The Sunday of Lent / Lilianne Ruz

I climb the hill drawn by the magnetism of the chapel, by the theology school of the Dominican friars ( in spite of the torches of the Inquisition ) by the alpha and the omega, the cloistered life of the monks confer to my church a special something. “What is it to love thy neighbor? … Continue reading “The Sunday of Lent / Lilianne Ruz”

Hugo Chavez: Fidel Castro’s Bet / Iván García

Some might think that luck came to the aid of a beleaguered Fidel Castro, when back in 1998, the island economy was going down with an industry crippled by lack of oil, exports were in the toilet, finances in the red, international debt swelling, and expenditures of billions of dollars to feed 11 million Cubans … Continue reading “Hugo Chavez: Fidel Castro’s Bet / Iván García”

The Media That Says Nothing / Iván García

The spectacular and moving rescue of 33 Chilean miners, carried out from 632 meters below the dirt after 70 days, was just another piece of news in the Cuban press. In the online version of Granma – the main newspaper of the island – in the October 14th edition, this news was in 16th place … Continue reading “The Media That Says Nothing / Iván García”

The Book of Eli: Something More Than a Message Between The Lines

I don’t think it’s risky to say, if we confine ourselves to the most recent events, that the Catholic Church, the principle institution within the Christian doctrine, is now living through one of the greatest crises it has experienced since its beginnings. Above all, a crisis that goes beyond the skepticism of some of its … Continue reading “The Book of Eli: Something More Than a Message Between The Lines”

Moratinos Wants to Score a Political Goal

Everyone knows that the Spanish Foreign Minister has character. No one doubts that Miguel Angel Moratinos is a diplomat of the old school. Of those who don’t try to sugar coat the pill. A guy who speaks frankly and looks you in the eye. But on the subject of Cuba he has achieved little. The … Continue reading “Moratinos Wants to Score a Political Goal”

Ballplayers Longing For Six Figure Salaries

They can’t sleep easy at night.  The millionaire salaries that they pay the ballplayers in the Big Leagues of the United States give the Cuban players a migraine.  It’s no small wonder. Every time a newspaper from the other side of the pond falls in their hands, or they watch it through Florida TV Channels, they see the … Continue reading “Ballplayers Longing For Six Figure Salaries”