Tourism Industry to Get Tomatoes but Cubans Will Have to Wait until February

14ymedio, Havana, 29 January 2024 — Rain and planting delays are conspiring to keep tomatoes out of Cienfuegos’ produce markets. At least that is the excuse provided on Monday by local officials, who readily admitted that tomatoes destined for tourist hotels and specialized food service establishments are grown year round in the controlled climate conditions … Continue reading “Tourism Industry to Get Tomatoes but Cubans Will Have to Wait until February”

The Cuban Government Will Pay Farmers More for Potatoes

14ymedio, Havana, 10 January 2024 — The Cuban State will pay more money to farmers this year for every quintal (220 pounds) of potato it buys, a measure whose real benefit – in light of inflation and the difficulty of obtaining agricultural inputs – is difficult to calculate. What will remain stable in 2024, according … Continue reading “The Cuban Government Will Pay Farmers More for Potatoes”

The Great Depression 2023 Threatens to be Repeated in 2024 in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 1 January 2024 — There was no reason to think it would be better, after all 2023 had been preceded by disaster. The economic crisis had already given clear signs of having become chronic in Cuba, the mass exodus marked the bleeding of families escaping to anywhere, the official discourse maintained its commitment … Continue reading “The Great Depression 2023 Threatens to be Repeated in 2024 in Cuba”

Cases of Theft and Slaughter of Livestock in Cuba Have Increased by 360 Percent in Two Years

14ymedio, Madrid, 22 December 2023 — It was expected that, among the results analyzed by Parliament, those of the agricultural sector would be the most regrettable. But expectations were, once again, exceeded, in particular when the collapse of livestock was known due to theft and slaughter, almost twice as much as last year and 360% … Continue reading “Cases of Theft and Slaughter of Livestock in Cuba Have Increased by 360 Percent in Two Years”

Luxury Cigars for the World’s Princes, ‘Peso’ Tobacco for Cuban Beggars

14ymedio, Havana, 6 December 2023 — The most recent cigar presented by the monopoly Habanos SA to its international clientele is the El Rey del Mundo Royal Series, a formidable medium-strength tobacco that is recommended to be paired with rum. Along with its impeccable presentation – cedar box, quality certificate and ring with gold details … Continue reading “Luxury Cigars for the World’s Princes, ‘Peso’ Tobacco for Cuban Beggars”

Agromarkets Give a Blow to the Cuban Regime’s Banking Reform

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, October 6, 2023 — There is more news about bancarización.* The state press analyzes the relationship between agromarkets and electronic payments and describes it as “a union that is not yet consolidated.” It’s a good example that bancarización as a hierarchical order issued by the regime, mandatory for all, is … Continue reading “Agromarkets Give a Blow to the Cuban Regime’s Banking Reform”

Cuba’s Diaz-Canel Does Not Understand the Food Situation, Rather, He Sees It Backwards

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 13 May 2023 — Perhaps someone could think that the script for the meetings the regime leaders are conducting throughout the Island could change at some point and gain a certain realism. An expectation that, unfortunately, hasn’t been met in Matanzas (nor in Mayabeque.) There, Cuban president Díaz-Canel once again … Continue reading “Cuba’s Diaz-Canel Does Not Understand the Food Situation, Rather, He Sees It Backwards”

Cuba’s Official Press Criticizes the Managers Who Squander the State’s Money

14ymedio, Havana, 25 March 2023 — Of the 63 Cuban state companies that operate in the province of Las Tunas, 25 received million-peso payments from the Government without any productive support. The fact, which the local press unequivocally described as a “scam,” addressed the total expenditure of 29,924,000 pesos [$1,246,830] in January alone and motivated … Continue reading “Cuba’s Official Press Criticizes the Managers Who Squander the State’s Money”

Creative Resistance and the Cuban Economy

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 12 December 2022 — Analysts of the Cuban economy attribute to Cuban President Díaz-Canel the concept of “creative resistance” that the communist president uses every time he refers to the possibility of overcoming economic problems. In essence, Díaz-Canel understands creative resistance as “a capacity of the people not only to … Continue reading “Creative Resistance and the Cuban Economy”

Cuban Authorities Get Fruit for Tourism and Export, But it is Not Available for Island Residents

14ymedio, Havana, 21 December 2022 — The Cuban Government allocates fruits considered “select” for export and for tourists who arrive on the Island, while in the markets where Cuban families buy, it is increasingly difficult and expensive to get the products grown in the fields of the Island. The official press has dedicated extensive articles … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Get Fruit for Tourism and Export, But it is Not Available for Island Residents”

In Camajuani, the Cuban State Leaves the Majority of Farmers in Poverty

14ymedio, Yankiel Gutiérrez Faife, Camajuaní (Cuba), 24 September 2022 — Like most Cuban farmers, Ernesto gets up before dawn and has coffee. Half of his house is made of boards; the other is covered with fiber cement. He isn’t poor, but the money he earns has to be reinvested in crops. His land, located on … Continue reading “In Camajuani, the Cuban State Leaves the Majority of Farmers in Poverty”

Cuba: The Sand Generation

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 24 September 2022 — As I adjust my helmet, he tells me that he is 29 years old and has an ulcer. I get on the back of the motorcycle and we head down Calle Reina heading to Carlos III. The Belascoaín traffic light forces us to a stop, … Continue reading “Cuba: The Sand Generation”

Perpetual Inventories, When Scarcity and Paranoia Come Together in State Enterprises

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana,5  June 2022 — The crisis hits all of Cuba, but the state sector suffers twice. In addition to the lack of raw material, looting by employees is added. The most recent solution to reduce these robberies has been to apply the so-called “perpetual inventory” in the community canteens in Havana, … Continue reading “Perpetual Inventories, When Scarcity and Paranoia Come Together in State Enterprises”

The Cuban Embargo: Another Resolution? Or Elimination of Internal Obstacles? / Dimas Castellano

Dimas Castellano, Havana, 23 May 2021 — The embargo enacted by the U.S. against the Cuban government in 1962 was ridiculed for its ineffectiveness until the Soviet subsidies disappeared. As of that moment, it was described as the primary cause of all ills, including sexual rights, according to the words of Manuel Vázquez, Deputy Director … Continue reading “The Cuban Embargo: Another Resolution? Or Elimination of Internal Obstacles? / Dimas Castellano”

But What Good Practices Are They Going to Substitute in Cuban Agriculture?

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 29 May 2022 — Is the agricultural situation in Cuba really going to be substituting “good practices” to increase the production of food, vegetables, grains and fruits? Well, it seems that this is what they did in the National Plenary of Cooperatives and Advanced Producers of the Productive Poles of … Continue reading “But What Good Practices Are They Going to Substitute in Cuban Agriculture?”