Angered is the adjective with which hundreds and thousands of demonstrators call themselves in the Middle East, Europe and now in the United States filling the streets demanding change.
It wasn’t strange that at the beginning, the media in my planet were so cautious in reporting those demonstrations. Of course it wouldn’t be a good idea, it could cause a panic.
But like fashion, finally their nomenclature was introduced: Angered. We couldn’t stay back, but beware!, very careful, they are not going to get out of hand.
Today finally, in the news, they started to use a newly fashionable word. They introduced a group of students, with a face and posture of boredom, showing their indignation, before the fact of the requiring of René Gonzalez — one of the Cuban 5 — to remain in the United States to serve the remainder of his sentence, his parole (three years of supervised freedom). They insist in calling them heroes, that puts them in the same position, as so many heroes of the fatherland, whose actions and worth, makes them deserving, in their moment, of this honor.
Nevertheless, it extraordinarily calls my attention that those same students, those who on a daily basis have to confront transportation problems, who traveling hanging from the open doors of the bus, running the risk of having an accident, who don’t enjoy adequate food, who know that their working parents don’t earn a salary to cover the most basic necessities, haven’t shown their indignation before. Also, before the sinking in the Bay of Havana of the tugboat 13 de marzo (13th of March) or the summary execution of 3 adolescents, who tried to bring one of the small boats that go to Regla, in the same bay, so that the beating and insults of their opponents, for mentioning only some of the detestable acts perpetrated by a regimen, that has exercised its power for more than 50 years. That is outrageous.
October 10 2011