Kuwait Donates $100 Million for Hydraulic Repairs in Cuba

In June of last year alone, more than 260 breakdowns were reported that affected more than 380,000 people

“Around 2,070,000 people receive the service every three days or more, and there are 478 population centers with more than 2,000 inhabitants who don’t have aqueduct networks” / 14ymedio/Archive

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 29 May 2024 — The Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) has donated 102 million dollars over 20 years for hydraulic repair projects in the three most populous provinces of Cuba, according to local media on Wednesday. Kuwaiti cooperation has already benefited 1,454,000 people, more than 10% of the population, and 85% of the total amount has been spent, according to the state Cuban News Agency (ACN).

The projects provide, in addition to repairs to pipelines and aqueducts, a study for the comprehensive solution of the floods along the Havana Malecón, the construction of more water tanks, and the rehabilitation of supply networks and plants for drinking water.

Kuwait’s ambassador to Cuba, Adel Mubarak Farjan Al-Adgham, said last week that KFEAD began in 2003 with the construction of hydraulic works in the provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Holguín and Havana.

Water shortages affect 450,000 people in Cuba, of which more than 156,000 lack adequate access due to the poor state of the infrastructure

Water shortages affect 450,000 people in Cuba, of which more than 156,000 lack adequate access due to the poor state of the hydraulic infrastructure and other problems, according to data from the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH).

“About 2,070,000 people receive the service every three days or more, and there are 478 population centers with more than 2,000 inhabitants who don’t have – totally or partially – aqueduct networks,” said the president of the INRH, Antonio Rodríguez, as quoted in the official newspaper Granma.

The director of the INRH mentioned that in June of last year alone, more than 260 breakdowns were reported that affected more than 380,000 people.

He added that aqueduct systems often lose a lot of water “due to the poor technical condition and inadequate operation of the hydraulic infrastructure.”

One measure taken by the Government is the completion of 206 hydraulic works by investment and maintenance, as well as a plan to acquire 1,390 pieces of pumping equipment to alleviate the “tense situation” of recent years.

Translated by Regina Anavy


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