By Juan Carlos Fernández Hernández
I don’t know how many Cubans have repeated this phrase in recent days. Specifically since State Security agent moles Emilio (Carlos Serpa) and Vladimir (Moises Rodriguez) came to light. Those who let us know, according to the Cuban government, about the plans of the American Imperialists to take over the island using the terrifying woman of the so-called Ladies in White, who for more than seven years have been walking on Quinta Avenue after mass at the Santa Rita parish, in Miramar, demanding the release of their family members imprisoned since the spring of 2003 for the simple reason of wanting to express publicly that the country urgently needs changes. Something that not only the 75 prisoners of conscience say, this is something that all people know and are increasingly unafraid to express.
But apparently, Emilio and Vladimir have completed their mission, reporting what everyone knows. Now the Cuban leaders have focused on the Internet, it could not be otherwise, burning another super 007, called, according to the official Cuban press, Raul, by Cuban Security and Alexander by his enemies. His name is Dulexis, I think.
The boy in question uncovered another macabre plan to subvert order; in Cuba even if we have no record at least we have a tremendous average in plans, which by the way is already tired for its unoriginality. This is none other than the installation of satellite dishes for satellite television, and clandestine Internet networks. An American citizen has been tried in Cuba for installing these most dangerous (the phrase is not mine) apparatuses.
And I’m telling the truth, they are extremely dangerous because they bring free information to the Cuban citizen. For those who control all the information media this is a no-brainer. It’s war, they say.
Can you imagine people being able to watch the news on Spanish TC, Univision, Mega TV, America TC and whatever they like, or reading El País, ABC, Nuevo Herald, Clarín, Generación Y, Voces, Convivencia, or anything else they want?
I understand the leaders of Cuba, but of course I do not agree nor will I ever agree that they should treat us as if we were simply little kids to whom that can say: that it is good and that is bad. We matured a long time ago and we can establish the value of things by ourselves.
The cyber police already said at the conference that someone leaked (?) to the network, I paraphrase: “No one is going to come to warn you that your computer seems to have a little sign that says:” You are connected to the Internet.”
Yes, yes… there’s not doubt, they are very afraid. But they have Internet.
Not to mention, now that the cable has arrived, what’s the problem?
Juan Carlos Fernández Hernández. (b. 1965). Pinar del Río.
Former leader for the Brotherhood of Aid to Prisoners and Their Families of Prison Pastoral Care. Staff member of Coexistence. Animator of civil society.
March 24 2011