After a Fall, the Dollar Gains Momentum in Cuba’s Informal Market

On the streets of the Island, the conviction grows that there will be no breaks on the rise of the US currency 14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 11 June 2024 — Like in those movies where the main character is injured, rolls in the mud and then gets up to say “it was nothing, … Continue reading “After a Fall, the Dollar Gains Momentum in Cuba’s Informal Market”

Nine Month Wait at the Camajuaní, Cuba, Cadeca (Currency Exchange) To Get 50 Dollars

The “virtual line” was more scary than the real ones: 7,362 people were waiting for a turn to buy the 100 dollars allowed by the authorities 14ymedio, Yankiel Gutiérrez Faife, Camajuaní (Villa Clara), 26 May 2024 — Painted bright blue and with a white grill, the Camajuaní Cadeca (Currency Exchange) is one of the high … Continue reading “Nine Month Wait at the Camajuaní, Cuba, Cadeca (Currency Exchange) To Get 50 Dollars”

Cadeca Denies It Is Selling the US Dollar at 375 Cuban Pesos

While the price of the currency has fallen from 395 to 345 since May 9, the official rate remains at 120 14ymedio, Havana, May 25, 2024 — Cuba’s network of currency Exchange Houses (Cadeca) denied this Friday that its branches will begin to sell US dollars at a rate of 1 for 375 pesos, instead … Continue reading “Cadeca Denies It Is Selling the US Dollar at 375 Cuban Pesos”

In Cuba Entrepreneurs From Holguin Come Together To Try To Artificially Lower the Dollar

Businessmen, private and State, made the resolution after participating in a forum from April 30 to May 2 14ymedio, Holguín, 10 May 2024 — At least 14 entrepreneurs, owners of SMEs (small private businesses) in the province of Holguín, have agreed to close ranks with the aim of lowering the price of the dollar artificially, … Continue reading “In Cuba Entrepreneurs From Holguin Come Together To Try To Artificially Lower the Dollar”

Unable to Control the Collapse of the Cuban Peso, the Regime Intensifies its Offensive Against ‘El Toque’

The intention of the independent media, says Banco Metropolitano, is to reach 11 July 2024 with the US currency at 480-500 pesos 14ymedio, Madrid, 3 May 2024 — On Thursday, 2 May, Cuba’s Metropolitan Bank (BM) launched a WhatsApp channel with which it plans to counteract the “induced inflation” that, according to the entity, is … Continue reading “Unable to Control the Collapse of the Cuban Peso, the Regime Intensifies its Offensive Against ‘El Toque’”

The Official Press Celebrates a Million Tourists in 2024 as an ‘Element That Confirms’ the Recovery

‘Prensa Latina’ once again remembers the goal of three and a half million travelers, very far from the more than four million in 2019 14ymedio, Havana, 28 April 2024 — A little more than a week after the National Office of Statistics and Information (Onei) reported that Cuba received 809,238 international visitors in the first … Continue reading “The Official Press Celebrates a Million Tourists in 2024 as an ‘Element That Confirms’ the Recovery”

At 140 Pesos a Bunch, the Price of Carrots on the Streets of Havana Has Doubled in One Year

14ymedio, Natalia López Moya, Havana, March 30, 2024 — On Saturday morning a man leaned over a mountain of carrots placed on Valle Street, near Trillo Park in Central Havana. At 140 pesos a bunch, the price was slightly lower than what the city’s private vendors were charging but far from the 70 pesos that … Continue reading “At 140 Pesos a Bunch, the Price of Carrots on the Streets of Havana Has Doubled in One Year”

The Dollar and the Euro Are on the Way to Reaching 340 Cuban Pesos in March

14ymedio, Havana, 6 March 2024 — Among the Government’s pending and urgent tasks, said Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero on Monday, is “the restructuring of the foreign exchange market,” set for February. Now in March, and without measures on the horizon, it is impossible to contain. In the midst of government inaction, the escalation in the … Continue reading “The Dollar and the Euro Are on the Way to Reaching 340 Cuban Pesos in March”

The Dollar Reaches 300 Pesos in the Cuban Informal Market and Ties With the Euro

14ymedio, Havana, February 10, 2024 — The dollar reached the barrier of 300 Cuban pesos this Saturday and was on par with the euro in the informal currency market, according to the independent media El Toque. The accelerated degradation of the national currency is due to the increase in uncertainty created by the swings of the paquetazo [a … Continue reading “The Dollar Reaches 300 Pesos in the Cuban Informal Market and Ties With the Euro”

While the Euro Reaches 300 Cuban Pesos, the Government Keeps Going in the Same Direction

14ymedio, Havana, 6 February 2024 — The regime’s concern about the current crisis has led the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba to once again publish the Economy section, which will appear in Granma on a weekly basis. Its first article, signed by Joel Ernesto Marill Domenech, author of several texts with proposals … Continue reading “While the Euro Reaches 300 Cuban Pesos, the Government Keeps Going in the Same Direction”

Cuban Rancher: ‘For a Bull of 1,000 Pounds They Gave Me 47 Dollars, Less Than for a Piglet’

14ymedio, Havana, 5 February 2024 — With milk at 20 pesos, “I have to sell 4.5 gallons to make a dollar,” and the transport to take it to the destination costs the equivalent of 6.6 gallons, says rancher José A. Casimiro, owner of the Finca del Medio, in Siguaney (Sancti Spíritus), where he practices agroecology … Continue reading “Cuban Rancher: ‘For a Bull of 1,000 Pounds They Gave Me 47 Dollars, Less Than for a Piglet’”

As the Dollar Approaches 300 Pesos, the Cuban Government Talks About ‘Intervening’ in the Informal Market

14ymedio, Madrid, 30 January 2024 — Economic reforms are coming together for the Cuban Government, which is expected to announce changes in the foreign exchange market this February. In the first Council of Ministers session held this year, the Minister of Economy, Alejandro Gil, set an immediate date on a priority issue for the country, … Continue reading “As the Dollar Approaches 300 Pesos, the Cuban Government Talks About ‘Intervening’ in the Informal Market”

Dozens of Cubans Remove Snow from Moscow Streets for 9,000 Pesos a Month

14ymedio, Madrid, 22 January 2024 — Russian media has discovered that dozens of Cubans are clearing large amounts of snow from Moscow streets. Last weekend the online news site MSK1 interviewed a group of young people from the island who do this work in the Arbat and Khamovniki districts. “My name is Robert. I’m from … Continue reading “Dozens of Cubans Remove Snow from Moscow Streets for 9,000 Pesos a Month”

A Cuban Bank Offers New Prepaid Cards in Dollars for Cubans and Foreigners

14ymedio, Havana, 23 January 2024 — A group of “selected branches” of the Banco de Crédito y Comercio de Cuba (Bandec) will begin selling prepaid cards in dollars for domestic and foreign customers starting this Wednesday. Similar to those already marketed in hotels, the new cards offer advantages over their predecessors: they are valid for … Continue reading “A Cuban Bank Offers New Prepaid Cards in Dollars for Cubans and Foreigners”

Cuba: The Dollar Breaks a New Record on the Black Market at 275 Pesos

EFE (via 14ymedio) Havana,15 January 2024 — The US dollar set a new record in Cuba on Monday by trading at 275 pesos on the informal foreign exchange market, which deepens the strong depreciation of the local currency since the economic reform of 2021. This new maximum – recorded by the independent media El Toque … Continue reading “Cuba: The Dollar Breaks a New Record on the Black Market at 275 Pesos”