Publisher of ‘Coexistence’ is Incommunicado in State Security Headquarters / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

Karina Gálvez, editor of the magazine Coexistence in Pinar del Río. (Alongthemalecon)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 21 January 2017 — The editor of the magazine Convivencia (Coexistence), the economist Karina Galvez, is still being held incommunicado 24 hours after a spectacular police raid on her home in Pinar del Río.

Gálvez is accused of tax evasion, something that the editorial team of the Coexistence Study Center precluded in a press release.

“Karina has no business, nor is she self-employed in her work, nor does she work for the Cuban state,” says the letter signed by the team of the first think tank in the western part of the island. continue reading

The members of Convivencia explain that the accusation refers to the sale of Galvez’s home: “All the transactions carried out in 2014 are in order and all corresponding tax payments have been made.”

According to the note, the detainee is being advised by the team of lawyers of the International Legal Consultancy in Pinar del Río.

Karins Gálvez’s house is sealed and friends and relatives are prohibited from entering. According to the official who identified herself as Major Odalys, the house is “occupied” and Galvez will be held incommunicado for seven days, after which she may receive a visit to give her personal cleanliness supplies.

“They have not taken anything from the house, what they have done is pasted on the doors and the garage papers handwritten in ink,” Yoandy Izquierdo, a member of the editorial team ‘Coexistence’, told 14ymedio.

According to Izquierdo, after a week, police and state security officials will determine whether they will impose “a precautionary measure, bail or imprisonment.”

The break-in of Galvez’s house came within a few hours of the inauguration of the new interior minister, Julio César Gandarilla, who exercises command of the National Revolutionary Police and State Security forces.

Dagoberto Valdés Hernández, director of the Coexistence Study Center, has highlighted the increase in repressive actions against the center, which has no political affiliation.

“This is part of the harassment that the Study Center has been suffering intensely for months. I was warned that life would be more difficult for us and we are not in a time of maintaining alternative positions,” Valdes said in a telephone conversation with 14ymedio.

“What they have done to Karina Gálvez is a clear violation of human rights and it seems to concern the production of thought for the future of the country, when precisely what we Cubans need sit down around the table and discuss how we can solve the serious problems our nation is experiencing,” he added.

On Christmas Eve, Galvez had been summoned to the Department of Immigration and Immigration (DIE) where she was questioned about her travels outside Cuba.

Valdés himself underwent an intense interrogation last October when she was told that her academic activity represented a danger.

On November 25, State Security banned a meeting of the Center that was intended to address the issue of culture and education in the future of Cuba.

“The repressive wave grows and spreads like we have never seen. We are very worried and we want to make a warning call,” said Valdés.

Vicissitudes of Paying with Two Currencies / 14ymedio

The sign on the cash register states, “There are no coins, no pesos. Please cooperate.” (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 15 January 2017 – In March of 2014 the experiment of allowing customers to pay with Cuban pesos (CUP)* in hard currency stores, which previously only accepted Cuban Convertible pesos (CUC), began. The measure is being extended throughout the country and now includes food services and hotel reservations. However, the scarcity of small change has significantly affected the initiative.

There are no coins, nor pesos. Please cooperate,” reads a sign next to the cash register at this hardware store in Havana. In line, people check their pockets to count out the exact change for a hose, a light bulb, or a simple connector for the TV antennae. The worst are those who pay with Cuban pesos, which almost always implies change in coins of one, five or ten centavos in in CUC.

Compañero, don’t be so strict,” the clerk pleads with a customer who is protesting the difficulty. But then someone appears who pays with 25 centavo pieces in CUC for a brush that costs 3 CUC. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. At least this time they have managed to overcome the obstacles of the dual currency system.

See also:

*Translator’s note: Cuba has two currencies: Cuban pesos, worth about 4 cents US, and Cuban Convertible pesos, each worth 25 Cuban pesos, or about one dollar US. It has been a longstanding, but as yet unfulfilled, promise of the government to move to a single currency.


‘El Nuevo Herald’ Asks Obama To ‘Open The Door’ To Stranded Cubans’ / 14ymedio

Thousands of Cubans were trapped in Central America following the announcement of the elimination of the wet foot/dry foot policy. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 14 January 2017 — An editorial in El Nuevo Herald and the Miami Herald asks Barack Obama to open the door to Cubans stranded in Central America and Mexico after his “sudden decision” to end the wet foot/dry foot policy. The text, published Friday, says that the presidential order “has had unexpected consequences that will lead to unwarranted human suffering.”

The newspaper notes that the US decision to withdraw the automatic entry into its territory of Cubans, “has left thousands of Cubans stuck in transit at the Mexican border, on the Florida Straits and even at Miami International Airport.” continue reading

The editorial chronicles the tragedy of some families who “were separated simply because of bad timing — some family members were processed through Border Patrol before the president’s order took effect while their relatives were still in line.” A situation that has left migrants “stuck in limbo” who, “if they return to Cuba, they will not be treated kindly, and they cannot stay in Central America or Mexico for long without facing deportation.”

