14ymedio, Miami, 25 January 2017 – The services of the Telecommunications Company of Cuba (ETECSA) were used to attack Brazilian Congressman Aécio Neves, when he ran for president against Dilma Rousseff, as reported Wednesday by the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.
Neves, a member of the Brazilian Social Democracy party, began a judicial process more than three years ago that allowed him to uncover the internet provider responsible for the false profiles that sought to undermine his image on social networks.
The São Paulo court ruled in favor of the deputy and required the companies providing internet to disclose the identity of 20 profiles used to attack the former presidential candidate. One of these profiles used the services of the Cuban state network, which has raised suspicions about who is behind the defamatory campaign.
The profile connected to Cuba was used by three different people, according to the newspaper
The profile connected to Cuba was used by three different people, according to the newspaper. The main attacks against Neves are related to accusations of gender violence and drug trafficking.
So far, it is not possible to know the real identity of the false profiles that attacked Neves, although his lawyers are studying the possibility of filing a lawsuit in Brazilian or Cuban courts to require the company to deliver the data.
It is also not possible to establish whether access to the network was made from a state institution, a hotel or a Cuban Wi-Fi zone.
ETECSA has not answered questions sent by Folha de Sao Paulo and the Cuban embassy in that country has refused to provide statements.