Nivaldo Amedo Ramirez, Coordinator of the Cuban Independent and Democratic Party, in the Western Province, who was detained on August 28th in Palma Soriano, was transported, in critical condition, to the Provincial Hospital of Santiago de Cuba “Saturnino Lora”, during a hunger strike, to demand his freedom.
Amedo Ramirez was detained by the troops in the Marino Antomachit housing project and was transported to the Micro-9 police station, in Santiago de Cuba. Upon his detention, he went on a hunger strike. This hunger strike further complicated his gastric ulcer and was the cause of his vomiting blood and having abdominal pain. On the morning of Sunday, September 4th, the authorities recognized his critical condition and transported Mr.Ramirez , to the central hospital where he remains under medical care in police custody.
Hi wife, Elvis Alvares Airas, was informed of his condition by the authorities on Thursday, September 1, 2011, that her husband, Amedo Ramirez, will be charged with Disorderly Conduct in the name of Cuba; and that the Cuban Independent and Democratic party is responsible for the health and well being of Mr. Ramirez, age 44.
Translated by Ya Viene Llegando
September 5 2011