Having a profound interest prior to the openings of new restaurants (called paladares – which means “palates”) on my beloved planet and in this meal in particular, I offer you the following recipe:
Chancellor snapper filet (any similarity to a real person is a pure coincidence).
For two people:
1/2 pound of snapper filets.
1 lemon.
2 slices of garlic.
One piece of pepper.
1 tablespoon of salt.
1 cup of wheat flour.
2 cups of fine breadcrumbs.
2 eggs.
1/2 pound of ham.
1/4 pound of cheese.
Cover the filets with a mixed garlic, salt and pepper, add the lemon juice. Leave it for a while. Put it into a dish and put ham and cheese on every filet. Pass it carefully through wheat flour, coating both sides well.
Now, pass them through whipped egg until they absorb it well on both sides. Coat them with a sufficient breadcrumb, support them against the bottom of the dish to make the coating adhere.
Fry them in sufficiently warm oil. Serve them in a dish and garnish them with pieces of lemon and branches of parsley or rosemary.
This recipe has been practiced in our most famous restaurants for ages by our best chefs.
Enjoy your meal!
Translated by: Ivana Recmanová
August 4 2011