The Harvest Begins in Cuba After the Worst Planting of Sugarcane in More Than a Century

EFE (via 14ymedio), Havana, 26 November 2022 — Cuba’s 2022-2023 sugar harvest began this Friday with the goal of producing 455,198 tons of sugar in a harvest that will be “small,” seeking to resuscitate the depressed sector. In this harvest, started in the central province of Cienfuegos, it is planned to grind 6.5 million tons of … Continue reading “The Harvest Begins in Cuba After the Worst Planting of Sugarcane in More Than a Century”

Azcuba Assures That the 33 Inactive Sugar Mills for This Harvest ‘Will Not Be Dismantled’

14ymedio, Havana, 1 November 2022 — The directors of the Azcuba company revealed this Monday to the State newspaper Granma what they plan to do with the “sleepy” mills during the next harvest. Only 23 factories throughout the country, of the 56 that could operate, will be responsible for the production, from this November, of … Continue reading “Azcuba Assures That the 33 Inactive Sugar Mills for This Harvest ‘Will Not Be Dismantled’”

Sugar Cane Workers are Barely Surviving in Camajuani, Cuba

14ymedio, Yankiel Gutiérrez Faife, Camajuaní (Villa Clara), 10 September 2022 — The inhabitants of the Camajuaní valley, in the province of Villa Clara, have known better times for the intensive cultivation of sugar cane. Today, many of the characteristic towers of the sugar mills that gave prosperity to the settlements of Carmita, Fe, Rosalía, La … Continue reading “Sugar Cane Workers are Barely Surviving in Camajuani, Cuba”

Due to Lack of Resources, Only 23 Sugar Mills Will Process Cane in Cuba in the Next Harvest

14ymedio, Havana, 2 September 2022 — The Cuban authorities have set themselves the goal for the next harvest at even fewer tons than were achieved in the previous one, which was the worst in the history of the Island. It’s true they have called it small, but it’s difficult to understand why they call it … Continue reading “Due to Lack of Resources, Only 23 Sugar Mills Will Process Cane in Cuba in the Next Harvest”

Cuba Acknowledges It Will Not be Able to Fulfill its Sugar Export Agreements

14ymedio, Havana, 16 June 2022 — The state group Azcuba announced this Wednesday that “it will not be able to fulfill its international commitments” after one of the worst harvests in the country’s history, which will mainly affect China. The director of communications, Dionis Pérez, insisted in a press conference that, however, “the delivery of sugar … Continue reading “Cuba Acknowledges It Will Not be Able to Fulfill its Sugar Export Agreements”

Little Sugar Cane and Many ‘Adversities’ in the Holguin Harvest

14ymedio, Madrid, 17 January 2022 — The López-Peña sugar mill, in Báguanos, Holguín, should have produced 13,000 tons of sugar this February, but it only has 30% of the planned plan to date, according to Reina Salermo Escalona, ​​director of provincial coordination of Azcuba in Holguín. The official attributes the delays, which are widespread in … Continue reading “Little Sugar Cane and Many ‘Adversities’ in the Holguin Harvest”

This Year’s Sugar Harvest Announced Even Worse Than Last Year’s and Cuba Will Have to Import Sugar

14ymedio, Havana, 24 November 2021 — The Azcuba State monopoly itself has filled its latest statements with caution when announcing the start of this year’s sugar harvest on the island: no good news is in sight for the sector. “The most important thing is to talk with the sugar workers about the difficult conditions in … Continue reading “This Year’s Sugar Harvest Announced Even Worse Than Last Year’s and Cuba Will Have to Import Sugar”

Cuba Closes the Worst Sugar Harvest in More Than a Century and Will Have to Import for the Domestic Market

14ymedio, Havana, 11 May 2021 — Catastrophe in the Cuban sugar industry. The preliminary results of this year’s harvest are worse than expected and production is hitting rock bottom. With a harvest of just 816,000 tons of sugar, 68% of the 1.2 million planned, the Island has the worst figure since 1908. The state monopoly Azcuba has … Continue reading “Cuba Closes the Worst Sugar Harvest in More Than a Century and Will Have to Import for the Domestic Market”

‘Don’t pour in any more sugar, it won’t fit!’

14ymedio, Roma Díaz, Varadero, 5 September 2020 — From the age of 15 he worked as a stevedore at the Dos Rosas sugar mill, “carrying sacks on his back,” says Israel García. El Nene, as they affectionately call him, keeps his memories fresh at 87, as if he had lived them a few days ago. Today, the … Continue reading “‘Don’t pour in any more sugar, it won’t fit!’”

Cuba Again Records One of the Worst Sugar Harvests in its History

14ymedio, Havana, 10 June 2019 —  The official press has again hidden the data of the just concluded sugar harvest. Instead of absolute numbers, a spokesperson for the Azcuba business group said that the sugar harvest was 13% of the proposed plan. This was reported to Prensa Latina by the spokesman of the sugar group, Liobel … Continue reading “Cuba Again Records One of the Worst Sugar Harvests in its History”

Cuban Authorities Acknowledge Food Shortages and Problems with the Sugar Harvest

14ymedio, Havana, 13 March 2019 — Cuban authorities acknowledged on Wednesday the shortages of several staples such as eggs, chicken, cooking oil and flour while admitting the failure to meet their sugar production plans. According to the official newspaper Granma, in the session of a meeting chaired by the first secretary of the Communist Party, … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Acknowledge Food Shortages and Problems with the Sugar Harvest”

In Cuba Sugar is Imported from France

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernández, Havana, September 23, 2018 — This September the sugar that has been distributed in the “basic basket” of the rationed market doesn’t come from Cuban fields, but rather from far-off France. The poor performance of the last sugar harvest forced the Island’s Government to import a product that, until a few years … Continue reading “In Cuba Sugar is Imported from France”

Cuba Will Limit Sugar Exports to Maintain Domestic Supply

14ymedio, Miami, 15 June 2018 — The Cuban government has decided to cut sugar exports in the face of this year’s poor harvest, sources at the state conglomerate Azcuba told Reuters. “The next harvest will be advanced as much as possible to satisfy local consumption,” said Lourdes María Castellanos, director of international relations at Azcuba, who also … Continue reading “Cuba Will Limit Sugar Exports to Maintain Domestic Supply”

Cuba Produced 4,200 Tonnes of Organic Sugar, 60% of the Plan

EFE, via 14ymedio, Havana, 28 February 2018 — Cuba produced only 4,200 tonnes of organic sugar, 60% of the plan forecast for the current cane harvest, mainly due to the intense rains of recent months and the reduced concentration of sugar in the cane, the official media reported this Tuesday. The Carlos Baliño mill in the … Continue reading “Cuba Produced 4,200 Tonnes of Organic Sugar, 60% of the Plan”

Cuba’s 2018 Sugar Harvest At Risk Due to a Shortage of Cane in the Fields

14ymedio, Havana, 9 January 2018 — The ravages of Hurricane Irma on Cuban agriculture have left a serious impact on the sugar sector that will influence the results of the upcoming harvest. With some 835,000 acres of cane fallen and broken, in addition to another 227,000 flooded, 45% of the sown cane was affected, according to … Continue reading “Cuba’s 2018 Sugar Harvest At Risk Due to a Shortage of Cane in the Fields”