When the Rebellion of the Cuban Barbers Failed, David Left by the ‘Route of the Volcanos’

14ymedio, Alejandro Mena Ortiz, Miami, 30 October 2022 — David left his dream of being a dentist to open a barbershop in Havana in 2016, one of the best years in Cuban’s recent history, with the visit of Barack Obama, tourism reaching the sky and hopes for more lively changes than ever. Six years later, … Continue reading “When the Rebellion of the Cuban Barbers Failed, David Left by the ‘Route of the Volcanos’”

Thais Mailen Franco, One of the Detainees from the Obispo St. Demonstration, Arrives in the U. S. by the ‘Route of the Volcanoes’*

14ymedio, Havana, 7 October 7, 2022 — Thais Mailén Franco, one of those arrested for the demonstration on Obispo Street in Havana in April 2021, has been in U.S. territory since the early hours of Wednesday. “Crossing the California border, crossing the entire desert,” says the activist herself in a video posted on her social … Continue reading “Thais Mailen Franco, One of the Detainees from the Obispo St. Demonstration, Arrives in the U. S. by the ‘Route of the Volcanoes’*”

Cuban Migration Part 1: The Volcanoes Route: I Trembled with Anguish, I Felt That I Was Leaving Everyone Behind

14ymedio, Alejandro Mena Ortiz, 23 April 2022 — I had never left Cuba in my life, so emigrating was the most difficult decision I have ever made. I had to painfully say goodbye to the people I love: my children, my grandmother, my mother, my father, my wife, my brothers. There is only one reason to have … Continue reading “Cuban Migration Part 1: The Volcanoes Route: I Trembled with Anguish, I Felt That I Was Leaving Everyone Behind”

In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge

The atmosphere of desperation and paralysis of life generated by blackouts has been the subject of multiple complaints 14ymedio/YucaByte, Havana, 19 June 2024 — Blackouts set the pace of life in Cuba, heating up tempers and triggering protests of a different caliber in a summer that is just beginning. With an increasingly unstable country on … Continue reading “In Cuba, Rumors of the Collapse of the Regime: Purge of Ramiro Valdés, Lis Cuesta Detained, Soldiers Ask for a Discharge”

‘The Pastry Chef Quit So I Closed the Business’

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, April 10, 2024 — Regular customers of a privately owned bakery on San Lázaro Street in Central Habana were surprised this week to see the owner of the business both kneading dough and working the counter. “The cook left the country so this is now a one-woman show,” explains the … Continue reading “‘The Pastry Chef Quit So I Closed the Business’”

A Cuban Suggests ‘A Course of Detoxification From Castroism’ for Newcomers to Florida

14ymedio, Alejandro Mena, Miami, 2 April 2024 — It’s been three months since Estefany (fictitious name) arrived from Cuba to the United States with the humanitarian parole established by Joe Biden’s Administration last year, and at the moment she does not seem to adapt well to the rule of law. Last week, she was fired … Continue reading “A Cuban Suggests ‘A Course of Detoxification From Castroism’ for Newcomers to Florida”

Paseo Galleries in Havana, a Palace of Consumption Turned into Ruins

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, 24 February 2024 — Careful!” a woman managed to say this Friday to a child who was rushing along the entrance ramp of the Paseo Galleries, in Havana’s Vedado district. The floor slabs, full of holes, forced customers going to the market, located on the first floor, to walk gently … Continue reading “Paseo Galleries in Havana, a Palace of Consumption Turned into Ruins”

More Cubans Stay in Nicaragua: ‘It is a Dictatorship, But it Offers Opportunities’

14ymedio, Havana, 4 December 2023 — Unlike Cuba, Nicaragua is “a dictatorship that offers opportunities,” says a Cuban interviewed on the streets of Managua by the opposition newspaper La Prensa. Róger, 27 and originally from Camagüey, has decided to stay in that Central American country where he had arrived to continue along the “volcano route” to the final … Continue reading “More Cubans Stay in Nicaragua: ‘It is a Dictatorship, But it Offers Opportunities’”

The Ghost of the Independent Press Annoys the Congress of Cuba’s Official Media

14ymedio, Havana, 3 November 2023 —  Under the watchful eye of Rogelio Polanco, ideological guardian of the Communist Party, Cuban journalists tried this Thursday to bell the cat without being too critical. The situation of the official press, however, is serious. The worst salaries in its history, “loss of credibility,” “bureaucratic language,” mediocre training of its … Continue reading “The Ghost of the Independent Press Annoys the Congress of Cuba’s Official Media”

‘The Idea is to Leave, Once Outside We’ll see,’ Say Cubans on Their Way to Managua

14ymedio, Mexico, 9 March 2023 — “Passengers who do not have a passport, stay seated.” That phrase, which on any other flight would sound strange, is already routine for the Aeroméxico flights between Havana and Mexico City that end in Managua. Cubans continue to use that route to get to the United States. Between hugs … Continue reading “‘The Idea is to Leave, Once Outside We’ll see,’ Say Cubans on Their Way to Managua”

There Are Plenty of Jobs in Cuba But No One Wants to Live Here

14ymedio, Madrid, 9 February 2023 — The European press normally pays little attention to what is happening in Cuba. In recent months, however, the continent’s media outlets have turned their focus to the enormous exodus from the island, which has left business managers unable to find workers. Data published on Thursday in an article by … Continue reading “There Are Plenty of Jobs in Cuba But No One Wants to Live Here”

Full When They Leave Cuba, Aeromexico Flights Return to Havana Almost Empty

14ymedio, Havana, 27 November 2022 — Safety instructions could be heard on the loudspeaker as the plane accelerated on the tarmac during takeoff. Aeroméxico flight 451 was headed for Havana on Saturday with an almost empty cabin. Only a dozen people were traveling to the Island. The rest of the passengers never boarded the plane … Continue reading “Full When They Leave Cuba, Aeromexico Flights Return to Havana Almost Empty”

With the Arrival of 171,080 Cubans to the US, the Biden Administration Breaks a Historical Record

14ymedio, Madrid, 16 June 2022 — The migration crisis that Cuba has suffered since the end of last year is exceeding the worst forecasts. According to data recently published by the US Department of Customs and Border Protection, in the last eight months, since the beginning of the US fiscal year, on October 1, 2021, … Continue reading “With the Arrival of 171,080 Cubans to the US, the Biden Administration Breaks a Historical Record”

12 Historical Moments Reported Live by ’14ymedio’

1. The Announcement of the “Thaw” 2. Reopening of Embassies The next step to the thaw, as logical as it was historic, was the reopening of embassies in Washington and Havana. It was in the summer of 2015, under an inclement sun and in two events that brought together officials in the United States and curious … Continue reading “12 Historical Moments Reported Live by ’14ymedio’”

Cubans Without ‘Family in the Exterior’ Survive by Reselling on the Streets

Galiano Street, in Central Havana, has become a showcase for misery 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 23 April 2024 — Cubans who emigrate to Miami have an expression for those who remain on the Island, those whom they support with their remittances: “Cubans with faith.” The word “faith” in Spanish is “fe,” which stands for … Continue reading “Cubans Without ‘Family in the Exterior’ Survive by Reselling on the Streets”