Obama “should amend his order and allow in anyone who has proof that they left Cuba by January 12.”

The Cuban authorities, however, have stressed that returned persons “will rejoin society normally unless they have committed a crime during their irregular immigration process or have debts with justice.”

El Nuevo Herald believes that the US president “can help” and should “modify his order and allow in anyone who has proof they left Cuba by January 12.” An opportunity for the current president to end his term with “a humanitarian gesture.”

The South Florida newspaper calls for just such a step, as migrants “were not given any warning this would occur as they were making their long journey from Cuba.” The paper says, “there is no turning back for them. They bet their future on the promise of America, just as so many others from so many other countries have done.”

The elimination of the Parole Program for Cuban Medical Professionals is also strongly criticized in the text, which calls for extending “a generous hand” to those health professionals and “giving them entry into the United States.”

The editorial boards of the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald are seeking “a small window of opportunity for Cubans standing face-to-face with a shut door.” Should Obama not live up to their expectations, they look to “President-elect Donald Trump to show mercy and amend the order.”

The text clarifies that, “once those who are in transit have arrived, the door can be closed” and calls for “beginning the difficult task of carrying out a real immigration reform that will continue to promise the opportunities of the American dream.”

Cuban migrants stranded on their way to the United States “should have the opportunity to finish their trip,” the editorial concludes.

Translator’s note: This translation uses the Miami Herald version of the statements in the editorial – rather than a direct translation from the Spanish – where the topic addressed is substantially the same.

Police Raid the House of Activist Belkis Cantillo in Palmarito Del Cauto / 14ymedio

José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba, reported the raid on the home of Belkis Cantillo, leader of the Citizens for Democracy movement. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 14 January 2017 — At six on Saturday morning the police raided the house of Belkis Cantillo, leader of the Citizens for Democracy movement in Palmarito del Cauto, Santiago de Cuba. The officers showed up a few hours after about a dozen women of the organization walked to the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, as reported to 14ymedio by Jose Daniel Ferrer, coordinator of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU).

The opposition leader said that on Friday the activists arrived at the church consecrated to the Virgin of Charity, patroness of Cuba, “with the intention of reclaiming the space that the political police have taken away from us in the Sanctuary.” This morning the police entered Cantillo’s house in the municipality Mella “where elderly people and children live,” says Ferrer. continue reading

“Several witnesses report that the political police arrested a 19-year-old girl who is six months pregnant, Martha Beatriz Ferrer Cantillo,” said Ferrer, former prisoner of the Black Spring. He adds that “the telephones of family members have been siezed, so it has become impossible to communicate with them.”

Citizens for Democracy is a group formed by women and founded in September 2014. Its members are residents in the towns of Palma Soriano, Palmarito del Cauto and the city of Santiago de Cuba. The fundamental demands of the organization focus on respect for human rights and civic liberties.

Last year, the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) documented a total of 9,940 arbitrary arrests in the country, a figure that “puts the Government of Cuba in first place in all of Latin America,” said the report of the independent organization.

Cubans in Panama ‘Irregularly’ Will Have to Leave the Country / 14ymedio

The director of Caritas Panama, Deacon Victor Berrío, speaks to Cubans. (Courtesy)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Miami, 13 January 2017 — The more than 100 Cubans who are in Panama illegally must leave, according to the director of Panama’s National Immigration Service, Javier Carrillo. “They will not be deported, but immigration law applies,” the senior official told 14ymedio.

Under that law, migrants “in an irregular situation” could be returned by air to Cuba or taken to Colombia from where they entered Panamanian territory. More than 80 Cubans are in the shelter set up by Caritas to welcome the immigrants.

To a question about the situation of Cubans who do not have a visa to return to Colombia, Carrillo responded: “Is your country not a place?” continue reading

“What Obama did is abominable. We did not expect it. We may have some hope when Donald Trump takes power,” says Andrés, one of the Cubans who have set out on the long road from the island to the US.

To a question about the situation of Cubans who do not have a visa to return to Colombia, Carrillo responded: “Is your country not a place?”

According to Deacon Victor Luis Berrio, head of Caritas in Panama, Cubans are not illegal immigrants but “special immigrants.”

“We are waiting for the change of government in Washington. In the worst case, the Church will intercede in their favor so that they are treated in a special way,” he speculates.

According to statistics from Panama’s National Migration Service provided to 14ymedio, during 2016 more than 750 foreigners were returned to their countries of origin. Of these, only 5 were Cubans.

Most Cubans who arrive in Panama have entered from the border with Colombia, where they travel after traveling without a visa from Cuba to Guyana or the Lesser Antilles.

