Russia Supplies Cuba With the Record Amount of 126,000 Tons of Wheat in a Year

The figure is 1.7 times higher than the previous year, but in previous years between 20,000 and 40,000 tons were exported annually

Wheat flour at the José Antonio Echeverría mill. / Cuban Flour Milling Company

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Moscow, 4 July 2024 — Russia supplied between July 2023 and June 2024 the record number of 126,000 tons of wheat to Cuba, almost 1.7 times more than during the previous year, according to Rusagrotrans, the Russian rail transport operator specialized in the transfer of grain and fertilizers.

According to the Russian agency Interfax, in the 2022-2023 season, Russia exported 76,000 tons of wheat to Cuba, a figure also considerably higher than in previous years, when exports of Russian grain to the largest of the Antilles ranged between 20,000 and 40,000 tons per year.

In addition, Rusagrotrans indicated that, if in previous years the wheat was shipped to the Island from the port of Novorossíisk, in the Black Sea, this year the bulk of the cargo (101,000 tons, 80% of the total) was dispensed through the Visotski port, in the Gulf of Finland.

Rusagrotrans indicated that the bulk of the cargo was dispensed through the Visotski port, in the Gulf of Finland

The wheat, sent by the Novosibirsk Food Corporation from Siberia and the Urals, was transported to the Visotsky port in special wagons for the loading of grain belonging to Rusagrotrans, and then left for Cuba by sea.

Last March, during a visit to Russia by the Minister of Foreign Trade, Ricardo Cabrisas, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Chernishenko reported that a new loan would be made to the Island to “guarantee the stable supply of oil, petroleum products, wheat and fertilizers,” said Prensa Latina.

In June, Cabrisas returned to the country in search of funding for Cuba’s Development Plan until 2030, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024 (SPIEF), where it was reported that exports of agro-industrial products from Russia to Cuba had doubled last year, compared to 2022.

In the meeting, the Russian Minister of Agriculture, Oksana Lut, indicated that Moscow considered it possible to further expand sales and assured that her country has all the necessary resources to “guarantee the food security of the Cuban State.”

According to official data, the trade between Russia and Cuba in 2022 amounted to 451 million dollars. Most of the trade was agricultural, although the Russians also invested in construction and tourism.

Translated by Regina Anavy


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