Cuban Doctor Detained for Several Hours for His ‘Harmful Words on Social Networks’

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 14 February 2022 — The threats and harassment against the doctor Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre have not stopped since, last year, the Ministry of Public Health expelled him from his job and invalidated his university degree. This Sunday, State Security went looking for him at his home in Bayamo (Granma province) and … Continue reading “Cuban Doctor Detained for Several Hours for His ‘Harmful Words on Social Networks’”

Cuban Family Submits a Complaint to the Governor of Villa Clara for ‘Systematic Harassment’

14ymedio, Havana, 19 January 2022 — The family of Andy García Lorenzo, one of the prisoners for the July 11 (11J) demonstrations in Santa Clara, delivered this Wednesday a letter addressed to the governor of Villa Clara, Alberto López Díaz, to denounce the “damages” that he is causing them. the “systematic harassment” to which he … Continue reading “Cuban Family Submits a Complaint to the Governor of Villa Clara for ‘Systematic Harassment’”

“You Should Be the Ones Talking to Us, Not State Security”

14ymedio, Havana, 3 December 2020 — The following document is the result of comparing the notes taken by various people who were present and what was remembered by the participants. Published on the Facebook Page 27N (for ‘November 27’) , it is reproduced with their permission. They point out that “there were more statements in … Continue reading ““You Should Be the Ones Talking to Us, Not State Security””

Cuban Police Threaten the Young ‘Influencer’ Jancel Moreno with Prison

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 17 September 2020 — The young influencer and reporter Jancel Moreno was summoned this Wednesday afternoon by the police of the city of Matanzas and was threatened with up to four years in prison if he does not stop publishing criticism against the Cuban authorities on social networks. Moreno, who is also … Continue reading “Cuban Police Threaten the Young ‘Influencer’ Jancel Moreno with Prison”

Six Years of 14ymedio. How Have We Changed?

14ymedio, Havana, 21 May 2020 —  On a Wednesday, six years ago, 14ymedio was born. Now the circumstances have changed, but not the essence of this newspaper. We look into a new decade immersed in a pandemic that fills the world with uncertainties, but with the same dream of taking to your homes every morning the stories that you … Continue reading “Six Years of 14ymedio. How Have We Changed?”

The OCDH Celebrates the Release of 6,579 Prisoners in Cuba

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, May 1, 2020 — The Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos [Cuban Observatory of Human Rights] (OCDH) welcomes the release of 6,579 prisoners announced by the Government this Thursday. “It’s a positive measure in the framework of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic,” said the organization, which is based in Madrid. The President of … Continue reading “The OCDH Celebrates the Release of 6,579 Prisoners in Cuba”

Masks Are Not Gags

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, 22 April 2020 — While the coronavirus rages in Latin America, another enemy – not as tiny – is also gaining ground. Authoritarianism takes advantage of the health emergency and the fear of citizens to cut freedoms, crush rights and impose tight control over daily life. In a few weeks we have … Continue reading “Masks Are Not Gags”

A 3,000 Peso Fine for Monica Baro for Texts on Facebook

14ymedio, Havana, 18 April 2020 — After a two-hour interrogation, the independent journalist Mónica Baró was fined 3,000 pesos under the rule of Decree Law 370 that regulates the use of the internet in Cuba. The reporter was summoned despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the authorities’ call for Cubans not to leave their homes. The … Continue reading “A 3,000 Peso Fine for Monica Baro for Texts on Facebook”

‘Tips’ From Cuban State Security for a ’14ymedio’ Reporter

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 27 February 2020 — Citations from Cuba’s Ministry of Interior always leave many questions. What will it be for now? What do they want from me? What do I do when I face them? What to answer, what not to answer? Yes, because there are accusations it is better not to … Continue reading “‘Tips’ From Cuban State Security for a ’14ymedio’ Reporter”

Cuban Journalist Julio Aleaga Is Fined 3,000 Pesos for His Publications on Social Networks

The political police warned him that they could seize his work equipment 14ymedio, Havana, 21 June 2024 — Independent journalist Julio Aleaga Pesant was fined 3,000 pesos this Thursday for the alleged crime of enemy propaganda. After attending a police summons, State Security questioned the reporter about his constant publications on digital platforms, in which … Continue reading “Cuban Journalist Julio Aleaga Is Fined 3,000 Pesos for His Publications on Social Networks”

Cuba Will Host 46 Artists From 22 Countries at the First Biennial of Political Humor in Havana / 14yMedio

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, June 6, 2024 — The event will be held from June 14 to 28, its organizers reported this Thursday at a press conference. The theme of this event will be the Fight against Neo-Fascism and will have political cartoonists from countries such as Mexico, Venezuela and France. The event, organized by the National … Continue reading “Cuba Will Host 46 Artists From 22 Countries at the First Biennial of Political Humor in Havana / 14yMedio”

The Political Police Intensify Their Harassment Against Several Cuban Opponents and Journalists

State Security has launched a “repressive escalation” throughout the island, family and friends denounce 14ymedio, Havana, April 27, 2024 — Several independent activists and reporters have denounced the arrest of Camagueyan journalist José Luis Tan Estrada by State Security this Friday in Havana. After a month of tensions with the authorities, the reporter had traveled … Continue reading “The Political Police Intensify Their Harassment Against Several Cuban Opponents and Journalists”

Press Association Denounces ‘Repression’ Against the Media, Journalists and ‘Influencers’ in Cuba

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, April 25, 2023. (EFE) — The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) denounced on Tuesday an unprecedented “crisis” in Cuba’s unofficial media and the “repression” of the authorities against journalists and influencers. In its new biannual report, the IAPA says that “the crisis of independent journalism is approaching a bottom never seen in … Continue reading “Press Association Denounces ‘Repression’ Against the Media, Journalists and ‘Influencers’ in Cuba”

State Security Fines and Blackmails Users of Social Media in Cuba

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 7 January 2023 — Yanara called her best friend and said to her in code: “My son’s unwell, could you bring me a thermometer?” This was just a strategy to get her old university friend to visit her so she could then tell her what was really on her mind. … Continue reading “State Security Fines and Blackmails Users of Social Media in Cuba”

Exodus of Reporters Strikes a Blow to the Independent Press in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, January 30, 2022 — Cuban independent journalism has had to reinvent itself several times. The police repression and draconian laws against freedom of expression maintained on the Island are not the only obstacles. Emigration is one of the biggest threats to a press that is also still being persecuted and demonized. Work teams … Continue reading “Exodus of Reporters Strikes a Blow to the Independent Press in Cuba”