Two large groups of Cubans were transferred through an airlift that the Government of Panama agreed with Mexico last year. In total, about 5,000 Cubans left on those occasions, but the flow of migrants continued.

“So far [Panama] Immigration has not told us anything nor have officials come here. We have to wait, we have no choice, “says Andres.

The Drama of Hundreds of Cubans Who Have Their Bags Packed / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

Hundreds of Cubans have been stranded in various Latin American countries in their flight to the US. (Archive).

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Havana/Miami, 14 January 2017 – Yeny Varela cried bitterly this Thursday when she heard on national television about the immediate end to the wet foot/dry foot policy.

Repatriated to Cuba from Mexico after a long month-and-a-half trip from Ecuador in 2014, and after raising the necessary funds to leave the country again, her hopes of escape from the Island were ruined.

“I did everything to get to the United States where I have my elderly aunt and uncle. I went to the embassy, and they denied me a visa, I walked from Ecuador, and the Mexicans deported me, the last thing I had managed was a work contract in Mexico for which I paid thousands of dollars, and now I have lost everything,” she laments.

At 32 years of age, this young Havanan believes that the best years of her life are behind her.

“And now where do I go?” she says. continue reading

“They (the US government) are doing that because they believe that they are going to force a change, but it’s not going to happen,” she says. Although everyone is “sick” of that system, no one can protest because “they disappear you,” she says.

“Do you really believe they are going to give you a visa at the embassy? No one believes that. Don’t you realize that once someone has a visa he’s going to stay?” she adds.

Varela is not the only one dressed up with no place to go. In Villa Clara, Rosa, age 26, had sold her house and all her belongings to begin the dangerous trip through Guyana.

Cuban women stranded while trying to make their way to the US through Central America. (EFE)

Her intention was to make the trip that thousands of other migrants have made in recent years to get to the southern border of the United States. After the immigration policy change, she is “devastated.”

“Our intent was to leave the country in order to live a little better. There are no opportunities here,” she explains. The Villarena does not plan, however, to go to the United States embassy to seek political asylum.

“I don’t involve myself in politics, that doesn’t interest me. I wanted to leave Cuba for economic reasons,” she explains.

Now she will have to start again from scratch. Meanwhile she decided to live with her mother.

Not only in Cuba were migration plans cut short. Throughout the continent hundreds of Cubans who were headed to the United States border have seen their plans thwarted.

“I never get involved in politics at all, but Obama has been worse than Pontius Pilate, seven days from leaving the presidency, it was not for him to have done such a thing,” says Maria Isabel, a Cuban who lives in Argentina and was preparing her trip to the United States.

“I have left everything behind. I was just taking a small step here in order to continue my journey,” she says.

According to the Cuban, who spent three months awaiting papers to continue to Mexico, the most misguided thing about the Obama administration’s decision is that it “tackles the consequences but not the causes.”

“How many people have risked or lost their lives? The degree of despair and frustration is so great that we can only cry,” she laments.

The latest statistics from the US Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services calculate that 56,406 Cuban citizens benefitted in the last fiscal year from the wet foot/dry foot policy.

After the resumption of relations between Cuba and the US, a migratory crisis unfolded which had regional repercussions when several thousand Cubans were stranded in Central America after Nicaragua refused to permit the islanders to pass.

With the later closure of the Costa Rican and Panamanian borders, the crisis spread to Colombia and Ecuador when those countries took steps to prevent mass migration from the Island. Two “air bridges” arranged with Mexico allowed the evacuation of the Cubans; however, since the departure of the planes from Panama in May, hundreds of other migrants continued arriving.

More than 80 Cubans on their way to the United States are in a hostel run by Caritas, a non-governmental organization tied to the Catholic Church.

One of them, Andres, says that “Obama is abominable” and that they did not expect it.

His situation was apparently made worse by the Immigration General Director’s statements only a few hours earlier that Cubans must leave the country.

However, the migrants being sheltered by Caritas have the support of the Catholic Church, which will intervene to prevent their deportation, as explained by Deacon Victor Luis Berrio, head of the organization.

At least those in Panama have protection, says Yuniel Ramos, who together with another 40 Cubans is continuing his journey through Honduras to get to the American border.

“They will have to do something with us because Cuba won’t take us back,” he adds.

But the doors to the United States are now closed for Cubans.

Translated by Mary Lou Keel

End of Program for Resettlement in the US Causes Anxiety Among Cuban Doctors Who Have Fled Missions / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

Cuban Health Deputy Minister Marcia Cobas greets the island’s doctors at the University of Brasilia. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 13 January 2017 — Thirty Cuban doctors met Friday in Bogota to protest the ending of the Cuban Medical Professional Parole (CMPP) program, which until yesterday allowed Cuban medical personnel working in third countries to qualify for a visa to go to the United States.

