Cuban Policeman, Rafter and Now Confessed Murderer of Two Women in the United States

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón / Manuel Mons, Miami | 6 September 2018 – Cuban police captain Hareton Jaime Rodríguez Sariol, who arrived as a rafter in the United States in 2016, is the main suspect in the death of Elizabeth Rodríguez Rubio and her granddaughter, Angie Carolina, whose bodies were found in Shenandoah National Park, … Continue reading “Cuban Policeman, Rafter and Now Confessed Murderer of Two Women in the United States”

Extrajudicial Executions Are Still Happening on the Island, According to Cuba Archive

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami, August 27, 2018 — The NGO Cuba Archive claimed this Monday that extrajudicial executions are still happening on the island, and they cited as an example the case of Alejandro Pupo Echemendía, 46, “killed by officers at a police station” in the city of Placetas (Villa Clara). Pupo Echemendía died … Continue reading “Extrajudicial Executions Are Still Happening on the Island, According to Cuba Archive”

Court in Cienfuegos Sentences Two of Leidy Pacheco’s Murderers to Life in Prison

14ymedio, Justo Mora/Mario J. Pentón, Cienfuegos | 23 August 2018 — Justice came to Cienfuegos but in the deepest silence from the Provincial Court, which has kept secret the sentence of life imprisonment for two of the three men accused of raping and murdering Leidy Pacheco Mur, 18 years old and mother of a 10-month-old … Continue reading “Court in Cienfuegos Sentences Two of Leidy Pacheco’s Murderers to Life in Prison”

After Four Months’ Detention In The United States, A Freelance Journalist Fears Repatriation To Cuba

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami | The Cuban freelance journalist Serafín Morán Santiago, who arrived at the United States border to ask for political asylum in April, will appear on Friday before a court that will decide whether to grant him bail. This Wednesday in Miami, organizations that promote freedom of the press declared that … Continue reading “After Four Months’ Detention In The United States, A Freelance Journalist Fears Repatriation To Cuba”

An Alliance is Created to Denounce the Violations of Human Rights in Cuba

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami | August 14, 2018 – Radio and TV Martí together with the non-governmental organization Freedom House launched a campaign on Tuesday that will aim to disseminate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as setting up a telephone number to receive complaints from Cuba. “If you feel that your … Continue reading “An Alliance is Created to Denounce the Violations of Human Rights in Cuba”

Diaz-Canel Visit to Manzanillo Recounted by Historian Without Mincing Words

This video is not subtitled 14ymedio, Marion J Pentón, Miami, Augut 11, 2018 — On the eve of the visit to Manzanillo by Miguel Díaz-Canel at the end of June, this western city in frank decadence was subjected to special treatment. Houses were spruced up, the indigents were secluded in the psychiatric hospital, criticism was … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Visit to Manzanillo Recounted by Historian Without Mincing Words”

Cuban Economy’s 1.1% Growth is Not Felt on Cubans’ Dinner Tables

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami | 25 July 2018 – Cuba’s 1.1% economic growth the first semester of 2018, announced by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, will not reach the kitchens of the Cuban people, nor will it be felt in the already reduced purchasing power of their wallets, according to various economists consulted by 14ymedio. The island, crippled by … Continue reading “Cuban Economy’s 1.1% Growth is Not Felt on Cubans’ Dinner Tables”

Fernando Ravsberg: "In Cuba There Are Good Journalists and Bad Press"

14ymedio, Miami, 13 July 2018 — Fernando Ravsberg, a Uruguayan journalist living in Cuba, has closed his blog Cartas desde Cuba (Letters from Cuba), after an intense campaign of harassment on the part of the most radical sectors of official journalism. Ravsberg published his last post on Thursday, explaining that he made the decision because the authorities refused to … Continue reading “Fernando Ravsberg: "In Cuba There Are Good Journalists and Bad Press"”

"I Prefer the Cuba of the Special Period to the Venezuela of Nicolas Maduro," Says a Cuban Doctor

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Havana, 13 July 2018  — After the robbery of 152,000 dollars (a figure later reduced to 16,000 by the police) Cuban doctors in Venezuela have come to be seen as privileged due to their access to the green bills in contrast to the unfortunate situation of the local population. Several physicians consulted by this newspaper … Continue reading “"I Prefer the Cuba of the Special Period to the Venezuela of Nicolas Maduro," Says a Cuban Doctor”

Criminal Gang Steals $150,000 from Cuban Medical Mission in Venezuela

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami | 2 July 2018 — Eight armed and hooded men attacked a group of Cuban doctors stationed in Venezuela in the early hours of Sunday morning and stole more than $152,000 (dollars) and 30,000 pesos, according to statements to 14ymedio from several doctors from the island who work in the medical mission in that country. The police reports … Continue reading “Criminal Gang Steals $150,000 from Cuban Medical Mission in Venezuela”

Documentary Narrates the Destruction of Venezuela in Two Decades of ‘Chavismo’

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami | 18 June 2018 — He changed the constitution, the coat of arms and the national flag, the name of his country and even its time zone. Hugo Chávez intended Chavismo to build a new social order on the remains of Venezuela’s liberal democracy and he succeeded. But at what a price! Two decades after … Continue reading “Documentary Narrates the Destruction of Venezuela in Two Decades of ‘Chavismo’”

Diaz-Canel Visits El Cobre Basilica and Plays Basketball at a School

14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón | Miami | June 20, 2018 — Cuba’s new president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, is determined to revitalize the government’s image. In a demonstration of his closeness to the people, he agreed to be photographed playing basketball with students during a recent visit to Santiago de Cuba. Only this time the ball that … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Visits El Cobre Basilica and Plays Basketball at a School”

Court Lifts Embargo Against a Cargo of Russian Oil Destined for Cuba

14ymedio, Miami, 26 June 2018 — An oil tanker prevented for more than a month from delivering Russian oil bought by Venezuela’s state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), to send to Cuba, has been unloaded in the Caribbean. Another ship with Russian oil for Havana paid for by Caracas, will also unload very soon, according … Continue reading “Court Lifts Embargo Against a Cargo of Russian Oil Destined for Cuba”

Pinar Del Rio’s Bishop Asks For “A Review of the Case” of Ruiz Urquiola

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 30 June 2018 – On Friday, shortly after visiting biologist Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, on hunger strike over his sentence of one year in prison, the bishop of the Catholic diocese of Pinar del Rio, Jorge Serpa, spoke in favor of “a review of the case and of the process.” Serpa … Continue reading “Pinar Del Rio’s Bishop Asks For “A Review of the Case” of Ruiz Urquiola”

Arsenic, Oil and Plastics Invade Cienfuegos Bay

14ymedio, Justo Mora/Mario J. Pentón, Cienfuegos/Miami, 5 June 2018 — A crab covered with remnants of oil lifts a claw in a threatening gesture while sidling slowly through one of the mangroves on the banks of Cienfuegos Bay. It is rare to see seagulls crossing the bay in search of fish while some pelicans spotted in … Continue reading “Arsenic, Oil and Plastics Invade Cienfuegos Bay”