Ecuador And Mexico Take Steps To Stem The Flow Of Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 13 April 2016 — Mexico will not operate more “air bridges” for now, nor will Costa Rica allow more Cuban migrants in its territory, at a time when some 3,500 Cubans are flocking to the Panama isthmus trying to continue their journey to the United States. This is the scene at … Continue reading “Ecuador And Mexico Take Steps To Stem The Flow Of Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Panama Is Preparing A New Shelter For More Than 1,000 Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, 9 April 2016 — An old and abandoned building in the district of Gualaca, in western Panama, is being refurbished to accommodate some of the more than 2,000 Cuban migrants who have been arriving in that country from Ecuador and Guyana in recent weeks. The flow of migrants has continued despite warnings … Continue reading “Panama Is Preparing A New Shelter For More Than 1,000 Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Costa Rica Calls Emergency Meeting on New Immigration Crisis On Its Border / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 5 April 2106 — The Costa Rican government has called an emergency meeting of the countries involved in the migratory flow that includes that nation as a transit point to the United States. The meeting of foreign ministers and representatives of the different nations involved will be held in the third week of … Continue reading “Costa Rica Calls Emergency Meeting on New Immigration Crisis On Its Border / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Cuban Rafters Dressed In Police Uniforms Reach The Coasts Of Florida / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

A video posted Monday on the social network Facebook shows the arrival of 26 Cubans to the Florida Keys, aboard a rustic raft. The recording, published by the user Jose Carrera, reflects the moment when the raft touches land with the illegal immigrants on board, among them two men dressed in the uniforms of Cuba’s … Continue reading “Cuban Rafters Dressed In Police Uniforms Reach The Coasts Of Florida / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Tania Bruguera Commits To Civic Education Of Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

Kickstarter campaign will fund “civic and artistic alternative to the emphasis in Cuba on money as the unique salvation to the problems of the country” 14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 1 April 2016 — When in late 2014 the Cuban artist Tania Bruguera attempted to stage her performance of Tatlin’s Whisper in the Plaza of the Revolution, she … Continue reading “Tania Bruguera Commits To Civic Education Of Cubans / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Easter in Cuba: Death and Resurrection of the Individual / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Miami, 28 March 2016 – This Sunday of the Resurrection hundreds of individuals attended Mass who, the previous Friday, had sung along with their Satanic Majesties in Havana’s Sports City. From Jesus to the Rolling Stones, Cubans want to breathe beyond the narrow limits of the political system and they do it through music, faith, … Continue reading “Easter in Cuba: Death and Resurrection of the Individual / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Cubans in Panama Ask Obama’s Help in the Immigration Crisis / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 22 March 2016 — “If it were not for the many who have died trying, it would be funny: Obama is in Cuba and we Cubans are leaving it.” In his sweaty mestizo face you can see small wrinkles, no doubt accentuated by the days spent in the journey along the dangerous route … Continue reading “Cubans in Panama Ask Obama’s Help in the Immigration Crisis / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

“The Only Thing I Want Is For Them To Let Me Be With My Son” / 14ymedo, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 18 March 2016 — When Fernando Collazo left Cuba on 23 October 2014 heading to Ecuador, he carried painfully in his heart nostalgia for his family and the homeland he left behind and the illusion of a person who hopes to devote his best energies to succeeding in a foreign country and, … Continue reading ““The Only Thing I Want Is For Them To Let Me Be With My Son” / 14ymedo, Mario Penton”

“I’m Afraid That Ecuador Will Deport Me To Cuba” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 26 February 2016 — Sigfredo Ochoa is 40 years old. Six months ago he was one more “Palestinian” in Havana, a Cuban from Holguin living “illegally” in the capital of his own country, according to the authorities – a status that earned him that strange moniker among native Havanans. He worked as … Continue reading ““I’m Afraid That Ecuador Will Deport Me To Cuba” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

‘El Sexto’ Exhibits the Pigs That Sent Him to Jail in Cuba / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 26 February 2016 – Last night in Miami Danilo Maldonado (known as ‘El Sexto’, The Sixth), was able to show off the pigs Raul and Fidel, which cost him ten months in prison in Cuba. The opening of the exhibition “Pork,” at the Market Gallery in Miami Beach this Thursday, included … Continue reading “‘El Sexto’ Exhibits the Pigs That Sent Him to Jail in Cuba / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Cubans In Ecuador Come Together To Demand Their Rights / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 24 February 2016 — Fifty Cubans met in English Park, in the north of Quito, to request treatment similar to their compatriots stranded in Central America. The anonymous call to the meeting, which circulated among groups of Cubans on Facebook, asked all Cuban immigrants living in Ecuador to agree to … Continue reading “Cubans In Ecuador Come Together To Demand Their Rights / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Montaner: “The regime has succeeded in confusing the Cubans about their own history” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 19 February 2016 — José Martí is not the precursor of the Cuban Revolution, nor can one establish continuity between the mambises [Cuban independence fighters of the 1800s] and the Stalinist regime in place since 1959. “This telling of the story is an ideological swindle,” said Carlos Alberto Montaner in … Continue reading “Montaner: “The regime has succeeded in confusing the Cubans about their own history” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

Tomas Regalado, “Washington Refuses To Recognize That There Is A Migration Crisis” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 3 February 2016 — Miami Mayor Tomas Pedro Regalado (born Havana, 1947), says that his is not prepared to cope with the surge of Cuban rafters who come daily to the coast of Florida. He came to the United States as a teenager and was a journalist before winning election in 2009. … Continue reading “Tomas Regalado, “Washington Refuses To Recognize That There Is A Migration Crisis” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton”

From Little Pioneers To Pioneers Of Entrepreneurship / 14ymedio, Mario Penton Martinez

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton Martinez, Miami, 8 December 2016 — “Starting a new business should start with a good financial advice,” says the business card of Marta Deus’s company. After 15 years in Spain, this entrepreneur returned to the island and now advises self-employed workers on accounting. She was in Miami on Monday to attend a technology … Continue reading “From Little Pioneers To Pioneers Of Entrepreneurship / 14ymedio, Mario Penton Martinez”

“Cuba Is Going To Be Emptied Out” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton Martinez

14ymedio, Mario Penton Martinez, 2 Deceber 2015 — The first thing Frank Gonzalez (not his real name) dreams of doing upon his arrival in New York is eating ice cream, even if it is snowing. The route to the United States, however, is still a long one for this medical clinician from Camagüey who is in … Continue reading ““Cuba Is Going To Be Emptied Out” / 14ymedio, Mario Penton Martinez”