Katia Sonia Martín Véliz, Eastern Coordinator of the Cuban Independent and Democratic Party, delivered a Constitution Proposal at noon on July 21, to the People’s Power National Assembly in the name of the National Executive Committee of the CID.
The proposal of the Constituent Assembly is the fruit of months of work and was accompanied a cover document, signed and sealed by that body as an acknowledgment and nod with folio 1487, in which the National Executive Committee Cuba of the Cuban Independent and Democratic Party explains to the Nomenklatura that real change in Cuba must be under the rule of law, without any exclusions, and where supported by the people directly and without repression; taking into account the opinions and participation of all Cubans, regardless of their place of residence.
The missive dated July 20, recognizes the example and vision of Commander Huber Matos Benitez, founder of the CID and current Executive Secretary and stresses that accepting the enrichment of the constituent proposal with the opinion of all Cubans living on the island or in the diaspora.
The National Executive Committee (CEN) is composed of Daniel Mesa Cantillo, Katia Sonia Veliz Martin, Ricardo Santiago Medina Salabarria, Irel Gómez Moreira and Nivaldo Amedo Ramírez.
Lisbán Hernández Sánchez
Giraldilla Information Center
July 22 2011