The Shadow of Death / Lilianne Ruiz

It has not been on any national news. No newspaper has echoed the demand of the 27 Cubans across the island who are on a hunger strike demanding that the Castro clan’s government release Jorge Vázquez Chaviano. Six of the 27 people on strike are in Havana, at the home of Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, … Continue reading “The Shadow of Death / Lilianne Ruiz”

Rosa Parks Women Movement for Civil Rights Announces March in Honor of the Fallen Every Thursday / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

The Rosa Parks Women’s Movement for Civil Rights announces that on Thursday it held its second weekly march in honor of the fallen despite the brutal arrests the members were subject to during the first march on 30 August; so we put out a wake-up call to national and international public opinion urging them to … Continue reading “Rosa Parks Women Movement for Civil Rights Announces March in Honor of the Fallen Every Thursday / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez”

Calves of the Revolution / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado

The newspaper Granma provokes, slapping its readers’ faces with a fistful of falsehoods. I am not saying they use fallacy on a regular basis, but sometimes they publish opinions with a manipulative slant. These must be refuted because, if we remain silent, we are ourselves guilty of lying through inaction or omission. On July 31 … Continue reading “Calves of the Revolution / Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado”

Campaign for a National General Strike / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

The National General Strike is an important initiative sponsored by theOrlando Zapata TamayoNational Front for Civic Resistance and Disobedience. As its name indicates, this initiative seeks a partial paralysis of the entire national infrastructure through strong and systematic actions by the forces of internal resistance. In its first and second stages the General Strike is … Continue reading “Campaign for a National General Strike / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez”

The Path Depends on Ourselves / Pablo Pacheco Avila

The most important month of the calendar for me is July.  Firstly, it is when my only son was born and second, it was the month that I left Cuba. Life, without one choosing, imposes change on us.  Many times, these changes are too rough to handle, like crosses hanging over our backs, but human … Continue reading “The Path Depends on Ourselves / Pablo Pacheco Avila”

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “Citizen Demand for Another Cuba – 536 Signatures and Counting”

On the First Anniversary of the Declaration of Vilnius / Antunez – Jorge Luis García Pérez

June 29, 2012. This June 30 marked exactly one year since an event that occurred in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania, something that had no precedent in more than 50 years of struggle of the Cuban people for their freedom. It was then that a unanimous resolution was passed recognizing the Orlando Zapata Tamayo National … Continue reading “On the First Anniversary of the Declaration of Vilnius / Antunez – Jorge Luis García Pérez”

The Cuban Government Before the Committee Against Torture / Dora Leonor Mesa

By Miriam Leiva, Havana 06/07/2012 Extracted from Cuban authorities for more than nine years avoided the analysis of their violations of human rights in the United Nations Committee on Torture; a period that coincides with the uprising of March 2003, when it subjected 75 peaceful protesters to summary trials and shot three young boat … Continue reading “The Cuban Government Before the Committee Against Torture / Dora Leonor Mesa”

Harrowing Testimony of Damaris Moya Portieles After Agents Threaten to Rape her Daughter / Rosa Parks Movement for Civil Rights

Testimony of activist Damaris Moya Portieles after State Security agents threatened to rape her 5 year old daughter recently.  —- I have gone through something very painful with my young 5 year old daughter, Lazara Yorgelis Contreras Moya. The situation occurred in Santa Claraon Wednesday, May 2nd, when 18 peaceful dissidents- members of the Central … Continue reading “Harrowing Testimony of Damaris Moya Portieles After Agents Threaten to Rape her Daughter / Rosa Parks Movement for Civil Rights”

For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba

Citizen Demand for Another Cuba As Cubans, legitimate children of this land and an essential part of our nation, we feel a deep sorrow at the prolonged crisis that we are experiencing and the demonstrated inability of the current government to make fundamental changes. This obliges us, from civil society, to seek and demand our … Continue reading “For Another Cuba – Citizen Demand for Another Cuba”

El Sexto Once Again Demonstrates His Art / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada

Havana, Cuba- Danilo Maldonado (El Sexto, or “The Sixth”), a well-known young graffiti artist in Cuba, exhibited his work this past Friday the 25th in the afternoon at the alternative space of Estado de SATS (State of SATS). It is the second time that this artist showcases his creation, the samples running the gamut from … Continue reading “El Sexto Once Again Demonstrates His Art / Wendy Iriepa and Ignacio Estrada”

Response to Catholic Church’s Editorial in Lay Space: “Commitment to the Truth” / Estado de Sats

By Alexis Jardines and Antonio Rodiles The most recent editorial in the Cuban Catholic Church’s journal Lay Space (Espacio Laical) put on the table for discussion, once again, several critical points regarding the course that should be taken in the Cuban transition. First, we have to say that we find it most interesting that the … Continue reading “Response to Catholic Church’s Editorial in Lay Space: “Commitment to the Truth” / Estado de Sats”

The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40 In those years of UMAP*, when Mr. Jaime Ortega was one more in the concentration camps, no one would have imagined that the last but most important mission of what some still … Continue reading “The Missions of the Cardinal / Mario Barroso”

Open Letter to The Cuban Dictator Raul Castro / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez

Mr. Dictator Raul Castro From Placetas, in the center of Cuba, Jorge Luis García Pérez Antúnez and his wife Yris Tamara Pérez Aguilera are writing to you, a married couple openly opposed to your tyrant and totalitarian regime. On this occasion we want to send you a responsible summons motivated by the cruel, unfair, arbitrary … Continue reading “Open Letter to The Cuban Dictator Raul Castro / Jorge Luis García Pérez Antunez”

Another Pope, Another Cuba, Another Church / Mario Barroso

The scenario is different. The visitor also. When the Polish Pope, John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla, visited Cuba in 1998 he found Monsignor Pedro Claro Meurice Estiu as archbishop in Santiago de Cuba, and in him, the loudest Cuban voice rose among those who had such a possibility. The Pope’s “Let Cuba open itself to … Continue reading “Another Pope, Another Cuba, Another Church / Mario Barroso”