Mexico Fills Positions for National Doctors With Cuban Specialists

A group of Cuban doctors in the state of Tlaxcala (Mexico)/@EmbaCuMex

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico, 7 June 2024 — Cuban specialists are filling positions in Tamaulipas rejected by Mexican doctors because the work clinics are “far from the state capital,” said Marggid Rodríguez Avendaño, coordinator of the IMSS State Welfare. As the director of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, said last April, the salaries for these positions are 50,000 pesos ($2,732 per month), which includes a bonus of 10,000 pesos ($545).

A health source consulted by 14ymedio confirmed the hiring of 181 doctors and nurses in Tamaulipas. Among them “there are 27 Cubans who are registered as internists, ophthalmologists and surgeons,” the same source details, adding that 12 of them “are currently being trained in the state capital.”

The same official said that the island’s specialists “will be sent to hospitals located in San Fernando, Rio Bravo, Valle Hermoso and Victoria, where there are problems completing the medical staff.” He does not know if this group will be paid the $2,732 stipulated for those positions, considerably more than the$2,042 per month that Mexico pays the Government of Cuba for each specialist, according to information published by this newspaper, but he sees no impediment because “that money is already budgeted.”

Cuban doctors at a clinic in Manzanillo, in the state of Colima (Mexico) / Facebook/Manzanillo, Ciudad que Renace!

On the other hand, Rodríguez Avendaño indicated that they are in the “hiring stage” of doctors and nurses. In the state, 200 specialists and general practitioners have been granted jobs as part of the IMSS Bienestar, according to official data.

This Thursday, Andrés Manuel López Obrador´s administration granted more than 209,000,000 pesos ($11,397,277) to Tamaulipas as part of the La Clínica es Nuestra program. The money will benefit 400 health centers. Of these, 269 have a dispensary, 85 have two outpatient clinics, 20 have three to five rooms and 27 have six or more offices to care for insured patients and people without social security.

The hiring of Cuban doctors will continue during the government of newly elected Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum. The agreement with the Island is to send 1,200 specialists, of whom 841 are already in the country. “We have signed an agreement with the Government of Cuba,”López Obrador confirmed last Tuesday. These doctors “are in the mountains, in Nayarit, in Campeche, in Colima, they are everywhere, and more are coming,” he said.

The most recent group of specialists from the island arrived at the Felipe Ángeles International Airport at the end of April.

Translated by LAR


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