The Cuban Independent and Democratic party (CID) in Santa Clara marked the 2nd anniversary of the murder of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia — “The Student” — at 8:00 pm on May 8, with a talk and prayers for the repose of his soul, in the home of Joel Fonseca Machado, municipal vice delegate.
Rolando García Casadeval said by telephone:
The event began with the national anthem, the participants shared their experiences of living with Juan Wilfredo Soto and the circumstances of his death, beginning with a personal statement from Rev. Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso, pastor of the Baptist Church of Taguayabon, in Camajianí, and professor at the González-Peña Baptist Theological Seminary professor in Santa Clara.”
The memorial event was preceded by an activity held on May 5 at the same venue, a day on which the beating given him by the political police to the victim that led to his death was denounced on the social network Twitter.
The activists concluded with a march in the street to the municipal cemetery where there were scripture readings, prayers for the repose of Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia and shouts of:
Freedom!, Glory to the martyrs of the Castro dictatorship!, Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia Lives! and Long Live the CID!
9 May 2013