Sonia Garro Alfonso, a member of the Ladies in White and the Afro-Cuban Independent Foundation, was transferred to the women’s prison in Havana and will be processed by the investigative body of State Security, according to her sister, Yamile Garro, who informed this reporter on Tuesday.
Sonia, in a note, managed to send the file data for the preparatory phase, located under the number 9 of 2012, when she was still in police custody at the police station at Seventh and 64th in Playa. However, neither she nor her family know the crime they are charging her with.
Sonia was arrested last March 18 in a raid by riot police at her home located on Avenue 47 in Marianao, at which time her husband, Ramon Munoz Alejandro Gonzalez, was also arrested and taken to the Combinado del Este prison in the capital.
According to reports from Yamile Garros’ neighbors, political police agents took her off the public bus, forcing her to return to her house.An act of provocation that upset her husband Muñoz González. The military, wearing helmets and shields, broke the fence and broke into the house, firing rubber bullets.
According to Yamile, in the raid they also detained three other people, whose names are unknown. One is in prison, along with Sonia and her husband. The others were released.
Garro Alfonso belongs to independent civil society organizations, such as the Afro-Cuban Independent Foundation, the Ladies in White, and he directs the Independent Cultural Center. State Security often threatens him with the initiation of a criminal process against him. Between October 2010 and June 2011, he was the object of more than 17 warnings for disorderly conduct.
The warnings can lead to the imposition of pre-criminal security measures, and a sentence of between 1 and 4 years in prison for anti-social conduct, which according to the Penal Code is seen in people who habitually break the rules of social coexistence by acts of violence, provocation, or disturbing the order of the community.
April 17 2012