The CMPP was created by the administration of Republican George W. Bush in 2006, to enable thousands of professionals to escape from Cuban medical missions abroad.

Havana has long called for its repeal, which was announced by President Barack Obama on Thursday, and had made it a condition for progress in normalizing relations with Washington. continue reading

“We went to protest for them to keep that program that is vital for Cuban doctors,” says Alberto López, a Cuban critical care specialist who escaped from a medical mission in Venezuela.

In ten years, more than 8,000 Cuban professionals have benefitted from this program, especially in countries like Venezuela and Brazil.

“We fear for what could happen to our colleagues. There are many people who are on the way and we do not know what can happen now, because they can neither return to the mission nor to take shelter under the parole program,” explains Lopez.

Havana has long called for its repeal, which was announced by President Barack Obama on Thursday, and had made it a condition for progress in normalizing relations with Washington

Another of the protesters called for the granting of visas to all those who have been waiting in Colombia for a response to their requests.

“We are working as waiters, in markets, in whatever we can. We hardly have money to pay our expenses because we lost everything in our Cuban bank accounts. We’ve been waiting for months, and now Obama comes out with this. And I was counting on it,” he says.

The “healthcare cooperators,” as the Cuban government calls them, are assigned a bank account on the island where each month some of their wages are deposited in dollars. Those accounts, which remain frozen until the end of the mission, are seized by the Government if the doctors desert.

For Dr. Julio César Alfonso, president of Solidaridad sin Fronteras (Solidarity Without Borders) a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Cuban doctors who come to the United States, “it is very regrettable that President Obama leaves such a sad legacy to the Cuban community.”

Alfonso regrets that the new policy does not take into account that Cuba’s healthcare personnel who are working in third countries have the status of “modern slaves.”

“Cuban medical missions are considered one of the largest human trafficking operations that has ever existed in history,” he says.

“Doctors have always tried to escape. What is going to happen now is that it will end the organized ways of escaping from this reality. It is very negative what is happening,” says the doctor, who estimates that more than 3,000 professionals will be in migration limbo because they have escaped the missions but no longer have the certainty they will be accepted in the United States.

” Cuban medical missions are classified as one of the largest human trafficking operations that has ever existed in history”

The Cuban health system has 495,609 workers, according to the most recent data provided by the Government, of which more than 58,000 are specialized doctors. Its cooperation programs, which are funded through international organizations, extend to more than 90 countries in the world, from Africa to Russia.

The discomfort extends among Cuban doctors “on mission” in several countries.

“When health professionals leave Cuba we do it with an official passport. The government appropriates most of our salary and if we escape we are prevented from returning to Cuba for eight years,” explains a doctor living in Brazil who claims to have completed all her paperwork to receive the Parole. However, she asked that her identity not be revealed,” just in case.”

“Yesterday I was very nervous all afternoon, suddenly we got that bucket of cold water. I can only think of the other professionals that this measure leaves without protection. There are hundreds who were waiting for the opportunity to defect,” she explains.

Through the Mais Médicos (More Doctors) program, the Brazilian Government, at that time under the presidency of the Workers’ Party and allied with Cuba, hired more than 11,000 doctors through the Pan American Health Organization. The agreement, which included a payment of $ 3,300 per doctor per month, plus the payment of other fees for accommodation, represented significant income for the island’s economy, which in 2014 acknowledged that it received $ 8.2 billion in exchange for “medical services.”

Of the salary agreed to with the Government, only a third is paid to the Cuban professionals.

Since the beginning of the program in 2013, defections have been routine. In 2016, 1,439 health professionals escaped to the United States; another 1,600 took the exams to revalidate their titles in Brazil and to obtain contracts to work their on their own. Marriage has also been another way to escape the control of the Cuban government. According to data provided by the Brazilian authorities, more than 1,000 Cubans have marital ties with citizens of that country.

“I was able to submit my paperwork. Now I have to wait, but what will happen to others who were thinking of fleeing?” asks a Cuban doctor who was in Venezuela.

“At least before you had the security of knowing that if you jumped you would have a place to fall. If you escape now you know you’re playing outside the rules,” an X-Ray specialist, who works in the state of Anzoátegui, said using the vocabulary of sports. “Venezuela is going down the tubes like Cuba but now we have no choice but to stay here.”

When A Hope Is Lost / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

A dozen Cuban rafters arriving off the coast of Florida on April 26 of this year. (Youtube / screenshot)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Desde Aqui, Reinaldo Escobar, 13 January 2017 — The end of the wet foot/dry foot policy entails among its many consequences the loss of hope for a great number of Cubans. Few times in our national history has a decision taken outside the borders of the island touched the lives of so many Cuban citizens in a medullary and definitive way.

