Leaders Only Have Eyes for Russia at the Havana International Fair

14ymedio, Madrid, November 7, 2023 — With Prime Minister Manuel Marrero seeking support in China, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel cut the ribbon this year for the 39th edition of the Havana International Fair (Fihav) with his Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Ricardo Cabrisas. The change was noticeable in the suit with tie, compared … Continue reading “Leaders Only Have Eyes for Russia at the Havana International Fair”

The Emirates, a Springboard for Ordinary Cubans and a Potential Patron for Havana

14ymedio, Havana/Madrid, October 3, 2023 — Ricardo Cabrisas, Cuba’s minister in charge of begging for foreign exchange, oil and debt renegotiation for the benefit of the Havana regime, began on Monday a working visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country that exempts Cubans from visas and is becoming a springboard for those fleeing … Continue reading “The Emirates, a Springboard for Ordinary Cubans and a Potential Patron for Havana”

Cuba’s Umpteenth Negotiation With the Paris Club for Non-Payments, Meanwhile Luxury Hotels Multiply

14ymedio, Madrid, 31 August 2023 — The future of Cuba’s 4.827 billion dollar debt with its Paris Club creditors is at stake today in Havana. According to the official press, William Roos, co-president of the institution, proposed establishing a new calendar in accordance with Cuba’s ability to pay after expressing that “there is understanding towards … Continue reading “Cuba’s Umpteenth Negotiation With the Paris Club for Non-Payments, Meanwhile Luxury Hotels Multiply”

Moscow Is Involved in the Digitization of Fiscal Control for Private Businesses in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 26 August 2023 — In the midst of the process of bancarización* [banking reform] of transactions in Cuba, a group of Russian experts advises the Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Ricardo Cabrisas, on issues of “digitalization of fiscal control and electronic banking.” His proposal: the foundation of a Business Development … Continue reading “Moscow Is Involved in the Digitization of Fiscal Control for Private Businesses in Cuba”

Ideological Slogans Dominate Diosdado Cabello’s Visit to Cuba

14ymedio, Madrid, 11 August 2023 — The visit to Cuba of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s number two, Diosdado Cabello, ended as it began: with a political-ideological allegation, this time by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel. Gone are the cryptic agreements signed with Ricardo Cabrisas, head of foreign trade on the Island – including the construction of … Continue reading “Ideological Slogans Dominate Diosdado Cabello’s Visit to Cuba”

Venezuela Will Build a Fuel Warehouse in the Cuban Port of Mariel

14ymedio, Havana, 9 August 2023 — Both the official Cuban and Venezuelan press have been secretive about the visit to the Island of Diosdado Cabello, the second man in the regime of Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of that country (PSUV). However, his tour this Wednesday through the port area of Mariel, where … Continue reading “Venezuela Will Build a Fuel Warehouse in the Cuban Port of Mariel”

Giving Hotels and National Resources to Foreigners Will Not Pay Cuba’s Huge Debt

14ymedio, Juan Izquierdo, Havana, 15 July 2023 — The option of resolving Cuba’s external debt with the transfer of domestic resources to foreign companies, defended this Wednesday by the pro-government professor Juan Triana Cordoví, has been refuted by economist Pedro Monreal. Triana considers this option a way to refinance and “revitalize” socialism on the Island; for … Continue reading “Giving Hotels and National Resources to Foreigners Will Not Pay Cuba’s Huge Debt”

Two Thousand More Tons of Donated Vietnamese Rice Will Arrive in Cuba in September

14ymedio, Madrid, 4 July 2023 — In the absence of an increase in agricultural production, and in the midst of an unprecedented shortage and inflation, more rice donated by Vietnam will arrive in Cuba. In May the Asian country sent 5,000 tons; this time it will send 2,000. The first shipment left the port of … Continue reading “Two Thousand More Tons of Donated Vietnamese Rice Will Arrive in Cuba in September”

Cuba Offers Russia Its Catalog of Medicines in Exchange for Raw Materials for Azithromycin and Others

14ymedio, Madrid, 9 June 2023 — BioCubaFarma will return from Russia with the signing of at least three documents that the official press has described as contracts, although strictly there is only one that will allow the acquisition of active ingredients for the medications. The information gives as an example azithromycin, one of the most … Continue reading “Cuba Offers Russia Its Catalog of Medicines in Exchange for Raw Materials for Azithromycin and Others”

Cuba’s Prime Minister Arrives in Moscow With an Entourage of Ministers and the President of the Central Bank

14ymedio, Madrid, 6 June 2023 — The Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, arrived in Moscow in the early hours of Tuesday “to expand and consolidate bilateral relations” between Russia and the Island. The official visit will last until June 17, as noted by the official Twitter account of the Government, which has changed the background … Continue reading “Cuba’s Prime Minister Arrives in Moscow With an Entourage of Ministers and the President of the Central Bank”

The Cuban Regime Will Discuss ‘The Constitutional Design of the State’

14ymedio, Havana, 23 May 2023 — The two highest powers in Cuba will meet this Tuesday. While the Parliament will discuss for two days “the constitutional design of the State and elements of the Constitution,” the Communist Party began its Sixth Plenary of the Central Committee focused on economic aspects. Both meetings take place a … Continue reading “The Cuban Regime Will Discuss ‘The Constitutional Design of the State’”

On the Eve of Republic Day, Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gives ‘Cuba’s Unconditional Support to Russia’

14ymedio, Havana, 20 May 2023 — Before the satisfied gaze of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Chernishenko, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel assured this Friday “Cuba’s unconditional support for the Russian Federation in its confrontation with the West.” The declaration of loyalty, offered in the 1930 hall of the Hotel Nacional, crowned the signing of eight … Continue reading “On the Eve of Republic Day, Cuban President Diaz-Canel Gives ‘Cuba’s Unconditional Support to Russia’”

The Russian National Airline Will Resume Its Flights to Cuba Beginning July 1

14ymedio, Havana, May 19, 2023 — The Russian airline Aeroflot will resume its commercial flights to Cuba on July 1, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Chernishenko announced on Thursday during his visit to Havana. Until now, the air service between the two countries had been limited by the international sanctions imposed on Moscow after its … Continue reading “The Russian National Airline Will Resume Its Flights to Cuba Beginning July 1”

Diaz-Canel Exuberantly Receives a Minister From Saudi Arabia and His Millionaire Proposals for Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 20 May 2023 — Despite his busy schedule of support to Russia in the last 48 hours, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel found time to receive this Friday Ahmed Bin Aqeel Al-Khateeb, Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia and president of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Development Fund. As in the case … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Exuberantly Receives a Minister From Saudi Arabia and His Millionaire Proposals for Cuba”

Red Carpet in Cuba for the Russians: Land in Usufruct for 30 Years and Tax Exemptions

14ymedio, Madrid, 18 May 2023 — “They are giving us preferential treatment, the road is paved.” The words of Boris Titov, president of the Cuba-Russia Business Council, at the inauguration of the bilateral business economic forum this Wednesday at the Hotel Nacional in Havana, eloquently illustrate the state of the relationship between the two countries. … Continue reading “Red Carpet in Cuba for the Russians: Land in Usufruct for 30 Years and Tax Exemptions”