HAVANA, Cuba, October 12, 2013, Veizant Boloy / www.cubanet.org.- In the early morning hours of today at 5:00 am, the agents of the State Security forcibly entered the house of Regla Ríos Casado, Lady in White, to conduct a search. They simply mentioned that they had a search warrant but they did not show it to her.
They handcuffed Regla Ríos Casado, who was forcibly removed, along with Rolando Blanco Casado, Regla’s son, and Andrés Pérez Suárez, who are still being detained.
The whereabouts of Ríos Casado are still unknown.
In the kidnapping, they seized a still camera, a video camera, documents and El Nuevo Herald newspapers.
Raicel Rodríguez, Juan Bautista, Mario Moraga, all members of the Commission for Assistance to Political Prisoners (CAPPF), remain detained and unaccounted for. Their arrests were reported yesterday in this media release.
The most visible head of these arbitrary operations of the Cuban political police is called Officer Camilo. This Camilo is chief of the teams of repressors who act every Sunday against the Ladies in White.
What is becoming most common now is the kidnapping of peaceful opponents — especially women — and taking them to areas far from the provincial capitals, where they are dropped off abused and without shoes.
Veizant Boloy
From Cubanet 12 October 2013