the consideration of its readers a selection of 12 events that affected Cuba and Cubans during the past year. The selection was made considering the impact of these events on the political, economic and cultural life of the country. They were organized chronologically, not according to relevance. It … Continue reading “12 Important Events for Cuba and Cubans in 2012 / Ivette Leyva Martinez”

Santiesteban: The Fundamentals of Law and Reasonable Doubt / Angel Santiesteban #Cuba

Wilfredo Vallín Almeida The case of the honored and prize-winning writer Angel Santiesteban Prats has been appealed to the Supreme Court by his defense attorney, using the right to appeal to the highest court in the land. In a previous post I analyzed the facts that were present in the case and now I will … Continue reading “Santiesteban: The Fundamentals of Law and Reasonable Doubt / Angel Santiesteban #Cuba”

The Effect on My Life of the Death of Oswaldo Paya / Mario Lleonart

The sacrifice of the precious life of Oswaldo Jose Paya Sardinas and of so many other martyrs that have preceded him in this type of targeted assassination, far from terrorizing me, stimulates me to continue forward in my ministry which cannot exclude the condemnation of this despotic regime. When I said goodbye to my friend Juan … Continue reading “The Effect on My Life of the Death of Oswaldo Paya / Mario Lleonart”

A DEER IN CHAINS / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The shortest monologue in the world has just been presented in a small room in Havana: “And where did Cuba end up?” (It is at the level of the short story “The Dinosaur” by the Guatemalan Augusto Monterroso.) Its name is Rhapsody for the Mule, and it is directed by Nelda Castillo for her theater … Continue reading “A DEER IN CHAINS / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Amnesty International Calls for the Release of Antonio Rodiles — Letter Campaign, YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW

URGENT ACTION CUBAN MAN TARGETED FOR GOVERNMENT CRITICISM Government critic Antonio Rodiles has been charged with “resisting authority”. It is believed the charges may be used to punish and prevent his peaceful criticism of Cuban government policies. A coordinator of a civil society initiative calling on the government to ratify international human rights treaties, Antonio … Continue reading “Amnesty International Calls for the Release of Antonio Rodiles — Letter Campaign, YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW”

Raul Castro Avoids the Ibero-American Summit in Cadiz / Yoani Sanchez

People visiting Havana for the first time agree on the similarities of this city with Cadiz. The cultural similarities and certain visual resemblances tie the Cuban capital to its Andalusian first cousin. The presence of the sea, some of the architectural style, and the open behavior of its people, complete the embrace. But not even … Continue reading “Raul Castro Avoids the Ibero-American Summit in Cadiz / Yoani Sanchez”

The Good Prisoner / Reinaldo Escobar

We’re already used to perceiving the interrogation tactic of “good cop, bad cop,” so it’s only natural that those of us who are usually on the other side of the questioning think of duplicating the method. On October 4 at around 5:30 in the afternoon an impressive police operation stopped us at the entrance to … Continue reading “The Good Prisoner / Reinaldo Escobar”

Cachita — The Virgin of Charity of Cobre — Returns to Cuban Hearts and Homes / Yoani Sanchez

A few days ago a lady who has a seat on the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) knocked on my door. I thought it was a mistake or forgetfulness that brought her to our door, as we haven’t been members of the CDR for nearly a decade. But the thin woman was … Continue reading “Cachita — The Virgin of Charity of Cobre — Returns to Cuban Hearts and Homes / Yoani Sanchez”

What Does a President Do? / Yoani Sanchez

The question of the title was inspired by Fidel Castro himself when, on March 28 of this year, he asked Benedict XVI, “What does a Pope do?” Beyond the childishness of the question, it made me reflect on what any president would say if we inquired about his agenda, how a dignitary would narrate his … Continue reading “What Does a President Do? / Yoani Sanchez”

On the Day After, Who Could Replace the Castros? / Ivan Garcia

Some people in Cuba are already placing bets. Everyone knows that within five to ten years power could change hands. The unknowns are whether the successor will have the last name of Castro, and if the inefficient political and economic system will be preserved. Raúl Castro crafted a law limiting time in political office to … Continue reading “On the Day After, Who Could Replace the Castros? / Ivan Garcia”

The Papal Mantle and The Red Mass – Reflections on the Pope’s Visit to Cuba / Yoani Sanchez

The miter leans slightly with the rhythm of the ritual, leaving his back exposed to the stone face of José Martí. On the table of the Mass, the chalice rests and reflects from its golden surface a relief of Che Guevara mounted on the facade of the Ministry of the Interior. Benedict XVI officiates mass … Continue reading “The Papal Mantle and The Red Mass – Reflections on the Pope’s Visit to Cuba / Yoani Sanchez”

The Line for Fish / Eliecer Avila

It’s six in the morning and they start coming early. They got up at the crack of dawn because of the rumor that the fish had arrived today and, as usual, there will not be enough for everyone; later it will be gone and for weeks or months there will be no other chance for … Continue reading “The Line for Fish / Eliecer Avila”

Taguayabón, Far From the Biennial / Mario Barroso

For some weeks Havana has had its Biennial and as almost always in my little forgotten village life goes on between the tedium and mediocrity. Behind these airs of expositions and performances I can’t help but remember what happened in these parts a little after this particular cultural event in 2009. Reinaldo Escobar and Yoani … Continue reading “Taguayabón, Far From the Biennial / Mario Barroso”

Statement from the Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas Family / Ofelia Acevedo

It has been ten days since the event which took the life of my husband, Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, National Coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement, and the life of the young man Harold Cepero Escalante, a member of the same movement. The event has been covered by Cuba’s National Television, which is unusual since fatal … Continue reading “Statement from the Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas Family / Ofelia Acevedo”

Detention of Antonio Rodiles: Guilty of the Free "Estado de Sats" / Ángel Santiesteban

When the funeral cortege left the chapel in Cerro with the body of the political leader Oswaldo Payá, having barely advanced a few yards, it was stopped for some twenty minutes. Something happened at the beginning of the caravan. Several people got out of the car to find out what; we feared the worse although … Continue reading “Detention of Antonio Rodiles: Guilty of the Free "Estado de Sats" / Ángel Santiesteban”