Among those affected are migrants already on their way to the United States, as well as those who have sold their property and possessions to pay for the expenses of the journey, those who were waiting for an opportunity to desert from an official mission abroad, or simply those who dreamed of escape from the island. In total, tens of thousands of people. continue reading

However, there is a much larger number. Incalculable. The one made up of all those who saw in the possibility of emigration a motivation to behave with docility in the face of difficulties. They were the ones who trusted that, at the moment when they could not longer bear the hard daily life of the island, they had a way out: a raft, the jungles of Central America, the Mexican border, the Bering Strait…

The only hope is that we recover the courage to face our reality and assume the consequences

Like the last drops of water in the canteen while crossing the desert, the lifejackets the stewardess holds up for emergencies, or the last gulp of oxygen with which the diver must try to reach the surface, the wet foot/dry foot policy represented hope for many on the island. The illusion that if they reached their limit there would always be a lifeline to cling to.

“If it gets ugly, I’ll up and leave,” was a recurring thought shared among young and old, poor or new rich, dissidents or government officials. It relieved them to know that, from the closed box which Cuba has become, they had a way out. Perhaps they would never use it, but it was a balm to know it was there.

From now on there are no lifejackets under the seat, no water in the canteen to cross the desert, and there is no oxygen left to return to the surface. The only hope is that we recover the courage to face our reality and assume the consequences.

Activist Abandons Hunger Strike After Promise Of Not Being Deported To His Home Province / 14ymedio

Vladimir Martín Castellanos, a member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 10 January 2017 — Vladimir Martín Castellanos, a member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), abandoned his hunger strike this Monday after the authorities promised that he would not be deported from Las Tunas to Santiago de Cuba, as confirmed by the Castellanos himself to 14ymedio. continue reading

The activist remained 32 days without food in his fight to register himself in the civil registry of Puerto Padre where his wife, Ileana Marrero, resides. Beforehand and on various occasions, the Security of State intercepted him when he attempted to register.

On Monday, an officer who identified himself as Captain Miguelito, visited Castellanos’ wife and promised her he would be allowed to reside in the municipality. Upon hearing the news, Castellanos decided to end his hunger strike.

“I feel very weak and began drinking soup” to regain strength, he commented to this newspaper. “I would like to continue my fight and stay with the Unpacu,” explained the activist.

Martín Castellanos, 53, believes that “the authorities will follow through” this time, but notes that they did not provide him an official document confirming the decision. A family member of the activist is arranging tickets to “travel early tomorrow toward Puerto Padre.”

Translated by Chavely Garcia

Washington Closes The Escape Valve / 14ymedio

Cuban rafters arrive in Florida / Archive. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 13 January 2017 — Matilde sold her home just two weeks ago to pay for the immigration route to the United States. Thursday, the hope of achieving her dreams burst when president Barack Obama put an end to the wet foot/dry foot policy that granted legal residency to Cubans who reached the United States.

The news dropped like a bombshell on the island. “My family is desperate, having put all their hopes in this journey,” the retired woman told 14ymedio. With a son living in New Jersey, the woman planned to travel at the end of this month to Mexico and cross the border “to the land of freedom.”

Since the death of former president Fidel Castro, no other event has so shaken the Cuban reality. The announcement this Thursday affected many who normally live their lives outside politics and official issues. “I feel as if someone had snatched away my lifejacket in the middle of the sea,” said Matilde. continue reading

Attorney Wilfredo Vallín, of the Cuban Legal Association, believes that the decision is “something that belongs to the sovereignty of a State.” In 1995, during the Bill Clinton administration, the policy was approved that today “is considered opportune to change,” but “the repercussions of that in other countries is a problem of other governments.”

“It has been said that these facilities provided by the US Government encouraged emigration and now a part of the argument is over”

The attorney maintains that what happened transcends the issue of migration and touches the pillars of the ideological propaganda of the Plaza of the Revolution. “It has been said that these facilities provided by the US government encouraged emigration and now that part of the argument is over.” For Vallín the decision could “increase discontent among citizens.”

The end of this immigration policy comes at a bad time for the government of Raúl Castro. Last year closed with a stagnant economy that experienced a fall of 0.9% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For those most affected by hardship and the high cost of living, the possibility of emigration to the United States was a source of permanent illusion.

However, the ruling party has welcomed a new era. Josefina Vidal, the director general for the United States in Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the national media that with this suspension, “the migration crisis between Cuba and the United States is eliminated.” The end of the wet foot/dry foot policy has been a old demand of the government of the island, which has also pressed to end the Parole program for Cuban health professionals, a measure that was also suspended this Thursday.

“With these measures, Cubans who believed they could find prosperity and wellbeing in the United States will have to find another solution,” reflects opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Cuban Patriotic Union (Unpacu).

In a telephone conversation with this newspaper from eastern Cuba, Ferrer says now begins a stage of “thinking more about how to obtain freedom, prosperity, opportunities and rights here in our own land.” The scenario that opens “will make us much more responsible and aware that we must take the reins of our destiny as a people and as a nation here within.”

