The Failed Attempts to Make Me an “Agent” – Angel Santiesteban

The rancor of the Totalitarian State is lethal. It’s an eternal persecution. An entire devastating structure capable of slowly annihilating you. With persistence they’re where you least imagine them, until you receive your share of venom. A deadly snake who waits for the moment to bite. And there is always a moment. The attack came … Continue reading “The Failed Attempts to Make Me an “Agent” – Angel Santiesteban”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an “Agent” – IV / Angel Santiesteban

After the Black Spring, when they arrested the 75 Government opponents, through my younger sister I met one of them who had been released due to illness. And visiting his house, I noticed that his daughter was an absolute beauty. I think it was a mutual sympathy from the beginning and she agreed to take … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an “Agent” – IV / Angel Santiesteban”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – III / Angel Santiesteban

It terrified me to know that I could return to the cells for another sixty days, or maybe more. But it caused me more terror to imagine myself “cooperating” with those I didn’t believe, with those who I considered were abusing my country, to know myself complicit disgusts me. I also knew that to be … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – III / Angel Santiesteban”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – II / Angel Santiesteban

After two months of hiding in the neighborhood of Güinera, I reappeared in my neighborhood. Everything seemed calm. The good thing was that I had taken advantage of the time to read and create. And I thought I could resume my life. When I least expected it, they raided my house and arrested me once … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – II / Angel Santiesteban”

Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – I / Angel Santiesteban

Knowing how to say no when the opportunity presents itself, no matter the surprise, the gain, or the subsequent costs of the negative, is what differentiates us from prostitutes. My rejection of the regime came to me from an early age, I knew it was the wrong road and that with the Communist System the … Continue reading “Testimony: The Failed Attempts to Make Me an Agent – I / Angel Santiesteban”

The State That’s Afraid of Words / Angel Santiesteban

How weak is a State that sees danger in the words of a student? And using its power forcefully attacks and dictates the immediate expulsion of Henry Constantin from the Superior Art Institute (ISA) in Havana, brutally abusing his rights and using psychological torture. In recent days, in the middle of the night, and aware … Continue reading “The State That’s Afraid of Words / Angel Santiesteban”

Silence is Complicity / Angel Santiesteban

Sometimes I suspect that blogging in Cuba is like a scream from the depths of a cave that is lost in the void without finding any listeners. The echo comes back to me in an irascible silence, making me uncomfortable, thinking that outside the cave there are no inhabitants, we are alone. The scream simply … Continue reading “Silence is Complicity / Angel Santiesteban”

Collera and Capote, Second Rate Agents / Angel Santiesteban

For some time I’ve wanted to talk about the media series on the Cuban “agents”, a completely carnivalesque show where they invent records with long years of service, unfortunately I was damned surprised to recognize the two of them. I recognized him from being part of a fraternal organization to which I belonged for twenty-four … Continue reading “Collera and Capote, Second Rate Agents / Angel Santiesteban”

Sebastián Martínez, Spanish Journalist in Cuban Prison / Angel Santiesteban

The Cuban government doesn’t censor, persecute and punish its nationals enough, though they live in the diaspora, but that it also is expanding to foreigners its need to teach a lesson to anyone who dares to break the “untainted” — and only authorized — image that it exports of the deteriorating “Revolution” which, if it … Continue reading “Sebastián Martínez, Spanish Journalist in Cuban Prison / Angel Santiesteban”

In Cuba You’re an Agent or a Criminal / Angel Santiesteban

For fifty years the Cuban government, scripted by Fidel Castro, has decided to convert Cubans into heroes or traitors, according to its own convenience. All those who left during the Mariel Boatlift were “scum and worms,” notwithstanding that they had committed no crimes or were doctors or engineers. When General Del Pino took a small … Continue reading “In Cuba You’re an Agent or a Criminal / Angel Santiesteban”

Juan Wilfredo Soto, in the Parque Vidal / Angel Santiesteban

Juan Wilfredo Soto For Mother’s Day the Cuban government gives exactly what can cause the most pain: the loss of a child. And the Great Mother, the Nation, is mourning another of its sons who, like the long-ago freedom fighters, the Mambises, decided to die rather than be abused, expelled from his own land, a … Continue reading “Juan Wilfredo Soto, in the Parque Vidal / Angel Santiesteban”

The Manipulated of Little Note / Angel Santiesteban

For many it came to be the program with more viewers, but far from looking at it for ideological reasons, they took it as simple entertainment, assuming it was another fictional series, very bad indeed, but at that time on the schedule there was nothing more entertaining than baseball. Those who had satellite channels in … Continue reading “The Manipulated of Little Note / Angel Santiesteban”

The Silent Re-Evolution / Angel Santiesteban

MANY FRIENDS HAVE written me to ask why my posts are postponed when the always turbulent Cuban reality, unfortunately for us, requires direct and constant attention. My closest friends demand a commitment to my readers. Others, most of them strangers, have approached me in the street to tell me that they are aware of my … Continue reading “The Silent Re-Evolution / Angel Santiesteban”

Them, The Cyberwarriors / Angel Santiesteban

Source: Guama 1. A friend in the US said he doesn’t agree with some of the [Communist Party] Guidelines for… 2. He’s declaring cyberwar on you!!!!!! Today we woke up to the Government’s onslaught against the Rebel Bloggers of the Island, with a two-page article in Granma titled, “Cuba’s Reasons/Special,” and the most special is … Continue reading “Them, The Cyberwarriors / Angel Santiesteban”

The Reflection in the Mirror: Castro and Mubarak / Angel Santiesteban

The newspaper Granma, official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba, which also controls the rest of the official media as is common in totalitarian regimes, announces that demonstrations against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak are a response to his thirty years in power. The news seems to mock Cubans. The Castro government is already threatening … Continue reading “The Reflection in the Mirror: Castro and Mubarak / Angel Santiesteban”