Alleged Murderer of Two Women in Cienfuegos Commits Suicide

14ymedio, Justo Mora / Mario J. Pentón, Cienfuegos/Miami, 5 December 2018 — Rafael Garcia, alleged perpetrator of the double femicide that shook Cienfuegos last May, committed suicide on the eve of his trial, scheduled for Wednesday, several sources close to the family confirmed to 14ymedio. The tension was thick in the air in the morning hours in the vicinity of … Continue reading “Alleged Murderer of Two Women in Cienfuegos Commits Suicide”

Mariela Castro’s ‘Security’ Expels Cuban Reporters From a Conference in Spain

14ymedio, Havana, 6 December 2018 — Three correspondents from the independent press CiberCuba were expelled from a public building in Valencia, Spain, by the security chief of Mariela Castro, daughter of former Cuban ruler Raul Castro. The journalists arrived at the October Cultural Center, a building subsidized by the Spanish State, with the intention of covering a conference … Continue reading “Mariela Castro’s ‘Security’ Expels Cuban Reporters From a Conference in Spain”

LGBTIQ ‘Kiss-In’ Cancelled for Fear of Being Called a ‘Provocation’

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 29 October 2018 — The Proyecto Abriendo Brechas de Colores (Opening Color Gaps Project) was forced to cancel an event that had been promoted to mobilize the LGBTIQ community in favor of equal marriage for fear that it would be considered a provocation and harm “the very project” they are trying to promote. The call to … Continue reading “LGBTIQ ‘Kiss-In’ Cancelled for Fear of Being Called a ‘Provocation’”

"He said to me ’you’re a faggot’ and stuck his knife in me"

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 12 September 2018 — “I was the fly on that night’s cake for them,” laments Yoan Campos Guevara, 26, the young man who was attacked with a knife on Friday in Villa Clara in what appears to be homophobic assault. The son of singer Juan Carlos Campos, he lives in Caibarién and was … Continue reading “"He said to me ’you’re a faggot’ and stuck his knife in me"”

From State Homophobia to Marriage Equality in Cuba

14ymedio, Abel Sierra Madero, New York | August 28, 2018 — For the past few years the Cuban regime has been producing some sudden changes meant to guarantee the continuity of the system and to erase the past. I called this process of “gatopardism” (a political strategy of changing things so that everything remains the … Continue reading “From State Homophobia to Marriage Equality in Cuba”

Methodist Church Distributes Bibles on La Rampa to Denounce Equal Marriage

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana | 17 July 2018 – The shouting and singing of a hundred evangelicals who prayed in defense of the “design of the original family” was heard two blocks from the Methodist church located between K and 25th Streets in Havana’s Vedado neighborhood. A live band accompanied Pastor Lester Fernandez as he spoke to his flock in … Continue reading “Methodist Church Distributes Bibles on La Rampa to Denounce Equal Marriage”

Several Evangelical Churches Appeal to Cuban Government and the Revolution to Block Equal Marriage

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 6 July 2018 — Five evangelical denominations in Cuba issued a public statement against equal marriage. The document states that “gender ideology” has nothing to do with Cuban culture “or with the historical leaders of the Revolution.” The Evangelical League of Cuba, the Baptist Conventions of the West and East, as well as … Continue reading “Several Evangelical Churches Appeal to Cuban Government and the Revolution to Block Equal Marriage”

Kisses Yes, Kisses No

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 28 June 2018 — Dozens of countries around the world celebrate Gay Pride Day today, 49 years after the Stonewall riots in New York, when a violent raid on a bar frequented by the LGTBI community was followed by a series of protests and demonstrations that are taken as a marker for … Continue reading “Kisses Yes, Kisses No”

Murder of Two Women Shocks Cienfuegos

14ymedio, Justo Mora/Mario J. Pentón, Cienfuegos/Miami, 22 May 21 — It was 11:30 in the morning last Thursday when Luis Roque heard the first calls for help. He was about to go to work when his neighbor’s screams made him stop short. “Oh my little daughter, oh my little daughter,” shouted Tomasa Causse Fabat, a 64-year-old nurse on … Continue reading “Murder of Two Women Shocks Cienfuegos”

"Mariela Castro Is Our Friend But That Does Not Make Our Church Communist"

14ymedio, Mario J. Penton, Miami, 17 May 2018 — The presence of Mariela Castro blessing LGBT couples on Saturday draped in a Christian stole, on the day against homophobia and transphobia in Cuba, has generated scorn among some Cuban believers. In recent days the press has focused on a new church established on the island … Continue reading “"Mariela Castro Is Our Friend But That Does Not Make Our Church Communist"”

Amnesty International Invites Cuban Government to "Transform Confrontation Into Dialog"

14ymedio, Madrid, 16 April 2018 — On the occasion of the transfer of power that will take place this Thursday in Cuba, the independent human rights organization, Amnesty International, has prepared a “road map” with the title Transform Confrontation into Dialogue in which it draws up a series of recommendations for the new Cuban executive to improve the situation of … Continue reading “Amnesty International Invites Cuban Government to "Transform Confrontation Into Dialog"”

Pioneer Ruling in Cuba Grants Custody of Children to Grandmother With Lesbian Partner

EFE, via 14ymedio, 28 January 2018 — A Cuban court granted custody of three children to a grandmother who lives with her same sex partner, who was recognized as a key figure in the upbringing of the children, an unheralded event in a country where gay marriage is not legally recognized. The October 2017 ruling in … Continue reading “Pioneer Ruling in Cuba Grants Custody of Children to Grandmother With Lesbian Partner”

Cuban Police Admonish Victim of Homophobic Attack for Speaking to Media

14ymedio, Havana, 28 January 2018 — José Enrique Morales Besada, victim of a homophobic attack last June, was cited by the police on Friday for having called attention to his case by talking to “many media,” both independent and international, as well as for expressing himself on Facebook. Morales Besada, 21, was summoned to the police … Continue reading “Cuban Police Admonish Victim of Homophobic Attack for Speaking to Media”

“My Attackers Act As If Nothing Happened”

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, 13 November 2017 – It was a warm night in June and José Enrique Morales Besada was connected to the internet at a Wi-Fi hotspot in Morón, Ciego de Ávila. On returning home, his life took a dramatic turn when he was a victim of a homophobic attack that left him with serious … Continue reading ““My Attackers Act As If Nothing Happened””

When The Abuser Is The Government

14ymedio, Generation Y, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 4 May 2017 – I was in the third grade and the teacher chose the most aggressive girl in my class to be the room monitor. She was given carte blanche to control the other children. Later, the abuser rose to a position in the Federation of Middle School Students and … Continue reading “When The Abuser Is The Government”