Agent Fernando, a Cuban Doctor at the Service of State Security

The Cuban regime took this doctor out of the closet to discredit Yunior García. (Screen capture)

14ymedio biggerWe know the agent Fernando — whose real name is Carlos Leonardo Vázquez González, a doctor by profession — as a mock nemesis of Yunior García Aguilera. The Cuban regime took this doctor out of the closet at the beginning of November to discredit the playwright and the visible face of the Archipiélago, whom he had met in a workshop in Madrid that promoted democracy in Cuba.

Revealing his status as a spy at the service of the regime was a necessary gesture to present García Aguilera as a person trained in what the Government calls “soft coups” and which consists of organizing peaceful protests to overthrow the Government.

The task assigned 25 years ago to Vázquez González was to infiltrate the opposition to gain their trust, something he achieved thanks to his profession as a doctor, even managing to be at Oswaldo Payá’s funeral, along with Guillermo Coco Fariñas.

Before his trip to Spain to participate in the Saint Louis University workshop, agent Fernando visited Fidel Castro’s grave to swear to him to “defend the Revolution to the last consequences,” according to what he told the state newspaper Granma, which dedicated a comprehensive eulogy to him once his identity was revealed.

Reinaldo Escobar, editor-in-chief of 14ymedio, also participated in those seminars on democracy in Cuba, and witnessed the strange attitude of the spy, very insistent when approaching former Spanish president Felipe González, to whom he gave a box of cigars, but very quiet in his participation. García Aguilera also said he remembered him and wished he might be “a better doctor than an undercover agent.”


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