PS 2 / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

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The group I was speaking with got involved in a baseball discussion about whether it was a sport, pastime, or both, the game of balls and strikes; in the poor defense the national teams have shown throughout the series and the bad state of the terrain. The reasons are many and we really don’t need the “accommodating and advisory” quality of the sports commentators, who show their faces on Cuban television so that the fans, knowing the multiple reasons that could be affecting our athletes, can toss their uncensored opinions around like an expert roundtable.

So as not to be missing the usual things, the masculine voices began to rise in tone and impeded me taking my mental aqualung to abstract myself from the passionate racket that seemed unnecessary to me. But in spite of the raised voices, I managed to submerge myself “in apnea” in my thoughts and I made a parallel with the popular Play Station video game I’d seen the daughter of a friend playing a few days before. I asked myself how much it would advance in a few more years and if they would continue counting the new consoles in the saga the Sony brand is making. Evidently, competitiveness will prevent no. 52 of the new game from coming out with the same name and technological development will make them better all the time. What I don’t want is for them to prevent the possibility of piracy, to be able to play with burned CDs and to even introduce our own version of MVP-Cuban Government Leagues (forever). In particular, I can’t imagine some old folks running the bases time and again in an endless game. I beg on the healthy, clean, and authentic competition where quality and whoever does the best in the 9 standard innings prevails. After the 27th out, it is not legitimate nor ethical to make use of ruses to avoid the sign that says “Game over.”

May 18 2011