Estado de Sats
At the confluence of Art and Thought
A Call for a Meeting on Human Rights and UN Covenants
The independent Estado de SATS project invites artists, intellectuals, activists and defenders of human rights to participate in the First International Meeting on Human Rights and the UN Covenants as part of the Campaign for Another Cuba and the 65th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Estado de SATS has worked, for the past three years, in the creation and growth of a public space where different perspectives on the reality and future of our nation can be discussed.
Since August 2012, along with diverse groups and activists committed to the social situation of our nation, we began the Campaign for Another Cuba. This initiative has involved a growing number of Cubans within and outside the island in a civic demand that the Cuban government ratify and implement the United Nations Covenants on civil and political rights and on economic, social and cultural rights.
At a time when Cuban civil society is growing, it is essential that there be direct exchanges among different actors within and outside the island. Holding this meeting will allow an approach through art and thought to the vital subject of human rights. Activists, artists, intellectuals and professionals — Cubans and the international community — will spend two days sharing views and experiences, in a country where such guarantees and rights are not a part of everyday reality.
The inaugural meeting will be held on 10 December 2013. The event will include subject panels, audiovisual displays, an exhibition with the theme Art and Human Rights (painting, graphics, photography, installations), performances, and a closing concert.
For more information those interested can email or telephone (535) 371-6460 in Havana.
Estado de SATS Team
– See more HERE