In this forum the delegations from Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic ask for a vote on the following declarations:
“At the XXIII Submit of Iberoamerican Chiefs of State and government under the slogan of: Alliance for new paradigms; young representatives of 25 Iberoamerican countries with the objective of taking on the challenges and problems of the region we will get together in the Iberoamerican vanguard marking 500 years since the discovery of the Pacific Ocean, from the 13th to the 16th of October in Panama City, Panama.
“Conscious of our responsibility for the development of Iberoamerican countries we declare necessary that with our commitment to action and the critical support of the leaders of local institutions and multilateral organs we’ll contribute to:
“Considering the importance of sustaining a healthy relationship between all the countries of the Caribbean region. We call attention to the worrisome situation in Cuba related to human rights and recognize a historical solidarity between the Haitian and Dominican countries. Taking into account the petition that thousands of Cuban citizens that using their constitutional right (Article 88g) propose that the citizens are consulted over legal changes that would guarantee fundamental liberties; the petition of Haitians and Dominicans to review order TC/06168 dated September 27, 2013 of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Dominican Republic that will leave without nationality a significant population of Dominicans descendants from foreigners, mainly Haitians.
“We resolve:
“We call on the Cuban government to answer a democratic proposal for a plebiscite of its citizens and invite the Dominican Constitutional Tribunal to review their decision.”
Translated by LYD
16 October 2013