In front of the University of Havana, Ramon, 48, reflects on the possible repercussions of what happened. “Every time the popular disagreement reached a high point, the government managed to calm it by opening up emigration,” he says. “Now we are all unable to get out of this pressure cooker that is always getting hotter.”

“Political refugee status is too serious, too honorable for it to continue to function as it has until now”

Activist Eliécer Ávila, leader of the Somos+ (We Are More) movement, considers it an “excellent” decision. “The refugee status for political reasons is something too serious, too honorable for it to continue to function as it has so far,” he reflects. “Any measure that makes Cubans take more responsibility for their nation instead of fleeing it is something that should be supported.”

For opposition member Manuel Cuesta, a member of the Democratic Action Roundtable (MUAD), the elimination of this policy “should have been taken long ago to avoid the type of risky emigration that has resulted in the loss of the lives of young people, children and whole families.”

He acknowledges, however, that the decision is “controversial because those who were preparing their raft to leave early this morning have just been dissuaded in a way that cannot be appealed.” It is likely that “Trump is applauding the measure,” he said.

A Magic Spell Against Envy / 14ymedio

“If my prosperity bothers you, do as I do: Work,” wrote this entrepreneur, known as El Pata, from the town of Alquízar. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, 12 January 2017 – Cuba’s master of humor, Panfilo, hit the nail on the head on Monday when he complained about the animosity many compatriots display on seeing the prosperity of others. “If we could export envy from this country, the gross national product would be through the roof,” said the sympathetic old man, obsessed with his ration book. His joke shed light on a painful reality.

“If my prosperity bothers you, do as I do: Work,” wrote an entrepreneur known as El Pata, from the village of Alquízar, on the wall of the blacksmith’s workshop where he produces grills and other accessories. The man posted the phrase to exorcise the outrage of many neighbors who look with evil eyes on the growth of his small business and his economic independence from the state.

The day he painted the incantation against envy, El Pata had been visited by two inspectors, responding to the surveillance of the president of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, and received a police warning while hauling a few pieces of metal for his workshop. Although he does not expect his maxim to protect him from such ills, at least he is relieved whenever he reflects on how difficult it is to thrive in Cuba.

Wet Foot-Dry Foot Policy for Cubans Eliminated

Thousands of Cubans have entered the Unite States this year from the Mexican border. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 12 January 2017 – [Note: This is an extended version of an article that appeared earlier today.] The Obama administration ended the “wet foot/dry foot” policy that allowed Cuban citizens to stay in the the United States as long as they touched land in that country.

The Obama administration has also eliminated the Cuban Medical Professional Parole (CMPP) program, which was set up under the presidency of Republican George W. Bush, to host the hundreds of doctors fleeing the island’s government from third countries, where they were serving on “medical missions.” continue reading

In an official communication, aired jointly in both countries, the Cuban Government committed to receiving individuals from a list of 2,746 Cubans who were considered inadmissible after the Mariel exodus and others who did not originally appear on the list.

This measure by the United States does away with the entry by land and sea of ​​all Cuban citizens without visas, repealing the “wet foot/dry foot” policy that gave legal status to Cuban migrants who managed to reach US territory.

Cubans awarded permanent residence in the United States (2010-2015. Blue: Number of residence permits. Black: Number of arrivals by land.

From now on, citizens of the island will be treated like any other Latin American migrant.

“And now what do we do?” asks Yuniel Ramos, a Cuban migrant who is in Honduras accompanied by more than forty compatriots heading to the United States.

“We are desperate, in the middle of the jungle, how can Obama bypass Congress and change things without even giving us a period of time to arrive?” he added.

The end of that policy was an old demand from the Cuban government, which called it “criminal” and “responsible for the deaths of thousands of Cubans.”

The “wet foot/dry foot” policy is an executive order, signed by President Bill Clinton in 1995, following the Rafter Crisis of that era, put into effect after negotiations with the Government of the Island.

“The Government of Cuba agrees to begin accepting the return of Cuban nationals with return orders,” read the press release issued as part of the exchange.

The end of that policy was an old demand from the Cuban government, which called it “criminal” and “responsible for the deaths of thousands of Cubans.”

The presidential adviser who made the announcement in the United States also suggested that the measure is consistent with the strategy proposed by the Administration to promote change in Cuba.

Between 2006 and 2015, more than 8,000 health professionals have arrived in the United States through the Medical Parole Program, according to figures from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). In 2015 alone, 1,663 Cuban health professionals were welcomed. The elimination of the CCMP program represents an important triumph for the Cuban government, which earns great profits from the work of its doctors abroad, who are paid only a small portion of the money paid to the Cuban government by foreign governments in exchange for their services.

President-elect Donald Trump threatened to end Obama’s reestablishment of diplomatic relations unless the Cuban government signed a “better deal” with him.

On December 17, 2014 both countries announced the reestablishment of diplomatic relations after 50 years, generating a wave of repulsion among the historic exile in Miami.

“Castro uses refugees as pawns to obtain more concessions from Washington, so there is no reason to end the Cuban medical program, which is a reckless concession to a regime that sends its doctors to foreign nations in a modern-day servitude,” said Florida Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

“And now what do we do?” asks Yuniel Ramos, a Cuban migrant who is in Honduras accompanied by more than forty compatriots heading to the United States.

“The revocation of the Professional Parole Program for Cuban Doctors was done because that is what the Cuban dictatorship wanted and the White House gave in to what Castro wants, instead of defending the democratic values ​​of the United States,” she added.

According to Alexander Jiménez, a Cuban living in Ecuador, the news left him in shock.

“I had everything ready to go to the United States with my wife, I have a lot of family members on the road, they are in the jungle, we are desperate because we cannot communicate with them and now they cannot continue on their way,” he said.

Dariel Gonzalez, a Cuban health specialist who came to the United States a year ago through the CMPP program, said he had “run out of words.”

“It’s a low blow that Obama is giving to all health professionals who want to escape the slavery to which they are subjected by the Cuban government. This leaves us totally defenseless,”he said.

On the same Thursday that the announcement occurred in Havana and Washington, meetings were held between delegations of both countries to discuss the trafficking of people and the claims of confiscated goods.

Both countries stated, however, that the United States will continue granting 20,000 “exceptional” visas to Cubans on the island to promote safe migration between countries.. The family reunification program will also be maintained.

“It is important that Cuba has a population of young people who become agents of change,” said White House adviser Ben Rhodes.

Cuban exodus by sea to the eee

The White House has made clear that it is aware that the reasons for emigrating are more economic than political.

Cubans who show up at the border will be treated like any other immigrant. They will have the opportunity to explain their motives if they are afraid to return home, according to Ben Rhodes.

According to the announcement, Cuba will change its own immigration policy and will allow Cubans to remain outside the country for a term of up to four years before they lose their right to reside in the country. Until today, Cubans who remained outside the country for more than two years forfeited their right to live in their native country.

Note from the Editor: Contributing to this report were reporters from El Nuevo Herald: Nora Gámez and Abel Fernandez.


Cuban Police Detain Activists For Second Consecutive Day / 14ymedio

Eliécer Avila together with young people from the Somos+ movement (Archive Photo)

14ymedio, Havana, 12 January 2017 — Police maintained a strong operation Thursday around the headquarters of the 1010 Academy in the neighborhood of Cerro, in Havana. Activists Joanna Columbié and Georlis Olazabal were arrested while trying to access the site to participate in a conference on constitutional law, said Eliécer Ávila, president of the independent Somos+ (We Are More) movement.

“Since early this morning they have the block surrounded and do not let anyone in or out of the house,” said Avila. “We had organized a talk with the attorney Wilfredo Vallin of the Cuban Law Associatio, but the police did not allow him to leave his home,” in La Vibora, he told 14ymedio .

Meanwhile, scientist Oscar Casanella denounced the arrest of the artist Tania Bruguera “on leaving Havana” when they were traveling in a vehicle with “two mattresses and rice” for the victims of Hurricane Matthew in the eastern part of the country.

In a telephone call, Casanella said the artist had been taken to the Cotorro police station in Havana. However, the officer of the guard there denied that Bruguera was there. “We do not have any Tanya here, the one we have is a Nancy,” the police officer said through the phone line.

This second consecutive day of arrests against activists takes place a few hours after the replacement of the recently deceased Interior Minister, Carlos Fernández Gondín, by Vice Admiral Julio César Gandarilla.

For the whole of 2016, the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) documented a total of 9,940 arbitrary arrests. A figure that “puts the Government of Cuba in first place in all of Latin America,” said the report of the independent organization.

Obama Eliminates Wet Foot-Dry Foot Policy For Cuban Immigrants

Thousands of Cubans have entered the United States this year along the Mexican border. (EFE)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Miami, 12 January 2017 –The Obama administration today put an end to the “wet foot/dry foot” policy, which allowed Cubans to obtain permanent residence one year after arriving in the United States, even if they arrive illegally, as long as they manage to touch land in the country.

According to an official of the Obama administration, the measure, which will take effect immediately, puts an end to a policy adopted in 1995, during the so-called “Rafter Crisis,” which allows Cubans who touch American soil (“dry foot”) to be admitted to the United States, while those who are intercepted at sea (“wet foot”) are returned to Cuba. continue reading

The end of this policy has been an longstanding demand of the Cuban government in order to advance the politics of normalization in bilateral relations between the former enemies, which began in December of 2014.

US residence permits awarded to Cubans (2010-2015) Blue: Number of permits. Black: Number of arrivals by land. (Note: Cubans also arrive with pre-arranged visas by air)

This policy is an amendment to the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966, which gives authority to the US Attorney General to allow Cubans who have entered the country, both legally and illegally, to obtain permanent residence one year after their arrival.

Although only Congress can repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act itself, the wording of the legislation gives the Attorney General great flexibility in implementing it, so it is not yet clear how the Obama administration intends to manage the situation.

According to the Associated Press, the Cuban Professional Medical Parole program is also ended; that program welcomed Cuban physicians who managed to escape the island’s government, and was especially targeted to medical professionals working on “international missions” outside of Cuba.

The change in this policy comes just one week before Obama relinquishes power on 20 January to President-elect Donald Trump, who has threatened to end Obama’s reestablishment of diplomatic relations with the island, unless the Cuban government signs “a better deal” with him.

Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced on 17 December 2014 a historic thaw to end a half-century of enmity and hostilities.

That reestablishment of relations was formalized with the reopening of embassies in Washington and Havana on 20 July 2015, and was furthered with Obama’s visit to the island in March of last year, when he became the first US president in office to visit Cuba in 88 years.

New Rules on Horse-Drawn Carts Force the People of Santiago to Change Their Travel Patterns / 14ymedio, Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Yosmani Mayeta Labrada, Santiago de Cuba, 10 January 2017 — The hooves ring on the pavement in the middle of the night. The sun begins to illuminate Santiago de Cuba, where horse-drawn carts, trucks and motorcycles offer urban transport in an underserved market. But the measures introduced by the authorities in the middle of last year in order to preserve the city center have forced changes in the mobility of the people of Santiago.

The regulations, issued by the city’s People’s Power with the support of the Historian’s Office and police forces, range from parking bans to price caps on animal drawn vehicles. But the measure that most disgusts the citizens who do not live in the historic center has been the moving of the stands where the horse carts park from the centrally located Alemeda German Michaelsen, to the outskirts, next to the Santiago Train and Bus Terminal, near the San Pedrito neighborhood. continue reading

Coinciding with the restoration process of the Alameda and the streets surrounding the new malecon, the City Conservation Office has made every effort to restrict carts in the most central areas

For years, the routes from the previous collection point to La Barca de Oro and the old Havana Terminal, carried about 2,000 passengers a day, according to the calculations of several self-employed people who frequent the place.

Since the beginning of 2016, and coinciding with the restoration process of the Alameda and the streets surrounding the new malecon, the City Conservation Office has made every effort to restrict carts in the most central areas. “It had to be done to preserve the place because of its high urban and environmental value,” says one of the Office’s specialists, who prefers anonymity. “The horses defecated in the middle of the road and their owners did not outfit them with waste collectors,” complains the professional.

The neighbors of the area are among the beneficiaries and applaud the measure. Maria Antonia Reyes, who previously had to clean in front of her house “when horses urinated” is now satisfied to be able to breathe “cleaner air.”

The pedicabs have been favored by the new regulations. “There is no shortage of customers, we have one after another and at the end of the day I arrive home with more money,” says Manolo, one of the drivers of these bicycle’s designed for public transport.

But the people of Santiago, who had favored horse-drawn carts as an alternative to the poor bus service, have fewer opportunities for internal mobility.

“The Alameda was a point from where it was easy to go anywhere,” 14ymedio is told by Norge Gonzalez, a cart driver with more than 15 years of experience. “In less than ten minutes the cart was full, but now people prefer to take something else because of the distance to the coach stand,” he says.

Another of the provisions that have fired up the cart drivers is the imposition of capped prices, which were set at two Cuban pesos (about 8 cents US), three less than what was charged previously. Offenders can be punished with high fines or even confiscation of their vehicles.

Against this background, some of the coachmen have proposed to stop work for a couple of days, as a way to pressure the authorities and to get the measures repealed

Given this situation, some of the coachmen have proposed to stop work for a couple of days, as a way to pressure the authorities and to get the measures repealed. The lack of organization of the union and the fear of a massive withdrawal of licenses, however, restrains any initiative of protest.

Self-employment regulations include a license for those carrying “freight or passengers with their own or leased means using a horse drawn cart,” an occupation of particular importance for mobility in rural areas, where up to 80% of passengers travel in this type of vehicle.

The discontent in the sector over the latest measures taken in many municipalities has been noted throughout the island since last year. In November, the coachmen in the municipality of Mayarí in Holguín, shut down their work in protest against the imposition of price caps on the part of the authorities, who from 1 October onwards forced them to cut their fares in half.

In July, horse-drawn cart drivers in Placetas, Villa Clara, went on a strike after being warned by local government officials that their routes would be moved to another area, outside the downtown areas of the city.